Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 563 - Imagining

Chapter 563 - Imagining

Kaizan's face was cold but what he said contradicted his demeanor. A small crowd started to gather around them. Their General had never shown this kind of ruthless behavior in the public. He had always been extremely controlled but right now, he looked ferocious and dangerous as hell. Anger flooded through him and he sucked in a sharp breath.

"Who are you?" Lucas shouted in his inebriated condition. He took his shirt off using his uninjured hand. The men and women in the crowd gasped at the gorgeous figure he possessed. He used that shirt to wrap around his injured hand and then pulled out a dagger from a sheath in his belt. "I am going to kill you!" he said and lunged unsteadily towards Kaizan.

Kaizan deflected him easily. Finn tried to grab him, but Kaizan asked him not to. "Are you then?" he said to Lucas who was brandishing the dagger in front of him.

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"Are you insane?" Lucas' friend warned him. "That is the General of Silver Vales who you are dealing with. He will carve you out like a pumpkin in Yule!"

Olivia had cleaved the crowd in order to reach the front line.

"You think I care whether he is the General of horse shit?" Lucas said, spitting on the ground. "I will kill you nonetheless!" Saying that he again lunged at Kaizan with his dagger pointing towards him. Kaizan waited for him to come near him, and when he was only a step away, Kaizan stepped on the side, held the man by his hand that held the dagger and twisted it between his shoulder at the back. The impact was so huge that Lucas' hand got sprained badly. He bellowed and turned again to charge at Kaizan, but Kaizan was blinded by rage. This time instead of stepping on the side, he met his opponent full on. He fisted his hand and punched Lucas below his chin. Something cracked in his jaw, as Lucas was lifted from the ground with his head thrown back and he landed on the ground on his back with a thud. Kaizan stood right over him.

Lucas saw black stars in his vision. When his vision cleared, he scrambled away from Kaizan and tried to get up. He was completely disoriented. But still he attacked Kaizan and only got more punches and a kick on his ass. When he was on the ground this time, he looked at Kaizan with one eye because the other one was swollen badly. "I will make a minced meat out of you," said Lucas in a slurry voice and with whatever last bit of energy that was left in him, charged at Kaizan.

Kaizan was completely pissed off by now. He kicked Lucas' knee and the man couldn't balance. He fell, dust and dirt raising from the ground around him. Kaizan straddled him and then easily pried his dagger from his hand. He took the dagger and stabbed in the ground beside his ear. "You don't challenge people like me, whoremonger," said Kaizan. "Your level of fighting is akin to a child with one tooth!" Kaizan pressed his knife against Lucas' throat. A line of blood trickled down. "Too proud of that pretty face, huh?" Kaizan took his knife and pressed the tip to his cheek. From there he carved a line to his chin. "Now no one needs to see your face while you fuck them in the dark!"

Lucas whimpered in pain and terror as the knife cut deeper in his flesh.

Olivia came closer to Kaizan. She didn't want her husband to kill the filth that was lying on the ground. "Please," she said in a soft coaxing voice. "He doesn't deserve to be killed by you."

Kaizan's wild gaze met hers as his knife cut into his chin.

Olivia touched Kaizan's shoulder and repeated. "He isn't worth it. Let us go."

Kaizan removed his knife and exhaled heavily as his gaze normalized. He snapped his eyes back to Lucas. "Who allowed you to come in the Silver Vales pack?"

Lucas' eyes flew wide in terror. Whatever little intoxication that was left in his system, fled him. When his senses returned, he found himself staring at the General.

Kaizan wanted to catch the bastard and torture him forever in the dungeons, but they had just signed a peace treaty and if he did it to Lucas, the news would be carried to the Whiteclaw pack and to the king. "Keep him in the prison for a night!" he ordered his men. Rage flared hot in him. He would be questioning his entry in Silver Vales because it clearly looked that he had come here earlier.

Beaten and terrorized, Lucas lay on the ground as the soldiers came, pulled him to his feet and dragged him away from there. Kaizan sheathed the knife slowly with icy expressions back in his belt.

Kaizan held Olivia's hand and then pulled her all the way out of Central Saion. She looked so excited and chirpy and lovely despite how people looked at her earlier. After he had secured good business at Gaia's stall where he sold the produce, he saw her coming to the bouillon shop from the corner of his eye and was waiting for her to join him, when he heard Lucas insulting her openly. If it hadn't been for Olivia, he would have plunged his knife in Lucas and then twisted it without mercy. How dare he shame her?

He made her sit on his horse, mounted it behind her in one swift motion and held her tightly against his chest before nudging the mount into a gallop. All the way back to his mansion, the events at Central Saion continued to play in his head. He plunged the dagger in Lucas' hand with satisfaction. The images that flashed in his mind of Lucas trying to take Olivia guided him to carve his face.

Now as he rode home with her, he imagined himself—with Olivia, naked and servicing his cock.

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