Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 419 - Fire, Water And Ice

Chapter 419 - Fire, Water And Ice

All of a sudden, Edyrm roared. He resisted against the combined magic of Rolfe and Caleb.

"Run from here!" Rolfe shouted. His father's face was pinched as he was using all his magic to fight against them. The ice thawed and it crunched when Edyrm lifted his boot out of the layer that had surrounded it.

Caleb threw his hands up. He swirled his hands in the air that was whipping their hair and mottling their cheeks and directed it back at the king, slamming him back on his throne. Edyrm grunted as he landed on his ass. The next moment more ice started building around his feet.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Run from here, Iona!" Rolfe shouted. "Take your brother. Take all your men from here.. But when you come back…" his breath became ragged as his eyes became glossy, thinking that his ate would leave. "When you come back, come back with your parents and every other Lore alliance of yours and take this place down."

It was impossible to hold the king for so long. His magic burst out of him with a loud boom. The chandeliers exploded into thousands of glass shards, the window cracked and splintered, the wood of which traveled at men at high speed, the floor cracked and the king—he stood tall, his body a blazing inferno.

"Run!" Rolfe shouted again and then turned towards his father to take whatever magic he wanted to throw on him.

When Edyrm walked, the floor shook. Mayhem descended as people ran to save themselves from the king's wrath. No one had ever seen him in this situation ever. He threw his hands forward and hurtled balls of fire at Rolfe. The orbs of fire struck Rolfe and he was flung some fifty feet away with large gaping holes in his chest, right where Anastasia was hovering in the air. He fell unconscious.

"Rolfe!" Iona shouted and rushed towards him. Edyrm was in a frenzy. He hurled the orbs towards her as well. But before the fire could touch Iona, Caleb had sent another blast of ice in his direction, freezing the fire. Unfortunately, it melted fast.

As soon as the king had become a walking inferno, Kaizan knew that things might go awry. The floor beneath him trembled and cracked as the king moved. He wanted to shift because his wolf was clamoring on the inside, but the magic oppressed him to the extent that it was painful. The iron chains had broken and fallen apart but the moment that happened. He darted to the soldiers who were fighting with Ileus and other fae soldiers and attacked them one by one, slashing their necks with his long claws or sinking his sharp fangs in their necks and snapping their necks off their bodies. However, soon he found himself bound with thicker chains along with several other fae soldiers, from head to toe. He growled and resisted but he was pulled by demons to God-knows where. He gave a last look to his friend and to whom he was promised, before he was shoved mercilessly. As he left the throne room, he could hear that Ileus was already on a killing spree. He was trying to distract the king to give others more time to fight. He knew that Ileus would never let Edyrm go unpunished for what he did to Iona and he knew that Rolfe was in no way going to leave the king for attacking his mate. With that thought in mind, Kaizan let himself be pushed into the darkness of the dungeons. He realized that perhaps this would be his last seeing his friends and those he valued. It's not that he would have made a choice of saving them with his life, but then he did wish that he lived happily with his friends, teased them and made fun of them—just once more. He wheezed trying one last time to break and join his friends, Damp sweat coated his skin despite the gale.

Anastasia came to stand on the floor to help Rolfe. She directed the water swirling around her hands on his chest. But his burns were too much. He needed ice, and lots of it.

Knowing fully well that Edyrm's magic was weakening, Ileus explored the well of his magic in order to know if he could now use it. But he realized that his sons and other demons were also helping him. Ileus ran to his sister. As soon as he reached her, he burst into mist and covered both Iona and Rolfe with it, halting Edyrm temporarily. The shield of mist didn't last long.

Caleb was finding it difficult to hold Edyrm. The king advanced, each step shuddering the foundation of the throne room. He looked at Anastasia and she nodded. All at once the two flung their hands forward. While Caleb sent a blast of ice around Rolfe, Anastasia hurled the water that was shimmering with pink and blue lights towards him.

As soon as Rolfe was covered with ice, Ileus and Iona took the advantage of it. They lifted him and hauled him across the hall through the mayhem around them. The fae and demon soldiers who were their loyalists leapt into their path and fought with all those who tried to stop them, thus clearing their way.

The water twirled around Edyrm but it sizzled and evaporated. He was on a rampage. His eyes blazing with fire, his horns black and larger, his body grown double the size of his original self, he looked like a monster walking from hell. And he wanted only one person— Anastasia.

It was fire, water and ice.

The gale only raised his flames as Caleb used it to throw ice at him. But it was becoming useless, for the demon was absolutely relentless. He picked up people in his way, whether those who belonged to his kingdom or those who were against him, and threw them aside as if they were nothing but toys in his way. He was going to wring her neck in two. This was his moment of glory and no one could steal it. He had been waiting for it for thousands of years. He would kill the heir of the Lore, and then march against the king of Vilinski.

As he walked towards her, the floor beneath her shuddered and cracked. Panic blossomed in her chest as he came nearer. She beat her wings and shot high in the room but by that time he had hurled a ball of fire at her left wing. Anastasia flew behind him. She looked at Caleb who was still trying to make ice out of the gale. She could clearly see the sweat beads on his forehead. And it was clear that his magic was again weakening. Edyrm swiveled his massive body in her direction. With a roar, he conjured more fire orbs and threw them at her, but they never made it to her, for Caleb's magic caught them. The king growled, "I knew you had it in you. I knew that only you could free Iona from her curse. I did my best to keep you away from her, but you just had to come back."

"And I have, haven't I?" she growled and—

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