Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 538 - Second In Command

Chapter 538 - Second In Command

Olivia drew her gaze away from her groom and went to her mother. She stopped in front of her, clasping her hands. "The idea of leaving this place terrifies me, Mother."

Kaia took her hand in her and brought their joined hands to her chest. "I know, Olivia. But you must do what you have to. I know that your marriage was nothing what I had in mind and was a hurried affair but no one wanted to stay close to the Silver Vales men." She jerked her chin towards her father. Her father was reading a scroll of paper. "They have just signed a peace treaty. The Whiteclaw pack is under the Silver Vales pack for protection, yet we are free to trade with any kingdom we like. They will protect us against any attack, only if we don't maintain our own army and are purely into trade."

"But Mother, that is absurd. What if they break the treaty?" Olivia asked as a shiver ran down her spine.

"No, dear. They have both vowed to the Lore. The treaty can only be broken if one absolves the other of the vow," said Kaia. "But do your best and don't fall out of grace. Our pack's peace depends on you." Her eyes went to Bernice who was standing and watching them from a distance. "Bernice wanted to be his bride, but the councilmen decided that it is you who have to be his bride," Kaia said in a low voice which only she could hear. "However, if you botch up, Bernice will take that place in less than a day. So, whatever you do, think carefully, okay?"

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Closing her eyes, Olivia exhaled raggedly. She was very worried about leaving her pack behind. She was leaving everything that had been familiar to her behind. So much had happened and so many lives were lost. She felt that she was becoming numb. She really didn't have the emotional space left to think about Bernice or about her future. What if she never saw her family again? She drew in a shaky breath and said, "I won't make promises, Mother."

Kaia squeezed her hand. She buttoned the top button of her black cloak after straightening her heavy sweater underneath it. She looked at Olivia's black leather boots and then walked with her to where her groom and father were. The man bowed to her. In a shaky voice, Kaia said, "Take care of my daughter."

"I will," he replied with a deep rumble.

Olivia's stomach twisted as a feeling of helplessness washed over her because there was nothing she or her parents could do about any of what was happening.

"I think it is time you hit the road," said Vaarin, as if impatient to see them off.

Olivia wasn't surprised nor did her father's impatience to see her off hurt her. Cool wind lifted the strands of her hair from around her temple. It was beginning to become gray all over again and she wondered how they would complete the journey in this cold weather when every now and then the valley experienced snow.

"You are right," he said. Then he turned to look at her. Olivia looked at him and almost wished she hadn't. The man was dressed in black breeches that were well fitted and showed his powerful and long legs. His black tunic was thick and over it he was wearing a fur lined cloak, fit for the weather they would be traveling in. When did he change? During the day, his hair was a beautiful brown. Dressed in a casual way, he looked even more handsome than what she had seen him yesterday night. Her cheeks heated when she found herself gawking at him.

"I am Kaizan, the Second in Command of King Dmitri for the kingdom of Silver Vales. And on behalf of Silver Vales, I welcome you." It was the first time she was introduced to her groom.

Gods above. So this was the man! "I am Olivia," she said, wondering if she was even introduced to him or not. Moreover, that answer seemed appropriate. It conveyed a message to her parents that she traded her like a goat in a village fair to the highest bidder. She remembered how he had called her sunshine. He seemed like he was under a lot of pressure.

"Let us go Olivia," he said in a deep throaty voice that was warm, yet distant. His brows were drawn as he sized her up. "The skies look threatening and we can't wait."

Olivia somehow knew that it wasn't that he couldn't wait; it was that he didn't want to wait.


Astride his black stallion, Kaizan glanced at his new wife who was slouching in the saddle as she rode beside him. They were traveling with a cavalcade of twenty men towards Silver Vales northern borders and the capital. A crescent moon, glimmered above them, over which fast-moving gray clouds sailed. Olivia's golden hair shone a silvery white under the moonlight. Her face was pale and gaunt because she hadn't slept.

The wagon that carried her dowry was attached to a carriage and Kaizan had asked her to sleep in it, but she had refused. He didn't know the reason why she refused, but he asked her again, "Why don't you go and sleep in the carriage? There's a nice cushioned bench in it and a fur blanket."

"I am absolutely…" A yawn. "Fine…" Another yawn.

He had seen her the night before. Kaizan wondered if she would be able to stay on the horse that he had readied for her for another few hours also. Along with his fellowmen, his bride, they had taken to the road right after he had signed the treaty with her father. His men had food that was laid for his wedding and they were more than happy to mount their horses and go back.

Of all the weddings Kaizan had gone to till now, his wedding had been the most ridiculous. The ceremony was nothing but just a seal to a treaty, a declaration that they were married.. Hands of each party were on the hilts of their swords as the two groups watched each other, ready to attack across the ribbon adorned garden to cross blades.

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