Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 498 - Surprise

Chapter 498 - Surprise

Ilyana smacked her lips after having the herbal potion. She giggled softly and then gave a side glance to Theodir. So what if she had sex with him? It wasn't anything new. The best part was that he could keep having sex with her and she would keep having her herbal potion. She scoffed at him and then closed her wardrobe as quietly as possible. She sauntered off to the bathroom, a low hum in her throat. She ran a hot water bath in the tub and poured scented oils and lotions for… Theodir?

She shook her head. Why was she thinking about Theodir? She focused on the bath she was preparing for herself. She was too sore from yesterday and she needed to immerse herself in a nice long bath. She wondered what Theodir must be doing right now. Wait. Theodir? She shook her head again. She wanted to think of his brother, but why were her thoughts going back to Theodir? She closed her eyes, slapped her cheeks and then exhaled heavily. "What is going on?" she muttered and then stepped into the hot tub. As she sat inside the tub, she rested her head back and then sighed. It was a wonderful night. Her mind went to how she was touched by Theodir. What? She jerked upright. Why was she thinking only about him? How he touched, how he kissed, how he caressed and how he whispered in her ears.

And those thoughts led her to feeling wet in between her thighs. Her body heated like a furnace and the hot water around her felt like molten lava. She needed to get in cold water or she would explode. Her sex drive kicked in again and she thought she would die if she didn't have sex with… Theodir? Ilyana was going mad at her thought process, at herself. Her breath became ragged, her breasts became heavy and her core, it became wet… as hell.

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The next she knew was that she had straddled Theodir, whom she had awakened from his slumber. The man was ready for her, and she was not even shocked.

An hour later, a heavy knock on the door disturbed their attention. Theodir had to bind his wife with magic so that she left him. He was stunned as to why Ilyana was so forthcoming. Heated bursts of surprise caught him when he found her straddling him and fondling his shaft around her face. Her lips were wrapped around it. The sight made his muscles bulge. He had gotten up, picked her by her buttocks and impaled her on his shaft.

"M'lord, you are requested to be in the study. General Haldir wants to meet you," the servant said. "Prince Ileus is also waiting."

Theodir frowned. He gave a tight nod, not wanting to leave his dissatisfied wife. But he had to go and meet his brother and Ileus. He was angered that every other day the two came up with a new plan to deter his plans. Well, he was going to take Ruvyn to Evindal, no matter what. The servant left and Theodir closed the door behind him. He walked back to the bed, where his wife was struggling to keep herself in control. Her eyes were full of lust, her body was writhing for him and her chest rose and fell. He cupped her breasts, straddled her and then leaned down to suck them harshly. She groaned and moaned his name. "Please take me, Theodir." His name on her lips sounded so good that he sucked her harder while kneading the other one.

He vaguely remembered what happened to him last night, but he wanted to devour her. All he recalled was that there was wine in the temple and after that it was impossible to take a tour of Draoidh. He ended up having sex with his wife, but for how long, he didn't know. Once he had drawn his fill, he said, "Stay here, Ilyana. I will be right back."

She cried, "Nooo! Don't go. I need you! I need you!" She held his hands.

Theodir gave her an extremely satisfied smile. She had never behaved like this. It only made him feel so horny. His thoughts ran to Haldir and Ileus and irritation spiked. They were disturbing his… deeds. "I will be right back," he said. He got up from the bed and as soon as went to his wardrobe to wear his clothes. When he turned to look at her, she was touching herself in between the thighs. He roared, "Don't you do that!" Saying that he snapped his fingers and a chastity belt appeared around her sex. The girl was locked. "Only I will touch you there," he growled. He wanted her to wait for him and he knew that it would increase her anticipation.

"Please Theodir, don't do that!" she cried aloud. She tried to remove the belt by snapping her fingers and using her magic, but her magic was nothing against Theodir's. Seeing how she was trying to remove the belt, he snapped his fingers again and pinned her hands to the headboard and her ankles to the footboard, using his magic. Now Ilyana was spreadeagled, and lusty like she was never before.

"Wait for me," he said and kissed her lips. He gazed down at her and satisfied with his work, left to meet his brother and Ileus. The way to study was longer than it seemed. Theodir was trying to contain his irritation and show everyone that he was not in a hurry, but his feet had developed their own mind. He broke into a marathon to the study. By the time he reached there, he was breathless, smelling of sweat and his own sex and that of Ilyana's. As soon as he opened the door, he saw shocked expressions on Haldir's as well as Ileus' face. He flushed and hoped that they didn't see his flush rising. Closing the door patiently behind him, he said, "What is it, Haldir?" He gave a tight nod to Ileus and then went to sit on the cushioned chair. He crossed one leg over the other on his knee and without realizing, he started moving his foot. Yes, he was too impatient to get over it and go back to his wife.

"You should take a bath!" Haldir blurted, scrunching his nose.

Theodir's blush became deeper.

"And your hair looks so messy. Did you have a brawl with someone?" Ileus added.

Theodir pursed his lips. "What is it that you want to discuss?"

Ileus got up slowly and then walked to his cabinet all the more slowly. He took out three glasses and poured wine in them as he glanced sideways at Theodir.

Haldir said, "I wanted to say that Inyanga and I have decided that you can take Ruvyn with you, but can you please let him stay with us till she is nursing him?"

Theodir jerked his head back. This came as a total surprise and he was totally thrown off. What were these two at now? He narrowed his eyes at Haldir and then looked at Ileus who handed him the wine with a smile. He took the wine. His chest rose as he inhaled deeply and then when he exhaled, his irritation reduced. Haldir's words sounded promising, although his surprise didn't ebb.. And the werewolf was too clever.

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