Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 560 - Instructions

Chapter 560 - Instructions

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

At night, Olivia found herself snuggling closer and closer to warmth that her body had been seeking these past few nights and Kaizan found himself growing closer to the soft, curvaceous body that was so comfortable that eventually he just pulled her over his chest. As if that was what she wanted, Olivia curled over him, every curve of hers fitting in every dip of his plane, perfectly.

Kaizan woke up late in the morning and found that she was sleeping on him. Her golden hair was splayed all over his chest. It was such a beautiful sight to behold that he didn't feel like getting up from his bed. He had never shared his bed with any woman so far. He had got himself into the vagaries of life, but he never allowed a woman to enter his bedroom because that was his sanctuary. Last night he was proud to bring Olivia in and in fact, relished the thought that she would be the first to share it with him. He took his fingers in her hair and threaded them. Lifting her hair in his palm, he watched them slip down. "So beautiful," he murmured and placed a kiss on the crown of her head. Suddenly he became aware of her breasts pressing into his chest and his shaft bulged against her belly.

Olivia stirred a little and her hand went down in between them to investigate what was it that was poking her. The hard piece of flesh was so hot and welcoming that she loved it. She grasped it, moved her belly a little to spread its warmth and then cupped it with another hand. With a whimper, she went back to sleep, now ensuring that she would remain this heated till she had the thing in her hand.

Kaizan's eyes flew wide open. Whatever little sleep that lingered in his eyes, vanished. All his senses went to where Olivia had cupped him so lovingly, so ignorantly. He gulped audibly and knew that if he didn't make her lie beside him, he would end up coming all over on her which would be extremely awkward. He removed her hair to one side to reveal her face and found himself staring at her bare shoulder. He growled seeing the velvety soft skin of her pulse point. His cock pulsed and his fangs lengthened. He licked his fangs with his venom as his beast forced him from inside to mark her, claim her. His breath became ragged and chest started heaving heavily. His eyes traveled to her lovely, unsuspecting face and he willed his beast to calm down. This was no way to mark his female. He would mark her in throes of pleasure.

Very carefully, he made her slide down his body. She immediately protested by softly whining in her sleep. Kaizan smiled and then tucked her into the comforter before getting out of the bed. He walked to the bathroom. When he came out, he saw that she was still sleeping. He got dressed because he had business to attend. Her citrusy smell had infused the room to the extent that he was overwhelmed. It was impossible to leave the intoxicating smell of his wife and walk out of the door. Yet, he opened the door and stepped out, her smell lingering in his nostrils.

She missed his presence so much that at first when she woke up, she thought she was in her room at her parents' place. But got up with a jerk when his fire and masculine smell hit her. She turned her face to the side to see that he was already gone. Gods, she missed him. Nervous as to what she would do without him, she went to the bathroom and pondered on what she would do next. Ileus had said that she should accompany him to the market. So, she decided to go to the grove to see if he was there. The thought made her get out of the bath quickly, but another thought plagued her. What was she going to wear? Feeling gloomy that because of the lack of clothes she had to stay confined in the room, she ambled to his wardrobe and opened it. A pleasant surprise surged through her when she saw that all her gowns were neatly hanging in there along with his clothes. Excitement bubbled and Olivia hastily changed into a light green gown with an olive overcoat. She wore her boots and got out of the room.

There were noises coming from the outside towards the grove. When she reached down, she saw that Finn was ordering his men to load the crates of oranges and apples in the wagons. As soon as his gaze met hers, he bowed. "M'lady."

She dipped back in courtesy. Before she could ask for him, she heard heavy clomps of horse on the carriageway of the manor. Soon Kaizan appeared on his horse and his features in the morning sunlight stole her breath away. His hair was wind ruffled and he was staring at her as he brought his horse nearer. He dismounted his horse. Holding her hand, he said, "We will have breakfast in the Central Saion. Is that okay?" She nodded, catching her breath as a hot blush rose up her face. He wrapped his arm around her waist and hoisted her up the horse with her legs on one side of the saddle. In a swift motion, he was behind her. He grappled the reins of his horse in one hand and barked orders for his men to start.

They started soon and he instructed her, "I will be dealing with the merchants and while I do so, stay with Finn. Don't wander off, okay?" She was still unmarked and the thought of leaving her alone in front of those leery men, unsettled him. "You are very beautiful, Olivia. You will be noticed and I really don't want to murder people out in the open!"

"I won't," she replied and smiled. And when he smiled, his dimple appeared on his left cheek and Olivia drooled.. She wanted to bite his chin.

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