If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 12 - 012 Men always say one thing and mean another

12 Chapter 012 Men always say one thing and mean another

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Where’s Xu Chaomu?” Shen Chi asked a servant beside him.


“Call her down for dinner.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

As the servant went upstairs to knock on the door, Xu Chaomu was engrossed in her comics. Hearing the knock, she reflexively stashed all her comic books under the bed.

“Miss Xu, the Young Master is calling you to come down for dinner.”

“Coming! Coming!” After putting away her comics, Xu Chaomu then opened the door and went downstairs.

Skipping downstairs, Xu Chaomu wrapped her arms around Shen Chi from behind his chair: “Were you worried I’d go hungry?”

“Get your claws off me!” Shen Chi frowned.

“Am I right or what? Just admit it already!” Xu Chaomu was relentless.

She seemed to have completely forgotten about being scolded by Shen Chi during the day. Ah, what can you say? She’s just forgetful.

“I told you, the servant who feeds Dabai isn’t here these days. After you’ve eaten, go feed the dog!” Shen Chi said indifferently.

“Men truly are animals that say one thing and mean another!”

Xu Chaomu had just read this line in her comic today and used it on the spur of the moment.

“Who did you learn that from?” Shen Chi’s gaze was sharp as he asked coldly, frowning.

“I saw it in a TV show.” Realizing this wasn’t good, Xu Chaomu quickly tried to cover it up with a smile.

“Really?” Shen Chi snorted coldly and slammed his chopsticks onto the table with a “snap,” anger burning in his eyes.

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Uh, Xu Chaomu trembled with fright.

Shen Chi stood up and walked upstairs, with Xu Chaomu quickly following!

“Hey, where are you going? Weren’t we going to have dinner together…?”

Stumbling behind Shen Chi, he turned to the servant standing by and said, “Don’t let her follow.”

The servant promptly held back Xu Chaomu, who kicked and punched to no avail, like an ant trying to shake a tree.

“Hey, stop blocking me, let go of me…”

Shen Chi’s heavy footsteps led to Xu Chaomu’s room, where he had long suspected she was still hiding comics!

Indeed, he sneered coldly as he found a thick stack under the bed.

He took out all the comic books and threw them down from upstairs.

With a “crash, bang, thump,” the comics fell one by one. The loud noise made Xu Chaomu close her eyes in fright.

Soon after, Shen Chi also came downstairs. He told the servant, “Take these out and burn them!”

“Yes, Young Master.” The servant let go of Xu Chaomu and walked out of the living room with the books.

In the spacious living room, only Xu Chaomu and Shen Chi were left, so quiet that no sound could be heard.

“Stop pulling these little tricks with me from now on!” Shen Chi scolded furiously.

Xu Chaomu pouted her mouth, caught red-handed, and decided to confront him: “Why do you care about what I read? You’re neither my distant uncle nor my relative. It’s just a comic book, not like I’m committing arson or murder! Why the anger?”

Shen Chi sneered: “Oh, talking back now? Fine, what did I say during the day? If I catch you again, you’re out of the Shen Family!”

Shen Chi’s voice was a bit loud, frightening Xu Chaomu.

In terms of size, she couldn’t match him; in terms of strength, neither. But when it came to backbone, she definitely wouldn’t lose to him!

“Fine, I’ll leave; who wants to stay in your house. Is having money that great? Does having money mean you can boss people around? Why did you burn my comic books? They weren’t bought with your family’s money! I’ve had enough of you all, don’t bother me!”

In a fit of anger, Xu Chaomu turned and left.

All her life, she had never endured such treatment. Although her family wasn’t wealthy, her mother had never scolded her. Whatever good things there were, she always thought of Xu Chaomu first.

With that thought, Xu Chaomu wiped away a tear.

Arguing with Shen Chi didn’t make her cry, but the moment she thought of her mother, she felt the pain.

When her mother was alive, how could she let Xu Chaomu suffer such grievances or be scolded by others…

She ran out of the living room, only then realizing how cold it was outside.

The house was heated, and she had only put on a thin coat. Now that she had just stepped out, her entire body trembled with cold.

She walked and cried, still just a child, tired from not finding the exit of the Shen Family’s residence, she sat down at a corner of the wall, hugging her head and calling out, “Mommy.”

The cold wind brushed against her, causing her to shiver uncontrollably and hug her arms even tighter.

“Mommy… why did you leave me all alone… Mommy…”

Her crying became more intense, and her voice fluttered in the wind like threads, tearing at the heartstrings.

The sky had already turned completely dark, and occasionally a bird flew over from the trees, flapping its wings, which frightened Xu Chaomu so much she dared not lift her head.

“Wuu wuu… wuu wuu…” She sobbed, feeling very distressed.

Why did Shen Chi have any right to scold her, burn her books, bully her? How could he be so domineering…

“Whose child are you? Why are you crying here so late?”

Suddenly, a gentle voice of a youth came from above her head. Xu Chaomu initially thought she had misheard, but then the youth looked down and said, “Don’t sit on the ground, it’s the middle of winter.”

The youth reached out his hand, and Xu Chaomu lifted her head.

In the light, Xu Chaomu saw a very good-looking young man with a smile on his face.

Xu Chaomu blinked, “Are you talking to me?”

“Is there anyone else?” The youth laughed, revealing two rows of white teeth.

“Oh. I’m not from any family, I was kidnapped!” Xu Chaomu said unhappily.

“Kidnapped?” The youth laughed out loud, “By whom were you kidnapped?”

“It’s so cold here, if you take me out, I’ll tell you,” Xu Chaomu pouted.

“Come on, get up! I’ll take you to my place!” The youth reached out his hand to pull Xu Chaomu up.

He dusted off the dirt on her body and, holding a basketball, walked back with her side by side.

“What’s your name?” Xu Chaomu asked.

“Li Beiting.”

“Oh, my name is Xu Chaomu.”

Actually, she wanted to say her name was the “Xu” from “Xu Nuo” and the “Chaomu” from “Chaomu,” but on second thought, that was something Shen Chi had taught her, and she definitely wasn’t about to say that!

“You haven’t told me yet, who kidnapped you?” As soon as Li Beiting heard her name, he knew, wasn’t this the little miss the Shen Family had just brought back?

Xu Chaomu had intended to say it was Aunt Zhou, but after thinking it over, she felt that wouldn’t be right, so she indignantly said, “Shen Chi!”

Li Beiting couldn’t contain his laughter, the little miss was too adorable, a real treasure!

He and Shen Chi were childhood friends. So, Shen Chi was trafficking people now, huh? That was truly an eye-opener!

“What are you laughing at.” Xu Chaomu was very serious, her little face earnest.

“No, nothing,” Li Beiting couldn’t stop laughing all the way.

They happened to have reached the Li Family’s doorstep, and Li Beiting took her into the house.

“Your house is also very big…” Xu Chaomu couldn’t help but wonder, is it that aside from her family, all the others were wealthy?

“It’s much smaller compared to Shen Chi’s place,” Li Beiting said with a smile, “By the way, why did you run out here all alone and cry?”

“Wouldn’t you cry if you were kidnapped?” Xu Chaomu looked at Li Beiting with contempt.

Li Beiting choked on his response, as if… she had a point.

No, that’s nonsense, could the Shen Family really be involved in trafficking? This little girl had clearly been brought from the orphanage.

“Then… does Shen Chi know you ran out here?”

“How would I know if he knows!” Xu Chaomu grumbled.

Well… Li Beiting choked again, Shen Chi had indeed picked up a gem!

“Seeing you cry so sadly, did Shen Chi scold you?” Li Beiting teased her.

He knew Shen Chi’s temper and character quite well; Xu Chaomu must have irritated Shen Chi. With his nasty temper, no one would expect to get off easy once they’ve provoked him!

Plus, he had heard that there had been some recent changes in the Shen Family, which probably made Shen Chi even moodier.

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