If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 374: My Wife

Chapter 374: Chapter 374: My Wife

In the spring, she lost her first child, and afterward, she boarded a train leaving C City.

Before long, summer arrived. Without anyone to take care of her and with little money, her health was very poor after the miscarriage.

That summer, each day felt like an eternity. Every night, the thought that occupied her mind the most was that if she couldn’t see tomorrow’s sun, perhaps that might be a blessing too.

As these memories surfaced, her head bowed.

Shen Shihan, afraid she would be cold, had specially brought her a knitted coat.

He caught her shoulder and led her towards the car.

After the car started, it headed southward.

Indeed, the few young maids in Shen Shihan’s villa looked at Shen Shihan and Mo Shuifu with envy, “The Third Young Master and the Third Young Mistress are so happy.”

“Of course. The Third Young Master treats the Third Young Mistress so well, it makes people envious and jealous.”

“Look at them, married for two years now and they hardly argue.”

“Although they haven’t argued much, they also haven’t been particularly close either. Tonight seems to be an exception.”

“That’s true,” they agreed.

“Right, you say the Third Young Master and the Third Young Mistress have been married for more than two years, why isn’t there any movement in the Third Young Mistress’s stomach?”

“I heard the Third Young Mistress had a miscarriage before and her health isn’t very good.”

The maids became spirited as they gossiped. On normal days, when Mo Shuifu was home, they dared not talk so openly, keeping to a certain decorum.

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But today was different, with Shen Shihan and Mo Shuifu both out, even the butler had gone home.

In the whole villa, there were only these few maids left, and with all the work done, they gathered to chat.

“Yeah, I’ve also heard it was because the Third Young Mistress had lost a child before.”

“That child… was it the Third Young Master’s?”

“I don’t know. Some say yes, some say no. The child the Third Young Mistress lost was five years ago; it’s really not clear.”

“It’s said that the Third Young Mistress has no family background, no support, just like us.”

“Then you guys say, how did the Third Young Master take a fancy to the Third Young Mistress? The Third Young Master is so outstanding.”

“No idea.” The maids spoke in unison, then all shrugged at the same time.

“We’ve been here for several years, and speaking of which, besides the Third Young Mistress, we’ve really never seen the Third Young Master bring any other woman back home.”

“This place is the home of the Third Young Master and the Third Young Mistress, of course, no other woman would come. Moreover, the Third Young Mistress is often at home, how could the Third Young Master bring other women back?”

“Makes sense. Still, I believe the Third Young Master isn’t that type of person.”

“You say, the Third Young Master is so faithful to the Third Young Mistress, why is it that we never see a smile on her face?” asked one of the younger maids, particularly curious.

“Who knows, maybe the Third Young Mistress doesn’t like the Third Young Master?”

“Why though? The Third Young Master is so outstanding, successful in business, good in character, and treats the Third Young Mistress so well. What’s there for her to be dissatisfied about?”

“Liking someone is unpredictable. If the Third Young Mistress just doesn’t like the Third Young Master, that can’t be forced.”

“But I haven’t seen the Third Young Mistress show interest in anyone else either.”

“Are you stupid? If it was all out in the open for you to see, wouldn’t the Third Young Master be aware of it too? Are these matters to be broadcasted to the world?”

“Oh, that’s true.”

When Shen Shihan and Mo Shuifu arrived at the ball, it was precisely seven-thirty, not a minute too soon or too late, just right.

This ball was actually hosted by Shen Shihan. He also wanted to use this opportunity to tell everyone that Mo Shuifu was his wife.

For more than two years, their relationship had been neither warm nor cold, and he didn’t want to keep going on like this.

“The Third Young Master has arrived!”

As they entered, someone came over to greet them.

“Yo, early arrival doesn’t compare to timely arrival. How opportune that the Third Young Master has come!”

“Seven-thirty, just perfect!”

“Got held up by something, hope everyone doesn’t mind,” Shen Shihan said as he walked with Mo Shuifu toward the banquet hall.

After taking a few steps, he lowered his head, whispering into Mo Shuifu’s ear, “Hold onto my arm.”

“Hm? Oh…”

Upon his reminder, Mo Shuifu looped her arm through his; it wasn’t a habit of hers.

It wasn’t until then, with the dazzling lights shining upon her face and her eyes slightly squinting, that she felt as if she was living in a dream.

She was married, and her husband was Shen Shihan, the Third Young Master.

The first time she met him was at Weiyang, when she was bullied by a guest and he pleaded on her behalf. At that time, she was actually quite grateful to him.

“Third Young Master, who is this by your side? Won’t you introduce her? It’s our first time seeing her.”

Someone sharp-eyed approached Shen Shihan.

The two of them, one dressed in a black shirt, the other in a beige dress, looked particularly suitable standing together. Especially when Mo Shuifu held onto Shen Shihan’s arm, his eyes curved into smiles.

“Wow, the Third Young Master even brings a lady to a ball? Has the sun risen from the west today?” someone joked.

“She is my wife, Mo Shuifu,” Shen Shihan raised his eyebrows.

When he said the word “wife,” he even looked down at Mo Shuifu for a moment, his gaze tender as water.

“Wife? Are you planning to get married, Third Young Master? Not going on adventures with the brothers anymore?”

“No, Shuifu and I have been married for more than two years already. She doesn’t like lively places, so I haven’t brought her out until now,” Shen Shihan said.

In truth, during the early days of their marriage, their relationship became very strained, and even the marriage certificate was obtained under his coercion.

During that time, even a simple kiss from him would result in her biting his lips, not letting him get close.

Later, he would leave after slamming the doors, not returning to the villa for several months.

At that time, let alone taking her out to a ball.

“Whoa, Third Young Master, you actually kept such a big matter from us? You got married? I was still hoping to set you up!”

“It’s your own lack of attention,” Shen Shihan said indifferently, “I often take Shuifu out, it’s just that she likes quieter places.”

“It turns out to be our fault? That’s really not cool of you. You must accept punishment tonight, you need to drink, and drink a lot! Sister-in-law, wouldn’t you agree?”

Mo Shuifu curved her lips slightly: “His alcohol tolerance is good, you guys should punish him with a few more drinks.”

Hearing Mo Shuifu’s words, the crowd got even more excited and began heckling: “See, sister-in-law agrees! Tonight, the Third Young Master doesn’t get to leave unless he’s drunk!”

Shen Shihan looked helpless, smiling at Mo Shuifu, “Why are you elbowing me out?”

Mo Shuifu looked up, her lips moved slightly, her eyes sparkled, almost smiling.

The crowd riled up again: “Sister-in-law, you must make the Third Young Master drink with us until he’s drunk. Otherwise, let him sleep in the study for a week!”

“Alright, I’ll listen to you guys…” Mo Shuifu crooked her elbow out completely.

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