If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 302: Once Promised Years in Chang’an

Chapter 302: Chapter 302: Once Promised Years in Chang’an

Translator: 549690339

Noisy and boisterous, Shen Chi found her annoying and she hated him. In fact, was it really true annoyance and hatred? Clearly, she loved him and he loved her too.

Eight years passed in mutual disdain, and he thought he could hold her hand and walk the same path together until they turned grey and old.

Looking at the sunlight dappled through the branches, looking at the everlasting mountains and flowing waters. He could hold her, kiss her forehead, promise a lifetime of day and night together.

You are my Mumu, the most beautiful encounter of my life.

But he truly never thought she would leave him without a word.

Once he promised her years of peace in Chang’an, but now all he has is her saying “I hate you, Shen Chi.”

Shen Chi’s eyes reddened, his hands tightly clutching the sheets.

He, a grown man, just sat there crying, helpless.

All the mature and stable, the business group CEO, the elite of the business world… Now he was just Shen Chi, Xu Chaomu’s husband.

The clock on the wall ticked “tick tock, tick tock,” the sunlight through the mist gradually moving onto him.

In the light, dust mites danced. Beneath the dust, this man in a black suit stood tall and straight, the lines of the suit accentuating his tall and magnificent build, but his shadow… was particularly desolate.

It wasn’t long before Wen Zhiyuan came in.

When he entered, Shen Chi was already standing by the window, with a cigarette between his fingers.

In the haze of smoke, Shen Chi’s brows were tightly knit, his cold facial features sharp as if carved by a knife.

Wen Zhiyuan saw that the hospital room floor was littered with cigarette butts!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Young Master Shen, I just called the police and have sent people out to search, but there’s still no news. The police surveyed the area and said that Chaomu climbed down along the water pipe.”

A bitter smile appeared at the corner of Shen Chi’s mouth, “She’s just like a little wildcat…”

A mischievous little wildcat that could climb on roofs, jump over walls, and fight like no other.

“Don’t be too sentimental, she will be found.”

“My intuition tells me that I will never see her again in my life.”

“No way, how can someone vanish without a trace in this world? I’ll keep sending people out to search.”

“I’m going with you.”

Shen Chi turned his head, threw away the unfinished cigarette, stamped it out with his foot, and strode forward, walking out of the hospital room.

The hospital was small, and before long, they had turned the entire place upside down.

Spies were everywhere, but there was utterly no clue!

Shen Chi was not one to give up; he immediately hired people to expand the search and patrol the surrounding area!

What worried him most was that she was still injured; if it got infected and there was no one by her side, she could die.

No, that wouldn’t happen.

The Jade pendant necklace he gave her would surely keep her safe.

Spreading out a dragnet-style search, Shen Chi even drove his own car from the hospital to search along the way.

Any place he thought she might go, he wouldn’t miss.

But, after searching the whole day, until the night fell, Shen Chi still hadn’t found any trace of Xu Chaomu.

He had even searched along the coastline, dreading that she might have had suicidal thoughts…

At around ten o’ clock at night, everything was pitch-dark.

Wen Zhiyuan drove to find Shen Chi, who was sitting on a big rock by the sea, eyes looking forward, holding a cigarette.

The ocean under the moonlight was beautiful, shimmering with light, and occasionally fish would leap from the surface, making a “plop” sound in the vast night sky.

And Shen Chi’s cigarette butt flickered on and off in the dark night.

“Young Master Shen, let’s go back. It’s already ten at night, I’ll keep an eye on the news for you.”

“It’s not right for you to be the one keeping watch.” After a long silence, Shen Chi replied flatly.

His profound eyes stared into the distance, becoming one with the dark night.

“You haven’t eaten all day, if this keeps up and Chaomu isn’t found, you’ll break down first.”

“Missing a few meals is normal, isn’t it?”

“You really are…” Wen Zhiyuan shook his head, at a loss for words.

That night, Wen Zhiyuan sat with Shen Chi on the rock all night long.

No one spoke again, Shen Chi smoked, Wen Zhiyuan initially sat quietly, but he seemed to be reminded of some worrisome matter, borrowed a lighter from Shen Chi, and began smoking as well.

But for a day and a night, there was no news.

The police quickly came to report the progress to Shen Chi, “Mr. Shen, I’m sorry, we still have no news about Miss Xu.”

“She’s such a big person, and just like that, she has evaporated from the earth?” Shen Chi’s voice was cold.

Because he had smoked quite a few cigarettes, his voice was a bit hoarse when he spoke.

“We… we initially suspect that Miss Xu has fallen into the sea,” the police explained. “After all, the hospital is near the sea, and it’s quite remote. Theoretically speaking, with the speed and effort of our search, we should have found Miss Xu by now. But now…”

“What do you mean ‘should’?” An icy gaze shot from Shen Chi, “If she’s alive, I want to see her. If she’s dead, I want to see her body.”

“Okay, Mr. Shen, today we will ask for cooperation from the relevant departments to dispatch boats to search the sea. If we can’t find her by the end of today, then I ask you, Mr. Shen, to prepare yourself mentally.”

Shen Chi fell silent, a dull pain throbbed in his chest.

Prepare myself mentally…

If she truly had an accident, he had said before that he would put a gun to his head and pull the trigger.

He couldn’t imagine a lively Xu Chaomu lying cold in front of him…

She was his most beautiful angel, the only one he vowed to protect with his life.

However, a day went by swiftly.

The news the police brought was that they found no trace of her.

Since it was at night, no one saw the little girl walking by the sea or jumping into it to commit suicide.

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day… the news was the same, Xu Chaomu had disappeared without a trace.

After hearing all the news, Shen Chi was silent, walking alone into his room.

Wen Zhiyuan, fearing Shen Chi might do something drastic, also followed him in.

“Zhiyuan, what should I do?”

Shen Chi stood by the window, looking at the misty distance, his eyes were stern.

“There’s still a long way to go. Chaomu is definitely fine; we will certainly find her.”

“She still has injuries, and she can’t swim, it was pitch-dark at night, where could she go…” Shen Chi’s voice grew deeper.

“Perhaps there was a passing boat she climbed onto.”

“If she’s been kidnapped, or sold, or if she slipped into the sea, tell me, what should I do?”

“Shen Chi, don’t be so pessimistic, you have to see the bigger picture.”

“I’m speaking hypothetically.”

“If these accidents really happened, life still has to go on, doesn’t it? Your company still needs you, you have a long future ahead, what are you thinking?” Wen Zhiyuan frowned, his words resounding.

“But without her, none of this means anything to me.”

Suddenly, Shen Chi pulled out a handgun from his pocket, aimed it steadily at his own temple.

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