Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 342 - [Bonus ] Visit

Chapter 342 - [Bonus ] Visit

There was nothing else to do in here, so she walked back to the study. The candle had burnt out completely leaving Iona to depend on her strong vision.

She moved the bookshelf back in its place and after giving one last look to the study of the king, she stepped out of it and closed the door quietly behind it.

As she walked back to her room, with cobwebs and dirt sticking on her nightgown and shawl and skin, she noticed that the palace was shrouded in the same silence and darkness as she had left it. There was still time for dawn. She tiptoed the south wing through corridors and breezeways and hallways and winding stairs until she was on the landing of the level where her room was. Even though exhausted, Iona walked to her room with a bounce in her steps and a high chin. She straightaway went to the bathing chamber to take a bath to remove the cobwebs and dirt and that disgusting smell that she was now reeking of. Once she changed into comfortable linen chemise, she went to bed and slept like there was no other day. When she woke up, it was time to investigate other parts of the palace and if possible, she wanted to go to visit the sprawling fae capital of Vilinski. She walked to the window, through which she could see the snow still swirling, pressing hard against the glass. With force she opened it only to be greeted by gray clouds and cold breeze. It was the sort of cold that would freeze your blood if you didn't wear enough layers of clothes. Iona glared at the white landscape in front of her that hadn't changed over so many years. She sighed and her stomach grumbled. From the bells the sentries must have rung, she assumed that it was afternoon.

Usually, Etaya used to send the food of the dark witch to her room because she rarely ever came out, but when she saw Iona coming to join them in the main dining hall, she blinked once and then watched her coming towards them. In her human form the girl looked… stunning. She was wearing a rust silk gown with panels with a white fur and white gloves. Her raven black hair was woven in a neat braid that hung over her shoulders and snaked in the front. For the first time, Etaya realized how long her hair was and how golden her eyes were. She looked so much like her brother, absolutely mesmerizing.

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Aed Ruad, who was sitting next to his mother narrowed his eyes when he saw her, but didn't speak a word.

Without asking them, Iona joined them at the table. Was she supposed to smile? Maybe. But she wasn't in a mood, so she just picked up the napkin and started serving food for herself. Her bold intrusion had stopped the conversation between the mother and son. Who cares? She was as such doomed and she wanted to live her life fully. At the end of the lunch, she said, "I would like to visit the streets of the capital, Etaya."

Etaya's eyes flared wide open. The dark witch never demanded things as ridiculous as this, but one look at Iona and she was far from the dark witch version. She wanted to deny her outrightly, but then she found Iona staring at her and the fear of the dark witch returned. "Sure, you can go. Do you want me to send someone with you to guide you?"

"If you want, but that won't be necessary."

"I will send Ráild with you—the soldier who escorted you to Vilinski."

Iona shrugged. "Remind him to not open his mouth unnecessarily otherwise he will find himself in deep trouble."

Etaya gulped as Aed Ruad glared at her.

"You better keep the Diumbe at bay!" he said in a voice laced with anger but had a tinge of fear.

Iona wiped her face with the napkin and said, "Did they go to you? You look scared."

"No, they didn't but there are reports in the palace that they saw weird creatures," he blurted a lie.

"Ah, I see," she replied as calmly as she could manage. "They don't come out during the day. It's the night they love." Saying that she got up and walked out of the room. The lunch was lavish and she enjoyed every bit of morsel.

Ráild, it seemed, suffered from a horrible stomach infection and was down with fever, so he couldn't join her. Iona changed her gown to white tunic and gray slacks. She wrapped a gray cloak tightly around her and stepped out in the harsh weather. As she walked through the palace, she crossed training yards where she could hear the noise of the guards and soldiers parrying with each other. Loud groans, yells, curses, metal clanking and thuds were heard. She kept herself in the corridors and avoided people. Only a few servants walked past her and no one batted an eyelid towards her.

Iona walked through the long corridors, courtyards and came outside to the gardens which were covered by a layer of snow. The ground crunched beneath her boots as she walked to the room where she intended to go. Her Diumbe had researched for her and reported to her about it a long time back.

She entered the Lore's largest armory. The royal guards manning it, didn't stop her for they looked… dazed. She liked it when she used her magic at her will, and entrancing people was her strong forte because that was what her Master had taught her all these years—put the victim in a trance and torture him or her as he tortured her.

The place smelled of metal and damp wood. She found only a few men polishing the metal armors and other weapons. The naturally dark walls hung with rows of swords and spears and daggers and every weapon one could imagine. She wondered who the hell was Etaya maintaining this kind of armory for. Was it to attack the rest of the fae kingdom? The woman had thought of ten steps in advance. She walked through the entire armory, admiring all the weapons as those who were working inside barely looked at her, dazed as hell. After inspecting the place, she walked back to her room and stayed there till the bell rung past midnight.

Iona prowled out of her room again and headed for the study. She really wanted to read the book, History of Faes and also—


Anastasia jerked opened her eyes with a strange dream of her lands. Her breath was ragged and she clutched her blanket. Next to her the bed was cold and empty. Where was Ileus? Why hadn't he come to their room? Was he feeling fine? She knew that he had to time travel because the queen had requested. She drank a glass of water from the side table. Flustered as hell to find him, she grabbed a fur, wrapped it around her and walked to the door, when suddenly her stomach revolted. She had to run to the bathroom and was aghast when she emptied water in the basin. Had she caught a stomach infection? Anastasia washed her face. She had to find the healers.

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