I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 186 186: Redemption [Pt1]

"Your highness, where do you think you are going? Don't tell me that you think you can escape from us."

Chrome held his breath as he heard the sound of footsteps coming his way. His heart skipped a beat as soon as a sword pierced the wooden plank at his side.

Just a few millimeters more and Chrome's shoulder would have taken that hit. He was so lucky that he had managed to avoid a painful death.

"Ah, did that surprise you? And I made sure to miss you on purpose as well. Our bond of trust is not as strong as I would like it to be.

Chrome swore inside his mind as he took a few hesitant steps toward the right opening. He was currently hiding behind the furniture and looking for a way to gain freedom.

But it was easier said than done. Especially with a lunatic like Lucas Dirac coming after his life.

'I need to look for a way to survive. Someone needs to get Lucas under control before he ends up piercing my heart.'

Chrome's orange eyes shook as he crashed with something. He felt around and touched human skin which was soft and spongy.

He squeezed it again, just to confirm what he was feeling, and then he abruptly let go. He looked up into a pair of furious blue eyes looking back at him with a stone-like face.

"E-Elysia, you are here to see me, right? What a coincidence this turned out to be, haha. Your brother is trying to kill me and-"

Chrome cowered, even more, when he felt a sword on his neck. Elysia's eyes held no light or mercy for him. He was about to die by her hand right here and now.

"Akatsuki Chrome, it's time for you to pay your dues. But don't worry, because I will keep your body safe until you bed me for the sweet embrace of death yourself."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Chrome gulped his saliva down nervously. He suddenly seemed to have realized that maybe Elysia was the one who was pissed off right now. At least her eyes looked like they were ready to chew Chrome alive and then spit him out.

And how has it all begun, you may ask? It was because of one simple reason - Chrome had run away when he should not have.

The truth was, as soon as Chrome realized what he had done when he signed the order for the temple. It had taken a few minutes to remember how angry Lucas could get with him.

And Lucas would find out about this order sooner or later. Chrome needed to save his life once Lucas came after him.

He had thought he had time on his hand. But that was all a fantasy his brain had cooked up. Lucas showed up knocking at his door not even half a day later. Chrome could feel anger blazing inside Lucas's aura and Chrome hid away instinctively.

He had thought it to be a brilliant idea at that time. All he had to do was to stay out of Lucas's site for the time being and once he had calmed down, then Chrome could explain things to him.

What Chrome had yet to see was how his actions could enrage Lucas even more. And that was how he had ended up in his current position.

Trying to hide away from Lucas but not being able to get away from him. And now even Elysia was joining in on hunting him. It was a nightmare for him.

"Before you kill me, know that I did not have a choice in this matter. I was threatened by the Head Priest so please forgive me. I promise I will never cave in against pressure again."

As an emperor, Chrome knew that he should not bow his head in front of anyone. He was trained to always be the best and the noblest.

But that did not matter when it came to Lucas Dirac. Chrome needed to live first and foremost and then he could think about being a noble.

"You were threatened so you decided to sell my sister out? I wonder what kind of silly threat made you disregard the Dirac name like this."

'Y-Yup, Lucas is pissed off. Goodbye life. It was nice living with you until now.'

"T-That is, I won't lie to you now. Head Priest Akane knows the truth behind me and my curse. Most people don't know the real reason behind my orange eyes but he does. If the news of my curse spreads across, then there will be a rebellion."

Chrome finally confirmed his fears to Lucas and Elysia. He was afraid to be judged but he could not keep on holding everything inside as well.

And if he was going to die anyway, then he might as well try and gain their sympathy.

"And you think I care? What does the integrity of your kingdom have to do with me and Elysia? We are not here to profit from."

"Epppp, w-wait. Please spare my life, Lucas. Think of all the work that will be left behind. E-Elysia, can you please stop him?"

Elysia turned her head away as if she had not heard Chrome's words and his heart sank for a minute there. He suddenly realized that he was alone in this situation and had no idea how to stay alive.

"M-Mercy please."

Chrome tried one last time to appease the Dirac siblings but he was as good as dead now.

And then a miracle happened. Elysia finally turned toward him with a sign and Chrome could see that she was coming around.

If he appeared a little more pitiful, then he would be able to evoke Elysia's pity.

"P-Please, I had no other choice. There were a lot of lives at stake here. Please don't be angry at me."

Finally, Elysia sighed tiredly and turned toward Lucas. He could tell that Elysia's concern was pissing off Lucas even more but he would not go against Elysia's wishes.

He was even more thankful when Elysia stepped in front of him to save him from Lucas's ire.

"I think I've heard enough bullcrap for today. Chrome has his problems and people to look after as well so let's not blame him for now."

If Chrome could, he would have proposed to Elysia then and there. She had managed to save him from a certain death in a minute. She was a human worth praise and anything Chrome said about her would not be able to explain how grateful he was for her.

But looking at Lucas's annoyed expression, Chrome kept his thoughts to himself. God knew that Lucas would end his life the second he felt Lucas was threatening Elysia.

"Fine. I don't want to let this topic down but if this is what you want me to do, then this is what I will do for you."

Lucas did not look happy but he finally get his sword to disappear in flames and sat down. But he was still close enough to Chrome for an easy kill.

If Lucas wanted, he could reach out toward him anytime and choke him.

'Fuck. Out of one danger and right into another.'

Chrome's intention of running away was officially ruined now. He had to sit there and bear everything that he was being subjected to.

But feeling uncomfortable was a far better outcome than dying at Lucas's hands.

"Anyway, I need you to tell me in detail what this Harman's rite includes in its procession. I will not be sending Elysia to do anything weird."

Now that Lucas had calmed down, his head was finally moving into the right gears and he was getting right to the point.

It was a relief to see Chrome and he did not mind disclosing some information to Lucas and Elysia.

"Herman is the god of fighting. I don't have a shred of concrete evidence of what this festival is about but it is related to victory in war. Although there have been no signs of a conflict for many years now, the temple insists that we celebrate this festival."

Chrome began with the basics, his voice sturdy. He was talking about something he did want to but needed to.

"Look, I do not care about what this festival entitles. What I want to know is what Elysia would be made to do at the festival. That is my real concern."

"Calm down. I am coming to that part. Every year has a new theme for the celebration and the theme for this year is sacrifice. I have a feeling that Elysia might be made to do an offering prayer."

Chrome's uncertainty made Elysia frown. He could feel the unhappy vibes he was getting from the sibling duo but this was something he had brought upon himself.

"Chrome, go and gather more information. I want a detailed itinerary of everything that is about to happen."

Lucas's blue eyes held an unholy light and Chrome swallowed his nervousness.

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