I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 168 168: Free At Last [Pt2]

"Are you regretting all that you said and did now? Isn't it too late for that?"

Elysia sharply looked up at Lucas's face. Her brother looked back with an equally blank face, not willing to back down from Elysia's challenge.

He was asking Elysia a serious question and he was not going to allow Elysia to run away from him. All Elysia could do after that was to sigh and face her feelings about the matter. Did she regret what she did?

"Maybe I do regret it a little bit right now but I am not sad that I told the Head Priest off. It feels like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders."

Elysia did feel lighter right now. She felt like she would be able to do anything right now and things would somehow work out.

No, they were already working out for now.

"But is it alright for us to head toward Akatsuki without any guards? Aren't the borders always in a high-alert state due to illegal migrants and bandits? Not to mention all the wild beasts that roam around in these territories."

Of course, Elysia was not saying this out of the blue. She had faced those beasts and the illegal migrants under the temple's command. It had been a time Elysia did things without question.

So she knew how dangerous these parts of the empire were.

Normally, Elysia would not have minded coming here alone. She was powerful enough to take care of herself and only a fool would attack the Dirac lord even if he was injured and unarmed.

But the current situation was a little special. Especially since Lucas was not only injured but in an almost critical condition. Elysia did not have to be a doctor to know that Lucas was not alright if he had coughed up blood.

"Only a fool would attack our carriage out in the open so there is no need to panic. Instead, we should focus on what needs to be done."

Lucas was right. Elysia was sure that this ride would be over without a hitch.

What she failed to account for where the wild beasts. They could not recognize the symbol on the carriage wagon so they had no reason to hesitate in attacking.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The magic barrier Elysia managed to enact in time only saved her and Lucas but was not able to keep the carriage.

"Fuck this. What does this world have against us? Let us leave already."

Elysia had never seen her brother lose his cool like this. He was always calm and collected but there was a limit to his patients as well.

She flinched as she felt Lucas's anger that was directed toward the beasts. If he were capable of it, he would have annihilated all the beasts right in front of him.

And he even tried to do that but his body broke into a cough. His condition was not the most stable right now which was not shocking.

"Don't agitate your mood right now. Let me handle these monsters."

Lucas was about to pick up his sword and attack the monsters but Elysia stopped him. She was not in any decent condition but she was leagues better than Lucas right now.

Lightning flashed around them and the beasts took a step back from them instantly.

But they did not run away in fear. Elysia could see that the beasts were not going to give up that easily in front of her and Lucas.

"Fine, if this is how you want to play then this is how we will play."

Elysia took out the small dagger she always kept in her dress. She was not one to show off her skills openly but there was no real reason for Elysia to hide now.

She was like a blur in between the beasts, clearing the way for herself and Lucas. Right now, the most important thing was to cross the border.

"If we get on the other side of the border then these beasts will not follow. There is a magical defense barrier between the nations that stops beasts from crossing across."

Lucas reminded Elysia as he fended off the smaller beasts as well.

It was not difficult but it certainly was a test of endurance for them. The land was trying to pull Elysia right now.

"Lucas, I need you to channel my magic through your sword. We need to clear out the air."

Elysia knew she had abundant magic that her body could not handle. But Lucas should be able to channel it for a second.

Lucas likely thought similarly because he took Elysia's hand and took her magic inside his body. Elysia felt like she was being sucked dry by a sponge.

No matter how much she pumped into Lucas, he was absorbing her powers.

And when he finally let go, Elysia could feel monsters being blown away by the sheer force of their combined magic. There was still a feeling of wrongness inside her body but her magic was beginning to settle down.

"We don't have much time before the beasts come back to haunt us. We should cross the border right now."

Lucas was right in his saying and Elysia hurried after him. Her legs refused to cooperate due to all the magic she had released.

Now that she was empty, Elysia could not help but feel spent. Her body was not obeying her right now.

'Was using magic always this hard? I feel drained just thinking about moving.'

Elysia's feet were moving but she could not even feel the moment. Her body was protesting against taking a single step more.

But Elysia continued moving. She needed to cross the border.

'Curse Lucas and his enhanced physical powers. How can he not even look tired after pulling that stunt earlier.'

Lucas's face was a little pale but that was the extent of the tiredness he felt. His complexion was far better than Elysia's and she was both annoyed and grateful for that.

Because he was the only thing that was keeping Elysia on her feet. His strong hand in her own was pulling Elysia after him.

"A little more before we are out of this God-forsaken empire."

Elysia was looking forward to it as well. The barrier was within her grasp when the beasts multiplied in number. Their huge bodies made a snapping sound on the ground and they ran after the pair.

"Everyone, get ready to fire. On the count of three - duck."

Lucas snapped to attention and his body reflexively followed the command. Elysia pulled along with him when he fell and her knees were scraped.

But that sudden action had allowed the archers to fire at the beasts. Mystic fire rained down toward the beasts and their fur caught on fire.

"Did you miss me? Did I come to you in time?"

Chrome's voice was familiar and comforting. Elysia was sure she would have cried had she had enough brain power left to comprehend what happened here.

It should not have been that big of a deal usually but with both Dirac siblings injured, it was a tough uphill battle for them.

"Chrome, you bastard. What is with your timing?"

Lucas's voice was roaring but it was filled with relief. It echoed the emotions Elysia was feeling in her heart right now.

Chrome just laughed their words off, but his eyes were closed in relief. He was glad to see that the siblings were unharmed and made it to the border alright.

"You can curse me all you want once we get home. But let's cross the border first so that we can escape the beasts on this side of the boundary."

Chrome's relaxed expression turned serious as he looked behind the sibling pair. He was seeing the other beasts that were thinking of inching closer to them.

"My soldiers on the other side are clearing a path for us so it will not take us long before we can get home."

"I feel like a fugitive running away from confinement. I cannot believe I was forced to run away from these beasts right now."

Lucas's disguise caused Chrome to laugh out loud. Elysia was amused as well but she did her best to keep her laughter down.

Not that it mattered since Lucas had realized that Elysian had been laughing at him.

"As much fun as I am having to have this talk with both of you, it is time to get back home."

In the end, the one who broke the silence was Chrome. He was trying not to look impatient but the eyes looking at him from all sides.

He was an emperor and he was subjected to different obligations from different people. He was someone who had to consider different things when he made any decision.

After all, there were lives dependent on him. And Elysia understood him. She understood that they could not rest around.

"Lucas, tell me if you need to rest."

"As if I will need to. My stamina and endurance are better than yours."

Yeah, things were going to turn out alright now.

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