If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 320 - 320 The Fourth Young Master Goes to Paris

Chapter 320: Chapter 320 The Fourth Young Master Goes to Paris

Translator: 549690339

“Do you really have no classes?” Xu Chaomu feared he was telling a white lie.

“Yeah, no classes for real. In a few months, I’ll graduate, truly no classes.”

“Graduation… I really want to go to college too…” Xu Chaomu’s eyes held a trace of desolation.

“You don’t have to worry about that. Just tell me what you want to study, and I’ll arrange it for you,” Nie Chenglang comforted her.

His large hand rested on her head, gently touching her soft hair.

“I’ll give it serious thought, but… can you really arrange it for me?”

“Yeah, don’t you trust me?”

“Of course not, I trust you,” Xu Chaomu said with a smile.

In the sunlight, her smile looked especially beautiful, revealing a pair of shallow dimples.

After breakfast, Xu Chaomu walked several circles around the hospital courtyard.

If she had to describe her current feelings in four words, she thought it would be: survival after a calamity.

Since it was her life thereafter, she was determined to live it well.

Taking advantage of the snow that hadn’t yet completely melted, Xu Chaomu still went and built a very tiny snowman.

She used two jujube pits for the snowman’s eyes, and picked up a milk bottle cap from the ground to use as the snowman’s mouth.

From a distance, it indeed looked like a silly little snowman.

“Look at you, your hands must be freezing, right? Put on some gloves,” Nie Chenglang said, pulling out a pair of gloves and insistently putting them on for her.

Xu Chaomu pointed at her creation and laughed, “How about it? Give me your feedback.”

“Just like you.”

“What do you mean?”

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“Clueless, but very cute.”

“I’m not talking to you anymore; you don’t even know how to compliment someone.”

“That was a compliment. I said it’s just like you, which means the snowman you made is lifelike. It also reflects your dexterity and thoughtfulness.”

Xu Chaomu’s mouth twitched, “Smooth-talking scammer.”

“Ha-ha, aren’t you supposed to rest? Let me take you upstairs.”


Xu Chaomu reluctantly said goodbye to her snowman, glancing back a few times as if the snowman was bidding her farewell too.

Returning to the ward and once Xu Chaomu fell asleep, Nie Chenglang called the family driver.

He asked the driver to take him to the mall; he wanted to buy a few clothes for Xu Chaomu.

“Young Master, the madam called today, and I told her you went out with your mentor on a project.”


“The madam urged you to come back to the country again. She said that Feili Group’s business is looking up and wanted your help to come back and manage things.”

“If it’s looking up, then there’s no need for me to go back,” Nie Chenglang replied languidly.

“But… the madam also wants the group to do better.”

“I can’t help her with that; I don’t like managing a group. By the way, wasn’t there a problem with the group recently? How come it’s suddenly looking up?”

“That, I’m not too clear about. According to the madam, six months ago, she and a business partner secured a project. This project brought in considerable revenue.”

“Oh, it’s good for the group to look up.”

“Young Master, are you not going back to the country?”

“We’ll talk about it later.”

The driver didn’t pry further and drove on.

Shen Group, president’s private elevator.

Shen Chi stepped into the elevator, straightened his cuffs, and buttoned up his suit, traveling downwards.

This was his private elevator, but just after descending one floor, the elevator doors suddenly opened.

Shen Shihan entered, followed by his assistant.

“Shen Shihan, if I remember correctly, isn’t your elevator on the east side?” Shen Chi said coldly.

Shen Shihan didn’t speak or pay attention to Shen Chi, just lowering his head to look at the documents he held.

His assistant said, “President Shen, Director Shen has already said, from now on, our Vice President Shen can freely use this elevator.”

“Director Shen? Let him say that to my face!” Shen Chi’s expression turned icy.

Half a year ago, simply because Shen Shihan was handed the diamond mine project, Shen Cexian began to treat him differently.

“I’m sorry, President Shen, if you don’t believe it, you can ask Director Shen.”

“My things are not for others to meddle with!”

“President Shen, don’t forget, at the board meeting a few days ago, the shareholders were trying to persuade you… to abdicate in favor of a more capable person.”

The assistant’s words were already quite tactful.

Shen Chi had no desire to waste words with him. He pressed the elevator button and as the doors opened, he said in a cold voice, “Get out!”

“President Shen, why bother…”

“Do you want me to kick you out?”

“Alright, alright. Vice President Shen, let’s go. After all, sooner or later, this elevator will be ours anyway, there’s no rush at this moment.”

Shen Chi was truly pissed off; he found his temper getting worse lately.

He knew that if they dared to talk back even once more, he really would kick them out.

Thankfully, Shen Shihan and his assistant exited, and Shen Chi irritably adjusted his tie.

Once out of the elevator, he called his assistant, “Is everything for the Paris trip arranged?”

“Arranged. We can depart this afternoon.”

“Good, make sure to contact the partners there and try to secure as much funding as you can.”


Shen Chi hung up and drove back to the Shen Family from the group.

After a quick lunch, he planned to head to Paris.

Butler Ling, seeing how Shen Chi had been flying from one country to another non-stop, felt truly sorry for him.

Being so busy with various engagements, how can one’s body stand it?

All she could do was earnestly advise, “Fourth Young Master, are you going to Paris? Eat a bit more, and take a nap after lunch. After all, you only came back at dawn.”

“I’m fine,” Shen Chi replied indifferently.

Butler Ling couldn’t persuade him otherwise. Coming back stumbling drunk near dawn—how could he be alright?

“Fourth Young Master, how long will you be in Paris?”

“Two days.”

“It’s said to be very cold in Paris right now. Be careful and make sure to wear more.”

“I know.”

Soon after, Driver Lao Cheng arrived at the Shen Family house to take Shen Chi to the airport.

“President Shen, take care of yourself and try to drink less during gatherings. I heard there’s been some trouble in the group…”

It was more than just trouble. Lao Cheng knew that at the board meeting, some shareholders even asked Shen Chi to step down from the president position!

Of course, Shen Chi wouldn’t yield. Shen Cexian transferred all his shares to Shen Shihan and removed the financial power from Shen Chi’s hands.

With no other choice, Shen Chi had to personally take on various projects to secure funding.

“It’s nothing; I can handle it,” Shen Chi said, hand on his forehead.

Lao Cheng sighed; if Chaomu were here, things would be better.

She was Shen Chi’s source of joy, the only one who could make him smile.

However, she had been gone for an entire half-year, and it was likely that…

Lao Cheng couldn’t bear to think further; such a lively and carefree girl, just like that…

Another long sigh escaped Lao Cheng.

He even wondered whether Shen Chi would ever smile again in his life. Without Xu Chaomu, what would Shen Chi do in the future?

It wasn’t long before Lao Cheng drove Shen Chi to the airport, where his assistant was already waiting.

As the plane took off, he was bound for Paris to negotiate an important project.

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