I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 192 192: A Tense Atmosphere [Pt1]

"By the way, this is your first time attending a festival in the Akatsuki kingdom, right Lady Elysia? Then, you are in for a treat since it is the Herman festival you got to witness."

The sister from the temple that had been assigned to Elysia spoke happily. She looked far more relaxed than Elysia could have expected anyone to look before any ceremony.

As far as she remembered, the time for the ceremonies in the empire was filled with chaos, and everyone was trying their best to make things work. But the people of the Akatsuki kingdom were too relaxed as they went their ways.

Elysia could not hear hurried footsteps running around. Nor was there any noise trying to calm themselves down. The festive atmosphere Elysia had gotten used to was not there.

"Is Herman festival something special? I asked a little bit but no one could tell me what the festival was about."

Elysia had asked around but people had been hesitant to answer her. Most of the sisters Elysia had talked with had contradicting statements regarding the ceremony.

Some talked about the Herman rite as a cultural festival with various performances held to honor the god, while others told of a private ceremony that was held.

It was weird to think that the ceremony could vary so much in just a year. And every year it was a new way to celebrate the rite.

"Ah, I know what you are talking about. Herman rite's preparations depend on who is in charge at the time of rotation it is held. As you know, the date for Herman's rite is not a fixed one. It depends on the lunar calendar so it can vary."

"Coincidently, the major constellation is also different every time so we consider that when we decide what to do. Lady Dirac does not need to worry about it though."

The sister seemed happy to talk about the ceremony and everything it entitled. This was the most straightforward answer Elysia had ever gotten from anyone.

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"You know, they say that God Herman had hair as deep and dark as blood and eyes s shining as the sky. He was portrayed as the most beautiful thing you could see on the battlefield. I know I won't have minded dying if it was the hands of beauty."

The sister continued, her voice slipping into a dreamy state and Elysia had no idea where her head currently was.

She was about to snap the sister out of her daydream when she heard a familiar laugh behind her. The sister also snapped out of her thoughts and turned around to give a small bow.

"G-Greetings, Head Priest Akane. W-What brings you to this part of the temple."

The sister looked startled to see the Head Priest in front of her and there was a very good reason for this.

"Aren't you very close to the female section of the temple? Should you, as the head priest, come to this part?"

Elysia wanted to get rid of Head Priest Akane as soon as possible. The man gave her the creeps and his smile was also disturbing.

At first, Elysia had been sure that she had been feeling the same aura she and Chrome gave off. She had thought of the Head Priest as someone was needed help.

But the more she heard and encountered the Head Priest, the more she realized that his aura was not a problem for other people. It only felt odd to her.

Even now, Elysia could see the sister who had been leading her to her temporary quarters blush and not be able to look up at the Head Priest.

"Lady Dirac is so funny to say this to me. This is a neutral zone so it is alright for me to roam here. And even if it was not, the female section needs to be checked regularly by the Head Priest so there is no problem with me entering that section. Aren't I right, sister?"

Elysia's escort blushed even harder once she knew she had the Head Priest's eyes on her. She puffed her chest out and held her head high.

"Of course, Head Preist Akane. You are always welcome in our section. Lady Dirac, Head Preist Akane is the best person you can meet in your life. There is no need for you to doubt his character."

Elysia felt pressured not to say anything after she was faced with such a strong look from the sister.

She could see that the Head Preist had an amused smile on his face as he watched this show take place. He had successfully managed to trap Elysia and make her unable to refute the hopeful sister.

"I understand, sister. So there is no need for you to repeat your words. I was just a little surprised to see the Head Priest here since the ceremony is tomorrow. Isn't their work to be done for that?"

Elysia might have asked this question for sister to answer, but she could tell that Akane had gotten her message.

But despite her jab, Head Priest Akane just continued to smile his lazy smile. It was as if he felt like he had nothing to defend against.

"W-What are you saying? The head priest has us all take care of things for him. T-There is no need for him to make any effort for the ceremony. We need to show that we are capable of his trust."

Head Priest Akane just smiled as the sister took care of his explanation. Elysia could feel her skin crawling as she saw that easy-going smile.

She did not like how the Head Priest did not even make an effort to explain anything. Nor did he clear up things for Elysia.

"Speaking of work! I should get going now. I don't know about the Akatsuki temple, but in the empire, we have a lot to do before we can conduct the ceremony. You don't mind if I retire now, right?"

Now that Elysia knew she was not alone, she had no choice but to flee the scene.

Spending any more time with Head Priest Akane was not in her raster. Elysia just wanted to get the ceremony over with.

"Ah, of course. You are free to do what you want, lady Dirac. But please be present for the preparations tomorrow. I heard that the pattern for this ceremony is pretty difficult to draft for most people."

Elysia's eyes narrowed at the almost-jab that was made at her. She could not tell if it was intentional or not, but Elysia felt insulted.

"I am not sure if I will be of much help to you regarding your pattern problem. You see, I don't have the best condition for drafting a pattern for some years now."

Elysia was sure that most of the people in the temple knew about her nearly ruined eyesight.

She might not like to advertise it but her accident had left a pretty big impact on others. And since this man was an acquaintance of Head Priest Yohan, Elysia was sure he knew about her condition at least.

"I am sorry to hear that, Lady Dirac. But still, it would be a good idea to be present tomorrow morning, if only to show that you are alright with this ceremony. We need to make it hassle-free for the people's sake."

The way Head Priest Akane said those words, it did not seem like he was concerned about 'people' when he spoke. Even his words sounded bland to Elysia's ears she wanted to escape his clutches.

"I see. I was aware of that possibility but I guess I never took it seriously before. Is the curse bothering you still?"

The way the Head Priest framed that question, it seemed as if was interested in Elysia's curse more than he was concerned about it. The sister beside Elysia shook as she watched the Head Priest.

Elysia could ready adoration and trust in the poor girl's eyes and she felt sorry for this sister who likely admired Akane.

"My curse is my own business and it is no longer a topic I wish to discuss. Now, if that was all then I shall be taking my leave. I hope you have a nice night, Head Priest Akane."

Elysia quickly made her exit and her escort also followed shortly.

The sister let out a dreamy sigh as she tried to sneak a look back at the head priest. It seemed like she was head over heels in love with that man.

"Head Priest Akane is like the perfect man. So gentle and caring, not to mention beautiful. Anyone would be lucky to have him as a husband, right?"

The sister asked, likely looking for any gossip but Elysia was not in the mood to entertain her.

"Head Priest Akane is alright but he is not my type. Besides, I would like to focus on my current condition and the ceremony rather than futile romance."

The sister looked stunned at Elysia's words and finally feel quiet.

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