Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 297 Elstar

The owner of the body he's now inhibiting had the same name as him...

What's surprising was that this young man was a bonafide Fey. Not just any Fey either...despite his sickly and frail body, this one's a Fey Prince.

Well, what is a Prince without subjects, right?

It should be given at this point that this world is populated by the Fey Race. He had confirmed this by scanning the memories left for him. The Fey Race were the most prominent people that could be seen in this world.

This world is called Elstar as far as the memories of this body go. And the ones that govern this world were Forest Fey Race.

Their home was within Nature's Embrace, meaning that they live deep within forests and jungles. This world was vast according to the memories he received but he had no clue just how big it truly was since the original owner of this body never even thought about going outside of his home to venture.

Even if he wanted to, he couldn't due to his sickly and frail body...

What really irks Ashton was the fact that, despite possessing a Royal Fey bloodline, the original owner of his body was ostracized amongst his people. And it's mostly because of his upbringing.

The mother of this poor soul was a maid of the Royal Palace once. The current King had a drunken affair with her that resulted in the conception of this boy.

In the strict and frankly conservative hierarchy of the Fey Race, his existence would be heavily frowned upon. Even if he did possess the blood of a monarch, the traditional ways of the Fey denounce him anyways.

This boy had only been in the Royal Palace once in his life. And that's during his birth. Once he was safely delivered, he and his mother got kicked out of there.

His mother was severely weakened due to the complications of his birth. She was already sickly and frail during that time, it just got a lot worse when she gave birth to him.

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Nonetheless, she did her best to raise him. Unfortunately, she could only do so much until her illness took her away. Leaving this poor boy to fend for himself.

Before she died, she informed the boy about his true lineage. She told him that whatever it was that he wants to achieve, she will always support him even though she will no longer be beside him.

The boy took the death of his only parent pretty badly. He was left completely alone and afraid.

And due to the traditional ways of the Fey, his being raised by a single parent makes him a lesser individual compared to others. Women who became mothers without being married to their partner was also another thing that's frowned upon by the Fey Race.

Suffice it to say, this boy had suffered a lot. Not many people were willing to even take a look at him, much less care about him.

He had to figure out a way to feed himself, to survive on his own. He had been bullied a lot, and he faced discrimination and hate crimes wherever he goes.

Some people were willing to help him but those people could only do it secretly. It's debatable if they're truly willing to help him or if they're just feeling guilty, but either way, the boy never blamed them for anything.

Unfortunately, that same boy is now dead...

He went out of the village he grew up in to hunt for food. He had done this many times before since nobody was willing to share their food with him so this was his only choice.

The child was able to survive the previous ones but not the most recent ones which resulted in Ashton occupying this body. The boy encountered a dangerous Fey Beast and somehow provoked it.

He didn't survive that encounter...thankfully, his body wasn't eaten or anything. That allowed Ashton to safely cross over and fulfill his purpose here.

'I don't know what's going to happen to this body once I'm done here the very least, it's not completely hopeless.'

Ashton opened his eyes and accepted his situation. He could already tell that this is going to take him some time. Frankly, he's feeling restless because he truly didn't want to be in this situation, however, there's nothing he could do to change it.

The only way he could make it back is by completing his mission here. And if he could do that as soon as possible, then he could return faster as well.

"First thing I have to solve is the hereditary illness that this body has."

One of the key things that make this situation more bearable for Ashton was the fact that he retained the knowledge he has.

Remember, Ashton was hailed as the Best White Mage that Humanity had ever seen. This was his first title before he became Humanity's Leader.

Identifying the illness this body has and curing it was a simple task for him. The best part was, everything he needs to cure this illness was already around him.

'Dragon's Whiskers, Purple Rosemary, a stalk of Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, Verdant Apple Seed, five leaves of Skyscraping Tree...'

The names of the ingredients he's listing might sound absurd but in reality, they're fairly common around these areas. Not many Feys would even stop to consider them as valuable medicinal products. Ashton however, was clearly different.

What this body was suffering from was an illness called: 'Dead Bone Pulse.' It's an affliction caused by a lack of factors that encourages the production of blood in a person's body.

This causes them to feel exhausted faster than normal people would, lowers their immunity against harmful viruses, and weakens their bodies enough to prevent them from using Mana effectively.

There is a known cure for this illness within the Fey community, however, it is extremely expensive. His mother who was just a maid in the Royal Palace, could never even come close to buying that cure for herself.

She tried to save as much money as she could to buy it for him, but she died before she could even accumulate enough.

'If I had taken over earlier than this...I might've been able to save her too.' Ashton mused as he ground the ingredients he gathered.

'But I'm grown used to not having parents around. So I guess this works well for me. At least, it's less of my worries once I return to where I'm actually supposed to be.'

After reducing the ingredients into a paste and being satisfied with the consistency. He nodded to himself and started applying the mixture to his head and face.

He had already surveyed the area and discovered that it was safe for him so he wasn't afraid to finish up his recovery.

Not even a minute after applying it to his head and face, he could already feel a refreshing sensation penetrating his skull and brain. This was the medicine taking effect.

After five minutes, Ashton felt strength returning to his body. The weakness that plagued this body subsided once and for all. He felt an incredible amount of comfort from his improved physique.

Once ten minutes passed, the refreshing sensation disappeared. Ashton knew that he had been cured. He rinsed the medicine off since it was starting to smell bad.

Now that he was cured of his illness, Ashton felt much better than before. His body remained thin and frail still. After all, medicine can only cure the illness, not make him jacked.

But at least, energy has returned to him. And alongside that, his Mana was no longer obstructed.

Having experienced the benefits of being a Fey in his previous world, he knows just how much untapped potential this body has. Not to mention, this world caters to the Fey Race. This means that he has an overwhelming level of superiority here.

With the knowledge he kept with him, gaining power would be a simple task for him. Ashton of all people would never lack ways to gain incredible strength.

Sure, most of his System's functions might be locked for now, but that doesn't really stop him from achieving something great in this world. Not when obviously have something to work with instead. If anything, the System being unusable was just a minor inconvenience for him.

'Flame Control!'


A plume of bring orange flame appeared on Ashton's fingertips. It wasn't that big but that's to be expected. After all, this body has never practiced any form of magic before. For a complete beginner, this was already a phenomenal achievement.

'As expected of a race loved by elements.' Ashton mused to himself.

Now, he just has to increase his mana capacity for a bit so that he wouldn't run out of it at an inopportune time.

He sat down and decided to cultivate the Ruling Spirit Art right from the get-go.

And since he was already out of the village anyways, he might as well stay here for a few days. He needs to hunt for some food anyways.

Plus, he was certain that nobody would come looking for him in the village. He was an outcast there anyway.

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