Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 324 Cleansing The Caverns

Ashton sat cross-legged at the very bottom of the Abyssal Caverns, surrounded by a faint white glow that emanated from his body. The air around him crackled with dark energy, a testament to the demonic corruption that had been suffusing the caverns for ages. But Ashton was not daunted by the task ahead of him. With a deep breath, he closed his eyes and began to channel his magic.

The white glow around him intensified, and the air grew colder as the magic began to permeate every corner of the caverns. The demonic taint, which had been seeping into the rocks and soil for a very long time, began to recede in the face of Ashton's power. The caverns shook and groaned, as if fighting back against the cleansing ritual, but Ashton's magic was relentless.

For hours, he sat there, completely still, his face contorted in concentration. His body shook with the effort of channeling such immense power, but he did not falter. He continued to draw upon the very essence of his being, pouring his magic into the caverns until he was sure that every last trace of demonic corruption had been expunged.

Finally, he opened his eyes, and the white glow faded away. The caverns were still, and the air was thick with the silence of newfound purity. Ashton stood up, feeling as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Damn, that was harder than I expected. I'm gonna need to recover more of my strength if I want to do this to other places as well." Ashton shook his head and felt a little weak.

He rested for a while, ate something, and took a nap. After that, he made his way out of the caverns, his job here is still not done.

Ashton stood at the entrance of the Abyssal Caverns, his hands raised to the sky as he began to chant in an ancient language. The ground beneath his feet began to shake, and the air around him crackled with energy. The spirits he had summoned began to take shape, swirling around him in a whirlwind of magic.

With a final incantation, Ashton sent the spirits into the depths of the caverns. They disappeared into the darkness, leaving behind a trail of shimmering white light. Ashton stood there for a few moments, watching as the spirits disappeared from sight.

Satisfied that the spirits were now guarding the Abyssal Caverns, Ashton turned to leave. As he walked away, he could feel a sense of peace and calm washing over him. He knew that the demons would never be able to corrupt this place again, and that the people of the nearby villages would be safe from their evil influence.

Ashton smiled to himself, feeling a sense of satisfaction in the knowledge that he had done something good. He knew that there were still many battles to be fought against the forces of darkness, but for now, he was content with the knowledge that the Abyssal Caverns were safe.

But before he went too far, Ashton stopped and hummed. He looked back at the Starfall Mountains and said:

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pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ "...might as well. It's going to be a pain in the ass to do this but better now than never."

Ashton stood in the center of a clearing within the Starfall Mountains, his eyes closed in concentration. He began to chant in an ancient language, invoking the Laws of the world and the elements that make it up.

As he chanted, the ground began to shake and a gust of wind started blowing around him. The temperature dropped as the snow started to fall from the darkening sky. Ashton continued his chant, his voice growing louder and stronger.

Suddenly, a bright light shot up from the ground beneath him, illuminating the entire clearing. The wind and snow disappeared, and the ground stopped shaking. Ashton stood in the center of the light, his eyes still closed.

With a final burst of energy, he raised his arms and called forth the power of the Laws. The light grew brighter and brighter until it blinded anyone who was looking directly at it. Then, as quickly as it had appeared, the light faded away.

Then, a seal appeared briefly above the sky before quickly fading. That was a Spatial Seal powered by Laws. One that would prevent the Netherworld from sending demons to this place ever again.

Ashton opened his eyes and looked around. He could feel the power of the ritual coursing through the ground beneath him. He smiled, knowing that the seal he had placed was strong and unbreakable.

Satisfied with his work, Ashton turned and walked away from the clearing, leaving the Starfall Mountains and the Abyssal Caverns forever protected from demonic invasion.

After leaving the Starfall Mountains, where the Abyssal Caverns were located, Ashton's work went unnoticed by the villagers who lived near the Starfall Mountains. They had no idea that the demons that once infested the area, are now gone. They also didn't know that it was Ashton who did them a great favor.

It started as a rumor at first, but as time passed, however, some of the more curious villagers began to explore the mountains and its caverns. To their surprise, they found no trace of the demonic presence that had once haunted the area. Overjoyed and amazed, the villagers celebrated the newfound safety of their land.

The wandering spirits that Ashton had summoned to protect the area were occasionally seen by those who ventured deep into the mountains, but no one knew who had summoned them or how they came to be there. Despite their mysterious origins, the spirits were revered and offered small tokens of appreciation by the villagers who believed they were the ones responsible for protecting their land.

Ashton was content to remain anonymous, happy in the knowledge that he had fulfilled his duty to this world.

Ashton rode on his horse towards the Silverwood Village, located on the edge of the great Silverwood Forest. The village was surrounded by a tall wooden palisade, with watchtowers positioned at the corners, giving a clear view of the surrounding forest. The village was small but quaint, with wooden houses built close together, and smoke rising from their chimneys.

The streets were cobblestoned and lined with market stalls selling fresh produce and crafts made by the locals. The villagers are active, going about their daily routines. Some were busy tending to their crops, while others were crafting jewelry or clothing.

Ashton dismounted his horse and made his way to the center of the village, where a large oak tree stood. The tree was ancient, with thick roots that extended above the ground, and its branches spread wide, providing shade for the villagers. Under the tree, a group of villagers gathered, playing music and dancing.

The Silverwood Village had a calm and peaceful atmosphere, with the scent of pine and the sound of chirping birds adding to its charm. The village was also surrounded by a dense forest, with towering trees that seemed to stretch up to the sky. It was easy to see why the people of Silverwood Village lived in harmony with nature, and why they worked so hard to protect it.

Overall, the Silverwood Village was a picturesque and idyllic place, with a strong sense of community and a deep connection to the natural world.

Ashton approached the group, smiling at their merry-making. They noticed him and stopped their music, looking at him curiously. "Greetings, stranger," one of them said. "What brings you to our village?"

Ashton introduced himself and explained that he was passing through the village on his way to his next destination. After getting some instructions, he continued deeper into the village.

Ashton strolled into the streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling town. The village was a vibrant place, with colorful banners hanging from the buildings and the air filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and cooked meat.

As he walked further into the village, he noticed the people going about their daily lives, some tending to their shops, others heading to the market. The villagers seemed friendly enough, and Ashton decided to approach one of them.

"Excuse me, do you know where I could find the caravan heading towards the Ruins of Ashenfort?" Ashton asked, trying to blend in with the crowd.

The villager looked at Ashton with a suspicious gaze before answering, "Why do you ask?"

Ashton shrugged and replied, "I heard they were heading in that direction and I was hoping to hitch a ride."

The villager seemed to relax a bit and pointed Ashton in the direction of the caravan's last known location. "Just be careful out there," he warned. "The ruins are crawling with demons."

Ashton thanked the villager and made his way toward the caravan's last known location. He could feel the tension in the air, knowing that he was heading toward a dangerous place. But he also knew that he must go there.

As he approached the outskirts of the village, he saw a group of travelers preparing to leave. He approached them and asked if he could join them on their journey. After some hesitation, they agreed, and Ashton climbed aboard their caravan, ready to face the demons in the Ruins of Ashenfort.

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