I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 189 189: The Spy Mission [Pt2]

"Welcome in here and take your seat. Did you bring the amulet I asked you to bring with you?"

Elysia watched as the queen positioned her sofa to face her guests. She looked too happy and gleeful to see the people in front of her. Her eyes shined with an unholy light that sent shivers down Elysia's spine.

"We are here, your majesty. And here is the artifact you asked for. It will allow anyone to conceive a child as long as the energy is sufficiently mixed in it. The upcoming rite is the perfect time for that to happen."

Feize spoke those words like he was advertising the artifact to the queen. Elysia's bad feelings worsened as she realized that Feize did not sound possessed.

He sounded like he was very much in character and doing things he wanted to do.

"Excellent. Now that we have this in our possession, it is time to cause a rift between Lord Dirac and our emperor. Well, it is Elysia Dirac's bad luck that she challenged me like this."

She had known that the Queen had somewhat of a twisted personality but she had not realized that the Queen could sound this crazy as well.

Elysia also did not like hearing her name come out of the queen's lips since it made her feel dirty. But Elysia endured it, for the time being, wanting to know more.

Boras laughed out loud after hearing all that he had.

"You are one twisted woman. You especially asked for this artifact to make that 'Lady Dirac' get pregnant and then marry the emperor. And then, as the queen, you would take control of that lady's life and use her as a hostage."

Elysia felt sick when she heard Boras's words. Even if she wanted to mistake the Queen's words and take them out of context, the queen's humming agreement with Boras said it all.

"That is right. This artifact will make sure that Chrome's energy and Lady Dirac's energy mix well inside her body and create a new life. But the child born like this is no more than a chimera and would not live long."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"That would give us a perfect excuse to ruin everything for Chrome and force another bride on him from our fraction. It will end up leaving only our side at an advantage. And Feize, I want you to make sure a misunderstanding happens where it looks like they both slept with each other."

Elysia could feel Julia shaking behind her back. Feize's sister might have been a little outspoken and rude at times, but she had a good heart.

She was blunt and did not like to hide behind empty smiles and crooked promises to get what she wanted. She must be boiling in anger right now.

"Feize, don't you dare agree."

Julia's low voice was a threat to her brother. But it was one he could not hear, nor respond to.

Feize only bowed to the queen with a determined expression on his face. He looked, unlike the scary and cute child Elysia had picked out in the court before.

"Your wish shall be carried out, my queen. I will surely remove all the obstacles in your path."

Feize sounded not only determined but also ready to do anything for the queen. Such loyalty was commendable but also dangerous in the hands of those who could bring hard by its usage.

Elysia did not want to get pregnant or even risk pregnancy since a chimera would ruin her chance of conceiving again. And Elysia remembered the vision she had seen of that kid in the future.

She wanted to save her future child by any means possible.

"I cannot believe…that's it. I am heading out and bringing my brother back."

Julia was pissed off right now. Elysia could tell how much her blood was boiling and how hard she wanted to hit Feize.

She also knew that she could try to keep Juila back but it would not help her out. Julia was too determined and crazy to listen to Elysia anyway.

So the only thing Elysia could do right now was to make sure her involvement, in this case, does not get reported back to anyone.

'I should change my hiding location before I get discovered.'

Since Elysia knew that Julia was about to break the door, she quickly changed her hiding spot. And it happened right in time for Julia to break down the door with a furious expression on her face.

"Feize, how dare you try and deceive me. How long have you been going behind my back like this and playing this dangerous game?"

Julia sounded pissed off and the anger she showed seemed to have taken Feize aback.

Her sudden appearance at the scene seemed to have pushed a lot of things into motion. And the most assertive of it were her blazing eyes that looked ready to eat everyone in the room alive.

"S-Sister, what are you doing here? It's dangerous so you should go back and-"

"Don't give me this bull shit. What were you planning on doing if I did not come here to stop you? You never consider what you are doing before making a decision, Feize-"

"It is sister who does not understand and acts like she wants to. It is because you behave in such a loose manager that I have to come here and ask for a favor from the Queen. It is all your fault here."

Feize sounded just as angry as Julia was. They were both letting their anger vent out at each other.

Elysia did not want them to fight but she had no choice but to keep hidden. She was not supposed to be here and if she was discovered, then it would cause a huge problem for everyone.

"Feize, enough of this resistance. You are coming back home with me right now and that is final-"

"No. I am not coming back and neither are you. Do you think you will be allowed freedom after you managed to uncover such a huge secret of the Queen, sister?"

For the first time, Julia looked like she was taken aback by her brother's words. She looked toward Feize and then at the Queen who had been quiet until now.

It had not hit Julia until now, but it was the queen who would be most affected by it if Julia opened her mouth in front of someone.

And it would also be the Queen who would lose the most if this conspiracy came to light. The Queen could not allow Julia to get out of there without precautions.

"Boras, take our guest and keep her in the chambers until we find a way to ensure she does not speak. Feize, I will leave you in charge here but make sure your sister keeps her mouth shut."

Feize looked heartbroken but Elysia was sure that he would not go against the Queen. The Queen seemed to have some kind of hold on Feize that was making him obedient to her every word.

And as much as Elysia wanted to know more about it, keeping herself safe came first.

"Y-You! Whatever you are planning would not come true. You will have to face the consequences of your actions pretty soon. Lord Dirac will-"

"Be too busy to deal with the consequences to look for us. But it is not something my sister has to be worried about. You should just rest for now and ensure that you keep your mouth shut."

Those were Feize's last words as he walked out after his sister. Boras did not say anything during this conflict, happy to just sit back and watch all this happen in front of him.

Elysia felt sorry for Julia and Feize but now she had important information that she could make use of.

She was not sure if the temple's goals and the Queen's coincided or not, but Elysia would do her darn best to ensure that things did not happen as the queen wanted them to.

It was not only a decision Elysia made for herself but also for the betterment of her future life. She did not want to risk her child never being born in this world.

"Miss, are you…"

Elysia knocked the maid out before she could say anything else. The shock would help the maid forget what she had seen in the last few moments, or she would think of it as a dream she had before fainting.

But anyway, Elysia knew it was time to run away from this palace and tell what she had seen to her brother and Chrome.

If there was one person in this world who would believe her, then it was them.

The Queen was a force Elysia had not seen coming but she would make sure the Queen would not be able to cause a lot of harm with her plans.

There was so little time left before the Herman rite as well so Elysia needed to hurry up.

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