If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 18 - 018: Watch Me Die

Chapter 18: Chapter 018: Watch Me Die

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Li Beiting, as Shen Chi’s childhood friend, didn’t even sleep in but ran over to the Shen Family home early in the morning to see Shen Chi off.

He brought many things for Shen Chi, and to tell the truth, he really couldn’t bear to part with them.

“Shen Chi, oh Shen Chi, I dreamt of a beauty, but I resolutely said goodbye to her to take you to the airport. How about that, brotherly enough, huh!”

Li Beiting patted Shen Chi on the shoulder; he had even changed into a smart black trench coat especially for the occasion.

Shen Chi sat on the sofa with a stern face, saying nothing.

“Are you sad to part with your brother? Sigh, I don’t want to part with you either, but don’t be sad, remember to write to me often once you get to Frankfurt.” Li Beiting sighed.

Shen Chi was silent for a long time before he said faintly, “Both the plane ticket and the admission notice are missing.”

“What? How could they be missing? Who would be so bold as to steal your stuff?” Li Beiting exclaimed in shock.

This was bad; without the plane ticket and the admission notice, how could Shen Chi go to Frankfurt?

Shen Chi sat on the sofa with a frown, his deep eyes unfathomable.

“Could it be that Miss Liu, who did the deed? I saw her yesterday, she just doesn’t look like a good person, so sharp and mean.”

The Li and Shen families had always been close, and Li Beiting had heard about the recent happenings at the Shen family.

“Impossible, she doesn’t know about it.” Shen Chi furrowed his brow.

“Then could it have been some careless servant who threw it away?

Although Li Beiting felt the probability was small after speaking—servants at the Shen Family usually dared not enter Shen Chi’s room carelessly—he didn’t rule out the possibility.

Shen Chi’s frown slowly disappeared, and a smile flickered at the corner of his mouth; he seemed to have figured out the answer.

Seeing Shen Chi silent, Li Beiting was actually more anxious than him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“What are you going to do? How about rebooking a plane ticket, and as for the admission notice, get in touch with the academic office in Frankfurt. Under normal circumstances, schools are quite understanding.”

“If it’s gone, it’s gone!” Shen Chi stood up.

His hands in his trouser pockets, his clean white shirt wrapped around his tall figure. The look in his eyes was complex but incredibly determined.

The sun slowly rose, and outside the window, a white mist lingered.

The sunlight streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows onto Shen Chi’s white shirt, highlighting his tall figure, casting his long shadow on the ground, stretching on and on. “Not going?” Li Beiting asked.


“You better not regret it, those admission notices aren’t easy to come by, even someone as smart as me couldn’t get one!” Li Beiting still felt it was a great pity.

Shen Chi patted his shoulder and smiled, “If you shifted a bit of your cleverness this way, you might have been able to get one.”

“Hey, I’m supposed to be comforting you,” Li Beiting felt like he’d been led into a trap.

“Let me buy you breakfast.”

Shen Chi and Li Beiting walked downstairs together, the suitcase lying quietly next to the sofa.

As Xu Chaomu came downstairs leisurely, Shen Chi was just seeing Li Beiting to the door.

As soon as she came down, two frosty gazes shot over.


Xu Chaomu shivered all over!

Before Xu Chaomu could sit down, a domineering hand grabbed her arm and yanked her back upstairs!

With a “bang,” Shen Chi forcefully shut the front door.

Xu Chaomu was so scared her heart trembled!

“Thump thump” “Thump thump,” her little heart wouldn’t stop pounding!

Shen Chi’s hands cornered Xu Chaomu against the wall, his gaze sharp as he looked at her.

“Did you tear the plane ticket?”

Cold eyes, a chilly voice, a forceful grip!

Xu Chaomu felt like a total failure—didn’t she have the potential to do something bad?

But still, she tilted up her face and smiled brightly, “What plane ticket? Where are you off to, Fourth Brother?”

“Stop pretending, speak up!”

Xu Chaomu was like a pitiful child bullied by a little rascal, rubbing her eyes, but sadly, no tears would come out.

She slowly crouched down, eyeing the chance to crawl out from under Shen Chi’s arm!

One, two, three!

“0w, ow, ow, let go, it hurts…” Just as she crouched down, Shen Chi grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up!

“Not admitting it?” A cold smile hung at the corner of Shen Chi’s mouth.

“Admit what, what ticket, I didn’t see any ticket. Why so fierce!”

“If you admit it nicely, I might consider letting you off this time. If you don’t…” Shen Chi deliberately paused.

“What if I don’t admit it?” Xu Chaomu looked at him anxiously.

Shen Chi grabbed her collar and brought her onto the balcony, pressing her down at the window.

As soon as the window opened, a gust of cold air poured in, whooshing, cutting like a knife.

“If you don’t admit it, I’ll throw you out!”

“Wuwu, I don’t want to die… My future is bright, my prospects are brilliant… I don’t want to die yet…” Xu Chaomu wiped her nose.

“So, do you admit it or not?”

“Under severe torture, there’s no way I wouldn’t confess, I confess everything. I tore up your ticket, and I hid your notification letter. If you want it, I’ll give it to you!”

Years later, when Xu Chaomu recalled this incident, she felt that she was truly despicable back then. She confessed just like that, making it all too easy for that bastard Shen Chi!

“With the ticket torn up, what good would the notification letter do me?” Shen Chi frowned on purpose.

“So what do we do, just throw me down then. No tickets, but one life here!” Xu

Chaomu’s little face showed not a hint of regret.

“From now on, you do whatever I say!” Shen Chi patted her little face. Under his domineering influence, Xu Chaomu could only nod her head.

Only then did Shen Chi let her go and closed the window.

Who knew that Xu Chaomu would suddenly burst into tears, jumping onto Shen Chi’s bed, looking down at him from a height: “You, you, you are too bullying! I’ll die and you’ll see!”

This move she learned from a comic book, where the female protagonist pulls this stint, the male protagonist always looks scared.

But Shen Chi did not play by the rules; he calmly sat down on the couch, crossed his long legs, and watched her with a cold gaze.

“I’m watching, go ahead and die!”

“…” Xu Chaomu’s mouth twitched.

So, later on, she obediently jumped off the bed.

From then on, since she had verbally agreed to a humiliating treaty of “do whatever I say” with Shen Chi, Xu Chaomu completely became another one of Shen Chi’s Dabai.

He said go east, she didn’t dare go west.

He said to pick up the basketball, she scurried over to fetch it.

He gave her food, she dared not refuse to eat.

He bought her clothes, she dared not wear them.

He didn’t allow her near the young boys, she stayed ten meters away from them.

He ordered her to burn all the love letters she received, she obediently did so.

He said no short skirts, so she wore long pants all year round.

It wasn’t until she was colonized by him for a whole eight years that Xu Chaomu learned a shocking truth!

What good would the notification letter do me if all the tickets were torn up!


The ticket could obviously be bought again, and he could still fly to Frankfurt just fine!

Xu Chaomu felt that her brain had been muddled by soy sauce, deceived by him for a full eight years!

Damn Shen Chi was a swindler! An utterly unforgivable big swindler! A big swindler!

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