Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 311 Joining An Elite Team

It's been a month since the incident of Prince Feanor's betrayal of the Fey Race occurred.

Ashton, along with the members of the Junior Team 7 of the Demon Slaying Squad, continued to clear out missions eagerly to qualify for the Promotions.

Because of their rigorous activities, Team 7's strength improved overall. Kaida, Elias, and Leila all broke through the Adept Stage of their cultivation. Roderick, their Captain, entered the Grandmaster rank. And Ashton, well he's a unique existence. He's a talented Healer and many teams were envious of Team 7 because they got him.

Today, Team 7 received a request from the Guildmaster himself. He wanted to borrow Ashton from their team because some of the Elite Teams are lacking a competent Healer.

As the request from the Guildmaster was a rare one, Team 7 knew they had no choice but to comply. Ashton, who had been silently listening, didn't voice any opinions just yet, he just waited for the arrangement to occur. He had been hiding his true abilities from the team, but that was for their good as well. It's not yet the time for him to reveal them anyway.

The team exchanged glances, unsure of what to do. Roderick spoke up, "I know Ashton is a skilled healer, but he is also an integral part of our team. We can't just lend him out like this without a proper replacement."

The Guildmaster nodded understandingly, "I understand your concerns, Roderick. That's why I will send a replacement healer to fill in for Ashton while he is away."

Ashton felt a sense of relief at the Guildmaster's words. At the very least, Team 7 can continue their activities even without him. They will need to adjust to their new teammate but at least, they can continue working.

With a flat look on his face, he turned to his team and said, "It's alright, guys. I'll go. Don't worry about me, I'll return in one piece. Maybe we can work together again after this."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With a nod of agreement from the rest of the team, Ashton left with the Guildmaster to join the Elite Team. As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what was to come.


Ashton arrived at the private room where his new teammates were waiting. The Guildmaster told him to go in first since he needed to fetch the documents needed for the briefing.

Upon entering, Ashton saw five people who were already looking at his entire being and seemingly judging him from head to toe.

He can recognize these people, after all, there are only so many Elite Members of the Demon Slaying Squad. He started naming them one by one as he looked at them...

The first one is Ember - A powerful pyromancer, Ember's flames are known to be one of the hottest in the entire squad. She can manipulate fire to create a wide range of attacks, from fireballs to firestorms. With striking red hair and bright green eyes, Ember's appearance is almost as fiery as her powers. She stands tall with a lean yet muscular build, and her movements are as quick and fluid as the flames she manipulates.

Zephyr - A skilled swordsman, Zephyr wields two long, slender swords with incredible precision. His movements are lightning-fast, and he can cut through almost anything with ease. Zephyr is a tall and slender Fey with long, flowing silver hair that falls to his waist. He has piercing blue eyes and a sharp jawline, giving him a fierce appearance. He wears dark leather armor that accentuates his lithe figure.

Luna - A shapeshifter, Luna can transform into any animal she desires. Her favorite forms are a hawk and a panther, both of which give her heightened senses and agility. Luna's beauty is ethereal and otherworldly. She has long, black hair that shimmers in the light and bright blue eyes that twinkle mischievously. In her human form, she stands at an average height, but when she transforms into an animal, her agility and grace are unmatched.

Orion - A marksman, Orion is known for his incredible accuracy with a bow and arrow. His shots are always on target, and he can take out enemies from a distance with ease. With a rugged and handsome appearance, Orion is an attractive Fey with a chiseled jawline and piercing green eyes. He has short, blonde hair that is always neatly styled, and his posture is confident and assured. He wears a quiver on his back and carries a longbow, making his archery skills evident.

Terra - A powerful earthbender, Terra can control the earth and all its elements. She can create earthquakes, summon rock walls, and even turn her enemies to stone. Terra is a fierce and imposing figure with wild, curly hair that cascades down her back like a waterfall of earthy tones. Her eyes are a deep brown, and her skin is bronzed from years of working with the earth. She stands tall and sturdy, exuding power and strength with every movement. Her attire is adorned with gems and stones, reflecting her connection to the earth.

Ashton was impressed with the team's skills and knew that his own abilities would be put to the test on this mission. But at the same time, he also knew that whatever mission it is, it'd be challenging since the Guildmaster was clearly taking out the big guns for it.

Ashton took a deep breath as he approached the Elite Team. He knew that his abilities as a healer were highly regarded among the guild, but he had never worked with a team quite like this before. He stepped forward and greeted them with a polite bow.

"Hello, my name is Ashton. I've been sent here by the Guildmaster to assist with your mission."

Ember stepped forward, eyeing Ashton skeptically. "What makes you think you're qualified to work with us? We're the best of the best."

Ashton smiled calmly, his confidence unwavering. "I understand your concern, but If you have any objections about my inclusion in this team, please take them to the Guildmaster himself, after all, he's the one who ordered me to go here."

Zephyr crossed his arms, still skeptical. "We'll be the judge of that. We don't have time for mistakes on this mission."

Luna stepped forward, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh, come on, Zephyr. Give him a chance. Maybe he'll surprise us."

Orion nodded in agreement. "She's right. Let's see what he's got."

Terra simply observed from the back of the group, her expression unreadable.

Ashton fought the urge to roll his eyes. He could see the mischievous glint in their eyes as they talked to him. He knew that they were trying to intimidate him. Sadly, they picked the wrong target.

'I faced a God before and was nearly killed by it. What makes you think that the likes of you could intimidate me?'

"Alright you five, quit scaring the kid. You were the ones who begged me to borrow him so don't bully him." The Guildmaster chimed in, appearing out of nowhere.

The elites cleared their throat in embarrassment, clearly, their little game didn't work at all. They didn't get the chance to recover from it either since the Guildmaster didn't waste time.

The Guildmaster's urgent message was ominous - there had been whispers of powerful demons moving in the shadows, and their intentions were unknown. The Elite Team had been tasked with investigating these rumors and discovering the demons' true motives.

The demons were known to be cunning and manipulative, and their whereabouts were shrouded in secrecy. The team would have to scour the land, tracking any signs of demonic activity and gathering intelligence from any sources they could find. But the demons were not to be underestimated - they had powerful magic at their disposal, and their minions were among the most fearsome creatures in the demon realm.

The team would have to be on high alert at all times, constantly watching their backs for any surprises. They would have to be resourceful, using their unique skills and abilities to overcome any obstacles that lay in their path. Ember's fiery powers would be crucial in taking down any demonic minions, while Zephyr's agility and speed would help them evade traps and ambushes. Luna's shapeshifting abilities would be useful in gathering intelligence, and Orion's archery skills would be essential in taking out enemies from afar. Terra's mastery over the earth would be necessary to create barriers and blockades to keep their enemies at bay.

Ashton's skills as a healer would also be put to the test as the team would undoubtedly face injuries and wounds during their mission. But of course, he's way more than that.

The mission would be a true test of their skills. If they failed, the consequences could be catastrophic.

This mission isn't just a simple investigation either. Should the team discover that the Demons are plotting something huge, they are expected to eliminate them with extreme prejudice.

With no prior knowledge of how many demons would be around nor any clear indication of where to start, this mission was bound to be time-consuming and very dangerous.

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