Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 544 - Nudity

Chapter 544 - Nudity

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When Kaizan had gone to sleep in his tent, the snow on the outside was falling in soft flurries. After tucking her up in the fur, he had drifted off to sleep feeling extremely exhausted, her steady heartbeat a lull to his ears.

He jerked open his eyes to someone tugging the fur away from him. He propped himself up, sleepy as hell, only to see that Olivia was shivering even under that fur. He looked outside and saw that the snow started falling like ice needles on the ground and it added to the layers on the ground. He wanted to gather her in his arms and pull her closer to share his warmth with her, but he was not sure how she would feel, so he shifted into his wolf and then went to sit right beside her. Olivia sought his warmth like a magnet and before he knew she was already on him, cuddled against his body. His wolf stared at the little girl feeling satisfied. He went off the sleep but sometime later, he felt a weight pressing him and when he opened his eyes, he found her on his, her arms clutching his body and her face buried in his neck.

Kaizan couldn't sleep after that because he was frozen. All he managed to do was tug the fur over her with his teeth to cover her completely. After that Olivia slept cozily over him, even rolling a little and throwing her feet and hands out of the fur. All night he had to tug the cover around her so that she didn't feel cold. By the time the darkness receded and gray lights entered the tent, Kaizan was feeling too sleepy. But how could he sleep? The girl on him had half fallen down on the pallet, twisting the fur with her under her back. Her one hand was still in his fur and her leg was near his tail. He growled and grabbed her hand with his teeth to pull her over him. In the process Olivia stirred and murmured something.

She opened one eye and stilled for a moment to understand her surroundings. When she saw the brown wolf next to her, she jerked her eyes open and looked up at him. "Oh gods!" she said as her cheeks flushed like a red rose upon realizing that she was with his wolf. She tried to untangle herself from the fur but it resulted in her rolling more towards him. Her heartbeat accelerated because she was afraid to have 'accidentally' stepped on his wolf. She was sure that he would reprimand her. But she didn't know why she slept so peacefully for the entire night. For the past so many nights she hadn't been able to sleep in her cozy bed at home because of all the stress of marrying him. "I am so sorry," she murmured as she tried to remove herself from the soft and furry and cuddly body of Kaizan's wolf while he waited patiently for her, watching her with his soft honey eyes and a lolling tongue. His wolf was beautiful!

Olivia had to roll over him to remove the fur beneath her that was twisted badly between her legs. She pulled it out resulting in her tunic's belt opening revealing the center of her chest. "Gods!" she muttered for being so clumsy. She managed to crawl away from him and then turned in that position to find him staring at her with his jaws slackened. She realized that in this position the neckline of her tunic had loosened and her breasts were fully exposed. And Kaizan's wolf was looking right over there. A growl emanated from his chest and Olivia snapped out of the whole situation. Immediately, she sat on her knees, blushing till her roots and pulling her neckline up to cover her breasts properly.

Kaizan got up and then shook his fur. He stretched his limbs and walked out of the tent in his wolf form much to Olivia's chagrin. She became anxious as to what others would think of why their General shifted into his wolf form in their tent. But he had in fact given her the privacy to change and get ready.

The morning was gray as dense clouds hung low and mist swirled around them thickly. When Kaizan came out of the tent, he found several eyes staring at him curiously from their places around the campfires or from their tents. He was sure they were wondering how he bedded his wife and also sure that his soldiers and servants must have wagered as to whether he swived her or not. After all, Olivia was still the daughter of his enemy. What he didn't realize was that he also trotted out of the tent in his wolf form feeling very content though a little tired.

Well, they could keep betting. He was never going to reveal what happened between them. He wanted to bark orders at them to pack up and start when all that came out was a loud growl. He shook his head and then shifted into his human form. And now he was stark naked without realizing that his wife had just pulled the flap of the tent to come out. He heard a sharp pulling of the flap and turned back. Kaizan put his hands on his hips and suddenly he felt that the cool wind was fantastic over his heated skin.

Nudity wasn't an issue with the werewolves, because when they shifted, they did see each other shedding their clothes. But right now, his men were staring at him as if scandalized. "Don't you all have work to do!" he shouted. "And get me some clothes!" Saying that he headed to Finn's tent. He didn't go back to his tent to retrieve his clothes because he didn't want his men to make vulgar remarks about him and his wife.

Olivia found him an hour later. She had changed into black tunic and black slacks over which she wore a knitted sweater. She braided her hair which now hung over her shoulder. Kaizan was holding an armor for her.. "You have to put this on," he said.

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