Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 329 Galadriel Under Siege!

The sky was darkening as the first wave of demons descended upon Galadriel. The fey inhabitants of the city had never seen such creatures before. They were huge, with leathery wings and razor-sharp claws, and their eyes glowed with an unnatural fire.

Panic descended on the city. People suffered from the attacks of demons and couldn't believe that such creatures exists. This was the consequence of keeping people ignorant about the existence of demons for so long.

The defenders of the city fought bravely despite their terror, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of their foes. The demons seemed tireless, and they kept coming, wave after wave. The fey warriors were soon exhausted, and their magic was not enough to keep them at bay.

King Ardan, the recently appointed ruler of the Fey, stood at the top of the city walls, watching the battle below. He knew that they were losing, and losing badly. The demons had already breached the outer walls, and they were getting closer to the inner sanctum.

Ardan closed his eyes and reached out with his mind. He could sense the fear and desperation of his people, and he knew that they needed help. But where could they find it?

Suddenly, a voice spoke in his mind. "Ardan, this is the Guildmaster of the Demon Slaying Squad. I have sensed your distress, and I am coming to help."

Ardan opened his eyes and saw a bright light in the distance. It was the Demon Slaying Squad, marching toward the city. They were accompanied by a host of warriors, mages, and other magical creatures.

Ardan felt a surge of hope. With the Guildmaster's help, they might be able to turn the tide of the battle. But it would not be easy. The demons were still coming, and they were getting closer.

As the Demon Slaying Squad drew near, Ardan could see the look of determination on their faces. They were ready to fight to the death to protect Galadriel.

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The demons roared and charged, but the fey and their allies stood their ground. The battle was fierce and bloody, but slowly, the tide began to turn. The fey's magic combined with the strength of the Demon Slaying Squad began to weaken the demons, and they began to fall back.

Ardan breathed a sigh of relief. They had won the battle but at a great cost. Many of their warriors had fallen, and the city was in ruins. But they had survived, and that was all that mattered.

As Ardan looked out over the city, he saw something that made his blood run cold. In the distance, he could see a figure, cloaked in shadow, watching them. He could not make out their face, but he could feel their malevolent presence.

Ardan knew that this was not over, not by a long shot. The demons may have been defeated, but there was still an even greater threat out there. And they would need all the help they could get if they hoped to survive what was coming next.

King Ardan and the Demon Slaying Squad were still reeling from the first wave of demons when they heard a bloodcurdling roar in the distance. They looked up and saw a dark cloud on the horizon, moving rapidly toward them.

"More demons!" shouted the Guildmaster, drawing his sword. "Prepare yourselves, we must stand firm!"

Ardan nodded grimly, summoning his magic to bolster the morale of his warriors. He could see the fear in their eyes, but he knew that they had to keep fighting. Their very survival depended on it.

As the second wave of demons descended upon Galadriel, it was immediately clear that they were more powerful than the first. They were larger, and faster, and their attacks were more ferocious. The fey and their allies fought back with all their strength, but it was not enough. They were quickly pushed back, and it seemed like there was no hope of winning this battle.

The Guildmaster fought with all his might, slicing through demons left and right, but he could feel his strength waning. His squad members were falling all around him, and he knew that they could not hold out much longer.

King Ardan, too, was struggling to keep up. His magic was fading, and he could feel his energy draining away. He looked up and saw a demon bearing down on him, its claws extended for the kill.

At that moment, something unexpected happened. A bright light burst forth from Ardan's body, blinding the demon and sending it reeling backward. Ardan looked down at his hands, surprised. He had never felt this kind of power before.

Ardan and the rest were shocked by this sudden outburst of power but it didn't end there. One by one, everyone who was fighting the demons felt a surge in power which shocked them even more. They also found out that their exhaustion was fading and their injuries were being healed.

They then discovered someone hovering in the air above them. It's a man clad in a white cloak, holding a staff and radiating with a mystical white light. The Guildmaster recognize this silhouette and a smile appeared on his face. He knew that this was Ashton, the most powerful healer, and mage that ever graced their kingdom.

Ashton arrived before it was too late. However, as he saw what happened to the bustling capital city, his heart sank a little bit. He knew that the shouldn't beat himself up for something that he had no control over but that doesn't mean he had to like it.

He was incensed, and it's clear from his facial expressions as well...

Ardan and his warriors watched in awe as the man in the white cloak descended toward them. The closer he got, the brighter his aura became, and soon they were all bathed in a warm, healing light.

Ashton landed gracefully on the ground, his staff glowing in his hand. He looked around at the fey and their allies, a sense of calm and assurance emanating from him.

"It seems like you all could use a little help," he said with a gentle smile.

The Guildmaster approached Ashton, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Ashton, it's good to see you back. We could definitely use your healing magic right now."

Ashton nodded and immediately began casting spells to heal the wounded and restore the energy of the exhausted warriors. As he worked, the fey and their allies felt their strength returning, and their spirits lifting. They knew that with Ashton on their side, they stood a fighting chance against the demons.

Ardan watched with a mixture of awe and suspicion. He had heard stories of Ashton's incredible powers but had never actually seen him in action before. He wondered how much of this was magic, and how much was just pure charisma.

But he couldn't deny the effect that Ashton's presence was having on his warriors. They were fighting with renewed vigor, and the demons were starting to falter under their onslaught.

Ashton finished his healing and stood up, his eyes meeting Ardan's. "I sense that you have a strong will, King Ardan. But you cannot do this alone. Let us stand together and defend this great forest, for the sake of all who call it home."

Ardan nodded, a sense of determination welling up inside him. He knew that Ashton was right. They could not win this battle alone, but together they had a chance.

With Ashton's healing and aid, the warriors of Galadriel fought with renewed strength and energy. Their weapons glinted in the sunlight as they clashed against the hordes of demons.

The Guildmaster and his Demon Slaying Squad charged ahead, their weapons glowing with fiery energy. They carved through the demon hordes with ease, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

King Ardan and his fey warriors moved in unison, their movements fluid and graceful as they weaved between the demons, striking with deadly precision. The power of the forest flowed through them, amplifying their strength and making them nearly invincible.

Ashton stood in the center of the fray, his staff glowing brightly as he cast spells of healing and protection. His presence alone seemed to bolster the warriors, filling them with courage and determination.

The demons, caught off guard by the sudden surge of power from their enemies, began to falter. They could not match the strength and skill of the warriors of Galadriel, and soon they were retreating in disarray.

'I didn't say that you all can leave.' Asnton sneered inwardly as he muttered an incantation.

After finishing his spell, the demons all fell. They were pressed to the ground, unable to move. Ashton multiplied their gravity causing them to end up that way.

Unable to move even a single inch, the Demons could only snarl angrily and try their best to crawl away, however, the warriors of Galadriel quickly caught up to them to finish them off.

Just like that, this wave of demons was swiftly dealt with. Relief washed over the fey as they managed to cinch victory, and they have Ashton to thank for this.

Sadly, this wasn't the end of it. Ashton knew that there are more of them coming and they were just taking their time.

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