If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 323: She’s Dead

Chapter 323: Chapter 323: She’s Dead

Translator: 549690339

But Shen Chi had given the order, and he didn’t dare disobey, so he went looking for a while.

The result, of course, was self-evident.

Shen Chi, not giving up hope, searched the hospital for a long time, but found no trace of Xu Chaomu.

Just as he was about to mobilize more people to search for her, Xiao Mo made a phone call!

“Mr. Shen, I found a skeleton on Sumatra Island. Are you available to come and take a look? From every aspect, it very much resembles… Miss Xu.”

“What did you say?” Shen Chi’s voice suddenly turned ice cold.

A chill ran from head to toe, as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over him!

“Fishermen found it on the beach this morning, washed ashore with the waves. The public security department compared it and said the woman’s time of death was about half a year ago, roughly… just a few days after Miss Xu left.”

“Xiao Mo, how can you be so sure it’s Xu Chaomu!”

Shen Chi roared into the phone, his teeth clenched, furiously annoyed.

Rage clogged his chest, and his body suddenly felt a mix of ice and fire.

No, it simply couldn’t be possible.

“Mr. Shen, I’m not a hundred percent certain, so I want to ask you to come in person. The forensic doctor gave a rough estimate of the skeleton’s height and age, and it doesn’t differ much from Miss Xu. I think such a coincidence may not happen often.”

“Xiao Mo, she won’t die, she must still be alive in this world! How the hell could what you saw be her!”

“Mr. Shen, if you don’t believe it… I’ll just let the public security department handle it. I’ll keep looking.”

Regret filled Xiao Mo’s voice.

Shen Chi’s lips were tightly pressed, his eyes red with fury. At that moment, he was like a bloodthirsty lion.

His entire body felt bone-chillingly cold, and even the words that left his mouth were trembling.

“Wait for me.”

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Finally, after those two ice-cold words, his whole being felt drained of strength.

“Okay, Mr. Shen, I’ll wait for you.”

After hanging up the phone, Shen Chi took a plane to Sumatra Island!

He refused to believe it was Xu Chaomu; his Mumu, how could she cruelly leave him like this…

She used to love clinging to him, saying she wanted to stay by his side for a lifetime.

He simply couldn’t believe that the lively Xu Chaomu… was dead.

It was like a dream.

In the dream, she would nuzzle her fluffy little head in his embrace, hugging him: “Fourth Brother, would you go to a parent-teacher conference for me, please…”

“No way!” He would frown with distaste, pushing her away.

If time could flow backward, he would hold her tight, never letting go!

Never let go! Never.

Some people, once you let go, it’s for a lifetime…

The plane landed at the airport on Sumatra Island, and Xiao Mo was already waiting for him.

Having not seen Shen Chi for half a year, Xiao Mo was stunned at first sight.

The man had lost a lot of weight; his already stern face bore added maturity and a colder, more intimidating charm.

Colder than before, enough to send shivers down one’s spine.

“Where is she?” Shen Chi asked coldly.

“The public security bureau,” Xiao Mo said.

Xiao Mo had followed Shen Chi for so long, he knew the effort it took Shen Chi to simply utter those three words “where is she.”

Sure enough, Shen Chi fell silent, his lips tightly sealed, his pupils constricted.

His hands were clenched into fists, and it took a long time for him to calm down.

“Let’s go,” he said indifferently.

Pulling his legs into the car, his gaze was icy, fixed ahead, his deep eyes seeing nothing.


Xiao Mo replied with a single word and got into the car as well.

Sitting beside this man, as always, he could feel his powerful aura.

“Mr. Shen, I heard that you’ve been hospitalized several times recently.”

“Not at all.”

“Mr. Shen, you should drink less at social events; too much is bad for your health.”

Without a reply from Shen Chi, Xiao Mo didn’t dare to say more.

Each time he spoke with Shen Chi over the past half year, he could sense the obvious changes in him.

This man was becoming increasingly irritable and stubbornly searched for Xu Chaomu alone.

Nobody’s words could reach him, even though all the clues pointed to one fact: Xu Chaomu was dead.

The car turned down a street and into the precinct of the public security bureau.

Shen Chi’s heart was in his throat!

His fists clenched tighter, and he could even feel his body getting colder.

“Mr. Shen, we’ve arrived,” Xiao Mo ventured cautiously.

Shen Chi didn’t respond, his entire body stiffened.

“Mr. Shen, we’ve reached the public security bureau,” Xiao Mo raised his voice.

Only then did Shen Chi move, stepping out of the opened car door.

“Mr. Shen, you must not be too sad. The people at the bureau said she went peacefully, they preliminarily believe it was an accidental fall into the sea.”

Thunder seemed to roar in Shen Chi’s ears…

An accidental fall into the sea, went peacefully…

“Bullshit, how could she die, how could she die…” Shen Chi pushed Xiao Mo away, bellowing.

His fists were clenched tight, his eyes bloodshot.

Veins on the back of his hands stood out, his entire being struggling to contain a fury.

Xiao Mo shook his head, this normally rational man only lost all reason when it came to Xu Chaomu!

Xiao Mo led the way, taking Shen Chi around a corner.

Soon, they arrived at a place where corpses were kept.

The air, filled with the smell of formalin, was nauseating, and Xiao Mo quickly handed Shen Chi a mask.

“Mr. Shen, this is the one.”

Xiao Mo pointed to a skeleton, turning his eyes away with difficulty.

Xiao Mo had seen Xu Chaomu before, and even the sight of this skeleton was heart-wrenching and painful for him.

He dared not imagine the pain Shen Chi was enduring.

This was Xu Chaomu, the lively Xu Chaomu. If she was upset, Shen Chi would be distressed for days.

Now… she lay there, cold.

“Impossible… impossible…” Shen Chi’s lips trembled.

How could this skeleton, stripped down to the bone, be Xu Chaomu!

“Xiao Mo, how the hell can you be sure it’s Xu Chaomu!”

Suddenly, Shen Chi turned, grabbing Xiao Mo by the collar!

“Mr. Shen, please stay calm, calm down!” Xiao Mo shouted.

“How can I stay calm? You point to any skeleton and tell me it’s Xu Chaomu, how can I stay calm?!”

“Mr. Shen, you should have prepared yourself from six months ago.” Xiao Mo grabbed Shen Chi’s hand, “Miss Xu has been missing without a trace for half a year, where else could a girl like her go? I’ve searched the entire Sumatra Island!”

Xiao Mo’s neck was in pain from being throttled, he was nearly choking…

How could such a rational man as Shen Chi not understand.

“Then tell me, how can you be certain she’s Xu Chaomu?!”

Shen Chi’s voice was cold, he released his hold, pointing at the pile of bones.

“Listen to me, the forensic doctor found traces of drugs in her bones, the same components of the drugs Miss Xu was taking before she left.”

“Drug components? What else?!”

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