Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 319 End Of The Battle

The sun had risen high over the battlefield, casting long shadows across the barren landscape. The armies of the two fey princes were lined up on opposite sides, each waiting for the signal to charge.

Fey Prince Ardan, the Eldest, stood at the head of his army, his eyes locked onto his opponent across the field.

Tathariel, the 6th Fey Prince, stood tall and proud at the head of his own army, his sword drawn and ready for battle.

Ardan's heart was heavy with the weight of the lives lost in this war. He had fought for so long, and still, victory eluded him. He took a deep breath and looked around at his troops. They were exhausted, but determined to fight to the bitter end. He knew he had to lead them to victory, no matter the cost.

Tathariel was equally exhausted, but his mind was sharp and focused on the task at hand. He knew that this battle could be the one that decided the fate of the throne. His troops were ready and waiting, and he could feel the energy coursing through their ranks.

Suddenly, the signal to charge was given, and both armies surged forward. The clash of swords and the sound of battle cries filled the air. Ardan fought with all his might, his sword flashing in the sunlight as he battled his way through the enemy ranks. Tathariel was equally fierce, his sword a blur as he fought to defend his position.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that victory was far from certain for either side. The sound of metal against metal echoed across the field as the two armies fought tooth and nail for control. Ardan and Tathariel locked eyes once more, both knowing that the outcome of this battle would decide the fate of their people.

The fighting continued for what seemed like an eternity, until finally, the dust began to settle. Ardan emerged from the fray, his sword stained with blood, and his eyes blazing with triumph. Tathariel lay at his feet, defeated but unbroken.

Ardan raised his sword to the sky, letting out a victorious cry that echoed across the battlefield. The war was over, and he had emerged victorious.

But as he looked around at the devastation that surrounded him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. The cost of victory was too high. So many lives were lost, and so much pain and suffering were inflicted upon both sides. Ardan realized that there was no true winner in war, only those who survived and those who did not.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As he looked at Tathariel's lifeless body, Ardan felt a wave of sorrow wash over him. He had respected and even admired his opponent's strength and determination. He knew that Tathariel had fought for what he believed in, just as he had.

Ardan sheathed his sword and kneeled beside Tathariel's body, paying his last respects to the fallen prince. Suddenly, he heard a faint groan, and to his surprise, Tathariel stirred.

"Tathariel?" Ardan called out, surprised by the sudden movement.

The badly injured Prince opened his eyes and stared at Ardan, his gaze cold and filled with anger. "You," he muttered, his voice hoarse. "You won."

Ardan nodded, his eyes filled with sadness. "Yes, we did. But at a great cost."

Tathariel struggled to sit up, his expression twisted with pain and anger. "I was so close," he hissed. "I could have won, if only..."

"If only what?" Ardan asked, his tone gentle.

"If only I had been stronger," Tathariel replied bitterly. "If only I had trained harder, fought smarter. Maybe then I would have won."

Ardan shook his head. "Strength and skill are important, but they are not everything. Sometimes, it is not enough to be the strongest or the most skilled. You fought bravely, Tathariel, and that is what counts."

Tathariel glared at him, his eyes blazing. "Don't patronize me, Ardan. I know what it takes to win, and I didn't have it. I failed my people, and now they will suffer because of my weakness."

Ardan sighed. "No, Tathariel. You didn't fail your people. You fought for what you believed in, and you gave it your all. That is all anyone can ask for. The outcome of the battle was not solely in your hands, and there is no shame in losing when you fought with honor and courage."

Tathariel looked at him, his expression softening slightly. "You always were a wise one, Ardan," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I only wish I could have seen things as clearly as you do."

The 6th Prince's breathing turned labored. Seeing that, Ardan knew that he doesn't have much time left.

He then felt Tathariel placing a hand on his shoulders. He gasped and stared at his younger brother, his expression was sorrowful but focused.

" a Good King, and please, don't forget about us."

Those were Tathariel's last words before he drew his last breath, dying at the arms of his Eldest Brother.

Ardan felt a deep sense of sadness as Tathariel took his last breath in his arms. He had hoped that the fallen prince would recover, but it was not meant to be. Ardan closed Tathariel's eyes gently, feeling regretful but knowing that he had done what must be done.

He then stood up and turned to his own troops, many of whom were injured or dying. He knew that the road to rebuilding would be long and difficult, but he also knew that it was the only way forward.

He raised his voice above the sounds of battle still echoing in the distance, calling for his troops to lay down their arms and cease the fighting. They had won the war but at too great a cost. The fighting should stop now since he has won. He doesn't want any bloodshed to happen today since there have already been too many.

'The rest of my brothers don't even have an intact body that we can use for their wake.' Ardan thought painfully. He blamed Faeril for this.

If there's something whom he wouldn't miss, it'd be the youngest prince due to his sinister schemes.

As the sun set over the battlefield, Ardan and his troops collected themselves. The remaining armies of other princes already laid down their arms and surrendered.

The fight was over. Ardan won. And now, he and his troops stood before the Council of Elders.

The Council of Fey Elders sat in solemn silence as Prince Ardan and what remained of his army stood before them. After a moment, one of the elders spoke up.

"We have witnessed your victory, Prince Ardan," he said, his voice filled with reverence. "You have shown great courage and strength in battle, and we hail you as the rightful heir to the Throne of the Fey King."

Ardan bowed his head respectfully. "I am honored by your words, Elders," he replied. "But I do not take this victory lightly. It was a hard-fought battle, and we lost many of our brothers in the process."

Another elder spoke up, his voice grave. "We mourn the loss of our fallen brothers, Prince Ardan. But we also recognize the importance of this victory. You have proven yourself a worthy leader, and we have faith that you will lead our people with wisdom and compassion."

Ardan nodded. "I understand the weight of this responsibility," he said. "I promise to honor the memory of our fallen brothers and to lead our people to a brighter future."

The third elder spoke, his voice calm and measured. "It will not be an easy road, Prince Ardan. There are many challenges ahead, and our people are in need of a strong and just leader."

Ardan looked at him steadily. "I am aware of the challenges we face, Elder. But I am also confident that together, we can overcome them. I pledge to work tirelessly for the good of our people and to lead with integrity and honor."

There was a moment of silence as the elders looked at each other, seemingly in agreement. Finally, the first elder spoke again.

"Very well, Prince Ardan. We trust in your leadership and pledge our support to you. May your reign be long and prosperous, and may the memory of our fallen brothers never be forgotten."

Ardan bowed his head respectfully. "Thank you, Elders. I will do my best to live up to your trust."

As he stood there, Ardan made a solemn promise to himself and to his fallen brothers. He would be a just and wise ruler, and he would honor their memory by leading their people with compassion and strength.

He then noticed the Elite Team of the Demon Slaying Squad gathered on the side. They were talking amongst each other, seemingly planning to leave as well now that their mission was done.

The Prince walked up to Ashton more specifically. The latter discovered him and performed a curt bow.

"Congratulations on your victory, Prince Ardan. And I'm very sorry about the rest of you siblings."

"You did what you could, Kind Sir. I want to thank you for coming to our aid earlier. If it weren't for you, Faeril might've ruined everything."

"I'm just doing my job, Your Highness." Ashton smiled.

His eyes emitted a rainbow-colored radiance which Ardan noticed but didn't point out. Then Ashton bowed to him once more and said:

"I'm looking forward to your coronation, Prince Ardan. I'm sure you'll do well. Now, if you could please excuse us."

Ashton then retreated and went back to his team, leading them out of the battlefield and back to the guild.

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