Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 339 Council Of Demons

In Netherworld...

As the council of Demons convened in the grand palace of the Netherworld, the air was thick with an oppressive energy that seemed to emanate from the very walls themselves. The palace was a massive structure, with towering spires that reached up to the heavens and twisted, jagged architecture that seemed to defy the laws of physics. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings and demonic symbols, glowing with an otherworldly light that cast eerie shadows across the chamber.

As the council members took their seats around the large circular table, the air grew still and quiet, save for the occasional flicker of flame from the torches that lined the walls. The table itself was made of black obsidian, carved with intricate designs that seemed to writhe and twist as if alive. At the center of the table sat a large, glowing crystal orb, pulsing with an otherworldly energy that seemed to fill the room with a sense of foreboding.

The Demon Kings and Emperors themselves were no less impressive in their appearance. They were massive, towering figures, with skin ranging from deep crimson to sickly green, adorned with twisted horns and razor-sharp claws. Each demon carried a weapon of some kind, be it a spiked mace, serrated sword, or whip made of flame. Their eyes glowed with flickering flames, and their presence radiated an aura of darkness and destruction.

The Demon Kings are all imposing figures, towering over even the largest of mortals. They are muscular and powerful, with skin that ranges in color from deep crimson to sickly green. Each King has a unique set of physical features, such as massive black wings, a serpentine tail, or a long, razor-sharp horn protruding from their forehead. They wield deadly weapons, such as spiked maces, serrated swords, or wickedly curved scythes. Their eyes glow with an infernal light, and they radiate an aura of darkness and destruction.

The Demon Emperors are no less imposing than the Kings, but they tend to be more slender and lithe in form. They range in skin color from obsidian black to fiery red, and each has a set of sharp horns or other distinguishing features. They are all skilled in different forms of magic, such as shadow magic, lightning bolts, or illusions, and they carry deadly weapons like staffs, rapiers, or massive axes. The Emperors have a suave and charming demeanor, but beneath their affable exteriors lies a deadly cunning and intellect.

Together, the Demon Kings and Emperors make up a council of demonic leaders who are truly fearsome in their power and abilities. They command legions of demons and other dark creatures, and their ultimate goal is the subjugation and domination of the mortal realm.

They were the council of Demons, the rulers of the Netherworld and its denizens. The remaining members of a once-great assembly that had suffered great losses in their long and bitter wars against the mortal realm of Elstar. They had fought for many years to gain control over the planet, to subjugate its inhabitants and bend them to their will, but their efforts had been thwarted time and again by powerful mages and valiant heroes.

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And now, a new threat had arisen, one that could spell the end of their plans forever.

"So, what do we know about this Archfey." asked one of the Demon Kings, his voice deep and rumbling. "He dismounted 4 outposts just this week. We can't let this continue."

"We don't even know who he is exactly, and how he was able to under the link between worlds." replied another. "But I'm pretty certain that he's not working alone to disrupt the connections between our realms, he must have some kind of help to weaken us and protect their precious planet."

"He is powerful," added a Demon Emperor, a statement that all of them could agree upon, but that doesn't mean they like it.

"His magic is unlike anything we have encountered before. He has already severed the connections between several of our strongholds, and more are falling every day."

The council murmured in agreement, their faces twisted with anger and frustration.

"We cannot allow this to continue," said one of the Demon Emperors, whose voice echoed through the chamber like a whisper in the wind. "We must find a way to stop him, to destroy him before they can do any more damage."

"You think we haven't tried before?" A Demon King retorted in frustration. "We've been monitoring everything since he started. Did you honestly think that we just stood there and allowed him to dismantle a piece of our world? Are you out of your mind?"

"Watch your mouth, Puny King. You're talking to an Emperor!"

"Tch, yeah. A useless Emperor who only shifts blame to others when he himself was just as useless as we are." The Demon King sneered in disdain.

"Silence." A faint whisper echoed in their ears, causing everyone to shiver.

This voice sounded gentle, kind even, but knowing who this voice belongs to, the council collectively decided to wisely shut their mouths or else, they'd be severely punished.

"Puny King, the Plaque Emperor didn't call you useless. He's just as frustrated as you are because of the situation. Don't aim your weapons at your comrades. That will only cause us to lose this war faster." Said the disembodied voice.

"But we're running out of options. What are we supposed to do about this?" asked another Demon King. "We have tried to fight him directly, but his magic is too strong. We need a new strategy, a new weapon."

The council fell silent, each member lost in thought. They knew that their power alone was not enough to defeat the Guardians of Elstar. They needed something more, something that could tip the scales in their favor.

And then, the same voice spoke up, soft and low.

"What about the Ancient Ones?"

The council turned to the source of the voice, the owner wasn't really with them right now but they all knew who it belongs to.

"The Ancient Ones?" repeated one of the Demon Emperors. "What do you mean?"

"The legends say that they were the first beings to inhabit the Netherworld," said the voice, sounding eager and excited for some reason. "They were the ones who forged the connections between our realm and Elstar, who gave us our power. They were powerful beyond measure, and they possessed knowledge that we can only dream of."

The council fell silent once again, pondering those words.

"But where are they?" asked one of the Demon Kings. "If they were so powerful, why did they disappear?"

"That's the mystery," replied the voice. "Some say that they went into hiding, that they foresaw a great danger that threatened their existence. But others say that they still exist, that they are watching us, waiting for the right moment to reveal themselves."

Nobody except for the owner of the voice knew about that. They never heard or seen anything that points out the existence of the Ancient Ones, but since they all trusted the owner of this voice, most of them were convinced.

The council sat in silence for a moment longer, considering the voice's proposal. And then, one by one, they nodded their heads.

"Very well," said the hidden ruler. "We shall seek out the Ancient Ones, and we shall ask for their help. It is a risky venture, but it may be our only chance."

And with that, the council rose from their seats, their minds ablaze with new plans and possibilities. They would not rest until they had conquered Elstar until they had fulfilled their destiny as the rulers of all creation. And if the Ancient Ones could help them achieve that goal, then they would seek them out, no matter the cost.

As the council members filed out of the chamber, their footsteps echoing through the halls of the palace, the Demon Kings and Emperors exchanged grim looks. They knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger, and that the Guardians of Elstar would not go down without a fight.

And most especially, that one Archfey wouldn't make this easy for them...

But they were determined to prevail. They were demons, after all, creatures born of darkness and destruction. They had endured for many years, and they would endure for many more, if necessary.

And if the Ancient Ones could give them the edge they needed, then they would use that power to crush their enemies, to conquer the mortal realm once and for all.

The council members dispersed, each returning to their own domains to begin preparations for the journey ahead. They knew that it would not be easy, that the road to the Ancient Ones was fraught with peril and uncertainty. But they also knew that they had no choice.

For the fate of the Netherworld, and the future of their plans, depended on their success. And they would do whatever it took to achieve that success, no matter the cost.

The palace of the Netherworld stood silent once more, its twisted spires reaching toward the dim light of the underworld. The demons were coming, and nothing would stand in their way.

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