Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 594 - Deported

Chapter 594 - Deported

Olivia looked intimidating. Even though Kaizan's strong muscular arms were wrapped around her waist and she was pinned against his chest, her aura was dark.

On hearing that they had to make a vow to the Lore, Fuchsia and Bernice flinched. A vow to the Lore meant that it was permanent and would always work unless the person with whom they made the vow with, absolved them. They looked at each other with trepidation.

Bernice was more flustered than her mother because her shaky fingers were trying to somehow conceal her exposed body, but she was making a shabby job out of it. In her dreams also she hadn't imagined that her plans were going to fall flat, that instead of becoming Kaizan's wife, she would be now an outcast. She had aimed for the sky and had fallen in hell. Never in her life had she been so insulted. Vow to the Lore was going to seal her fate. Where would she go with her mother? "Olivia, I have begged for mercy, and I am sorry for what I did," she said with quivering lips. "Please don't do this to us. Whiteclaw pack is a part of Silver Vales after the treaty. Where will we go?" Saying that she started wailing and sobbing. "We are your blood relatives. Who treats blood relatives so cruelly?"

Yet another wave of anger blasted in her chest. She lunged at Bernice to kick her again, but Kaizan managed to hold her back. He was beginning to feel extremely drowsy and wished that it all got over fast. Through his hazy mind, he summoned Ileus. He knew that even though the prince must be drowning himself in another round of brew and fatal matches, he would come and help him out. He didn't want to disturb Ileus at all initially, but right now his situation was simply getting worse.

"You bloody tramp!" Olivia shouted at Bernice. "Don't talk about cruelty. That word sounds sweet coming out of your mouth. You were the one who schemed to throw me out of my home!"

Kaizan's lips curled up. She was calling his home as 'my home'. He pressed his lips to her temple as a reward. But Olivia was so irritated that moved away. So, he just stood there, still happy and very drowsy.

"So, either you make that vow or I throw you in the dungeons!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Olivia," Fuchsia said through her tears. "My dear niece, please have compassion. I agree that we were driven by our selfishness, but I did not know that Kaizan was your mate. Give us one more chance and we are going to prove to you that we are indeed very sorry."

Olivia glowered at her aunt and cringed at 'my dear niece'. Silence stretched between all them like a miasma of soiled emotions and only sounds of heavy breathing and sniffling were heard. Olivia controlled herself and said, "Okay, then vow to the Lore that you will never leave the Whiteclaw pack!"

Fuchsia and Bernice were once again stunned. "What—" Fuchsia said when suddenly shadows and smoke burst in the room and Ileus emerged from it. She snapped her mouth shut.

Hair tousled and a bruise on his right cheek, Ileus scanned the room and when his eyes fell on Bernice, he said, "Woah!" The girl was sitting in tattered and ripped clothes and looked… "Disgusting! Ugh! Beggars!" Ileus waved his hand in the air and a thick quilt appeared that fell over Bernice. She squealed as the quilt's weight pressed on her and struggled to come out of it. Fuchsia helped her daughter to cover her body.

Seeing Ileus, Kaizan sagged with relief. The soldiers bowed to their prince.

It took a moment for Ileus to know the situation. He looked at the two women in front of him. "Vow to the Lore, now, else I will throw you in royal dungeons. They are pretty bad, trust me," he said with nonchalance.

Scared like mice in a barrel, the two nodded vehemently. How did the crown prince come here? They had only heard about Ileus but had never seen him. Now that he was in front of him and the way he made his entry—they were terrified as hell. Panic stricken, the two clutched each other. On the inside they couldn't help admiring the handsome prince, couldn't help feeling jealous of Olivia.

Seeing their reticence, Ileus growled. "Vow. Now."

"I vow to the Lore never to leave the Whiteclaw pack!" Fuchsia blabbered.

Bernice followed her mother and made the vow.

"Then pack your bags and leave now," Olivia barked. "I don't want to see your faces in my house again!"

"B— but it is the middle of the night. The path is infested with rogues, Olivia," Fuchsia cried. "We will depart tomorrow morning."

"I said LEAVE, else these guards will throw you out of the capital in the middle of the night!"

Ileus raised his eyebrow. Olivia was extremely angry and he was sure that Kaizan was in for some trouble in near future. He sighed. Women… He asked her aunt, "Where are your servants and entourage?"

"Th— they are here in the estate," Bernice replied. On the inside she was shaking like a hummingbird under the fierce gaze of a ravenous hornet. "They must be sleeping. We will definitely leave tomorrow morning."

"And make Olivia miserable till then?" Ileus shook his head. "Sorry, but I do love my promised wolf a lot and he deserves to sleep." Saying that flung his hands in the air. Thick smoke coiled and covered both of them.

They shrieked as they found themselves getting sucked in a black tunnel. It was as if the ground had disappeared beneath their feet. They were pulled inside a black tunnel that had no end. After a few minutes of being siphoned inside the darkness and smoke, they found themselves thrown and embedded on snow covered ground with at least two feet layers of ice. Naked, Bernice screamed as her body became numb with shock. A quilt came flying from above and fell on her head. It made her press to the ground all the more. "Mother, mother!" she shouted. If she didn't come out of there, she was sure she would freeze to death within five minutes.

Panicked, Fuchsia pulled her out of the ice. "Bernie!" She yanked her up and quickly covered her with the quilt.

Moments later, they heard more shrieks and it was followed by the three servants and four soldiers who fell from the dark tunnel and were now lying around over snow. Fuchsia and Bernice looked at them with wide eyes. More things flew out—chests, horses, carriage, clothes. They were... deported.

The snow was swirling around them. It was absolutely white everywhere the eyes went. Thick snow pelted their faces. "Where are we, Mother?" Bernice asked, shivering badly and cursing Olivia.

Fuchsia gazed around her and said, "If I am not wrong, we are in the Northern Mountains!"

"But the vow to the Lore?" Bernice said. "It didn't work?" She started laughing out of joy.

"Shut up!" Fuchsia hissed. "We are in the territory of the Whiteclaw pack, but in the worst part. It will take three days to reach the main village."

And the blizzard around them increased.

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