I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 180 180: The Illusions Of Water [Pt2]

'I managed to do it. I managed to come out of the temple as safe and sound as possible. Now I just need to reach the palace and then I will be free to pretend like I know nothing about Elysia's sneaking around.'

For Enma, the day had suddenly turned brighter. The birds were singing and the sun was shining brightly in the sky.

The gloomy atmosphere of the day had suddenly disappeared and a ray of bright sunshine had taken its place. Nothing could make this day go worse than it already had.

And then Enma crashed into the last group he wanted to see in front of him. Seeing Lucas Dirac's beautiful face felt akin to death right now.

"Enma, what are you doing here? I was told that you were going to accompany her the whole day. Did you get summoned here as well?"

Enma was sweating bullets, thinking of ways to avoid his death. If Enma so much as hints that he had helped Elysia sneak in here, then he was dead. His head would not only be cut but also displayed in the hall of fame.


"W-WHAT? O-Oh r-right. I got s-summoned here so I am here alone. N-No one else is here."

Enma needed to establish that he was alone here. He did not even consider what would happen when he got caught.

That possibility just never crossed his mind at that moment. His nervousness and guilty conscious was his biggest enemy at the moment.

"Enma, calm down. I cannot understand anything you are saying. And why did you get summoned to the-"

"God's messenger, there you are. The queen was worried since she could not see either you or Lady Dirac…..Greeting Lord Dirac."

And as usual, the karma decided to strike again and Enma was caught outright in his lie. He could feel Lucas Dirac's blazing eyes glaring daggers into his head and Enma knew he was doomed.

All his attempts to save his life seemed so meaningless now in front of Lucas Dirac's questioning look. Enma could tell that the older man was waiting for him to spill and Enma would not be able to distract him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Summoned here alone, huh? You better tell me the truth and why you tried to lie to me now."

Enma's lips were shut tight and his eyes quavered as he was forced by his terror to open his mouth.

"I'm sorry. I will tell you everything I know so spare my life."

"You better not leave anything hanging when you report to me. We better get to an enclosed space for now. You! You are dismissed so you can go and report to the queen about this."

Enma jumped as soon as the guard bowed to him and Lucas. He had forgotten all about this guard once his panic had settled in. it had made him tunnel-minded.

For a brief moment, hope flashed across Enma's eyes as he looked at the guard. Maybe the guard could save him?

But his hopes had no outcome except disappointment as the guard walked away from Enma. now he was truly alone.

It was incredibly easy for Lucas to drag Enma away and then drag everything out of his mouth. He had been squeezed dry by Lucis by the end of it.

'Sorry, Elysia. I thought you were scary but it turns out that your brother is the real devil between the two of you.'


Elysia held her breath as long as she could. The magic in the ceremonial pool around her was rushing at her with incredible ferocity.

She tried to combat it but it was of no use. No matter how much force or magic Elysia used, it would not dent the magic of nature.

It had been a long time since Elysia had been in any ceremonial pool but it still felt raw and awkward to be forced in. Her hazy and tear-filled eyes could make out a silhouette outside the water.

Red eyes looked back at her from a canvas of silver. Elysia tried to reach out and call for help but she was unable to even open her mouth.

By this point, a vision should have already begun for her and the water around her should start to become comforting. But nothing of that sort was happening.

Instead, it felt like Elysia was burning from the inside. Her heart was feeling burnt by the force of magic surrounding her body. It hurt so badly that all Elysia wanted was for it to stop.

'Adam, Eve, I miss you.'

Elysia's body finally touched the bottom of the pond and even that sensation felt like needles were sinking into her back. Elysia could not even move her arm now.

Elysia had experienced the curse once before and its presence still lingered in her bones and soul. Now the new curse was just overlapping with the old one.

'I need to induce a vision if I want to survive.'

Elysia knew that. But knowing was different from trying to do something. And Elysia had no idea how to induce a vision on her own. All she could try to do was to pray and force her magic.

She hoped that the familiarity of the magic surrounding her would help her out. It was her only way out now.

At first, nothing happened. The world was as still and motionless as it had always been. It was losing its color and all Elysia could see was blue.

'Isn't this the second time I am drowning? Maybe it's even the third...I can…no…longer…remember…'

Elysia's brain was shutting down and her willpower was weakening. But it was also at this second that she was the most desperate.

She just needed someone to show her the way out. She did not need saving, just a chance to struggle.

Her hand had been gripping the black box tightly until now but now even her grip on that box was getting lighter. It was opening up and Elysia felt panicked.

She tried to reach out toward the black box and keep its contents dry and safe. She was not sure why but her body considered it as important.

She tried to close her hands around the pendant that was spilling out of the box but it was really difficult. It was nothing short of a miracle when she managed to clasp her hands around the pendant.

It was safe but Elysia's fate was still up in the air. It was next to impossible for Elysia to be able to get back to the surface.

It seemed like it would be the end for Elysia. And she was ready to accept her fate when that miracle finally took place.

Suddenly, there was another splash on the surface. The water and magic surrounding Elysia were disturbed and her body was moving through water.

The light blue of the water had a sudden splash of Prussian and black mixed in now. And that spot was headed toward Elysia.

Finally, oxygen hit her lungs again as she was dragged out. She could make out the familiar shape of eyes and that familiar face above her own.

'Lucas came.'

Elysia wanted to look around for the other people she knew had been there but she had no strength. The feeling of dormant magic in the pool was rising as well now.

'Ah, a vision is coming. Isn't it too late to wish for now?'

Elysia no longer wanted to see a vision. All she wanted to do was to sleep in and wake up fresh. Even the thought of facing Lucas's wrath was not that terrifying to her now.

'It's so peaceful now. I wonder if I would see such calmness in the future as well.'

Elysia was doubtful but she earnestly wished for a happy future again. She wanted to see her brother and all those she cared about.

And she also wanted to see herself living happily.

"Elysia Dirac, keep your eyes open."

Lucas was likely yelling because Elysia could hear him even through the curtain of haziness on her mind. She had been in this situation too many times to count now and it was even beginning to lose its efficiency.

"Bring her to the resting section. We don't usually allow females in the male dorms but we can make an exception for now."

Elysia was no longer sure if what she was hearing was a conversation that was taking place or if her mind was playing tricks on her. But she allowed herself to sag into her brother's arms.

Her sense of smell was one of her most accurate and she could smell her brother nearby. That provided Elysia with a feeling of security and calmness like she had never felt before.

Even when the vision started, Elysia was ready to face it heads on. But her courage disappeared once she saw the scene in front of her. The whole world was burning bright red and death lingered everywhere Elysia could see.

It looked as if the end of this world had come at last.

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