I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 293: Oath of Fealty

Chapter 293: Oath of Fealty

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-One week later-

After sending everyone from Sakaar off the planet, including the stragglers who weren't cooperating and decided that they wanted to stay, Peter stood in front of Brunnhilde outside the Grandmaster's palace.

Tony returned to earth with Pepper and Rhodes already, as he needed to start making the robots that would sort the trash on their new planet.

"So, any ideas for your favor, or should I just send you to the new Sakaar with the rest of them?" Peter asked as she was the only one left on the planet besides him.

"..." Brunnhilde remained silent for a moment, eyeing Peter up and down before drawing her sword.

Although Peter removed the disk from her neck a week ago and set her free, she hadn't drunk a single drop of alcohol ever since then, leaving her completely sober for the longest time in many many years.

"Fight me." She declared, hoping to truly ascertain whether he is strong enough to face Hela Odinsdottir.

Of course, he already beat her rather easily the last time they fought, but she happened to be very drunk at that time.

"And what do I get if I win?" Peter asks as his posture remained casual compared to Brunnhilde, who gripped her sword firmly in front of her body. "Because we've already been through this before."

Brunnhilde stares Peter in the eyes for a few seconds before opening her mouth.

"As long as you beat me and agree to kill a special someone, I'll work for you as you asked." Her words certainly piqued Peter's interest.

"Deal, though just to clarify who do you want dead so badly?" He asked.

Although Peter wanted nothing more than to return to earth and experiment with the wishes that he received, he is rather adamant about recruiting the only living Valkyrie to his organization, so he could spare some time for this.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Hela Odinsdottir..." Brunnhilde spat as if the name itself brought her pain to utter.

Of course, he knew the answer to his question already, but he needed her to say it for both clarification and so he wouldn't look suspicious.

After all, nobody would agree to kill someone without knowing who they are first.

"Huh? I didn't know Thor had a sister." Peter mutters like the A-list actor that he could have been.

"Thor? Is that one of Odin's latest spawns?" She asks in similar distaste.

After all, the former Valkyrie has grown a very well earned hatred of the Asgardian Royal Family over the years.

Although Odin didn't technically do anything to slight her, he took a small amount of the blame for what happened to the Valkyrie, as he was the one to ordered the attack in the first place.

As for Hela, the hatred was more than well deserved.

Everyone else was just unlucky enough to be related to the two.

"Yes, Thor is the new King of Asgard. He took over after-" Peter tried to explain though his opponent didn't give him the chance.

"Enough talk!" Brunnhilde kicked off of the ground and appeared before Peter in an instant.

With a swipe of her sword, she aimed at Peter's neck, hoping to sever his head as Pepper did to Bi-beast only days ago.

"How rude..." Peter muttered as he leaned backward, narrowly avoiding the attack by a few centimeters.

"Hah!" Brunnhilde shouted as she pushed forward and enacted another flurry of sword swipes.

Shoulders, hands, stomach, legs, feet, and even his groin were targeted, though Peter simply moved out of the way of each attack, as if he could see them before they arrived.

"Hey! Watch where you're aiming!" Peter yelled as he sidestepped yet another hack at his family jewels. "If you slice off my golden finger, my girlfriend will be p*ssed."

"Then fight back, coward!" She exclaims as she instantly went for his groin for the third time.

'This girl is ruthless...' Peter thought as he reached down and caught Dragonfang with two fingers. "No more swords for you. You can't be trusted."

While Brunnhilde was shocked by Peter's ability to so easily catch her sword by the blade, he sent an unsuspecting kick to her stomach.


Instantly, Brunnhilde folded like a lawn chair as she was launched backward, leaving her sword behind in the process.


She flew back and crashed into one of the many vacant buildings in the deserted city, breaking the rusted metal wall and disappearing inside.

"You know, this isn't a bad sword..." Peter muttered as he flipped the sword and caught it by the handle. "I've been meaning to find a sword like this for my collection. I have a cool hammer from Ronan and a spear from Corvus Glaive, but I haven't found anything else worth taking yet."

"I don't know or care who those people are, but my sword will never belong to anyone else but me!" Brunnhilde launches out of the building with an angry look on her face.

Like a missile, she shot over and threw a combination of punches and kicks, which all missed the mark, before swiftly reaching to snatch her sword back.

"Nope." Peter muttered as Dragonfang disappeared out of thin air just as she was about to lay her hands on it. "You have to ask nicely if you want it."


Peter decided to start the attack for real this time as he used his now empty sword hand to backhand Brunnhilde across the face.

Of course, it wasn't just a normal slap.

He put in enough power to kill most beings in the universe, though thankfully, Asgardians are a rather sturdy race compared to most.

As the slap landed, Brunnhilde was sent skidding across the empty street like a rag doll.

Though luckily or unluckily, she didn't hit anything this time and continued until her body ran out of momentum and slowed to stop on its own.

"Hmm, did I hit her a little too hard?" Peter asked himself as he watched her lay in the middle of the road, unmoving.

Before Peter could get too worried, Brunnhilde twitched a bit before slowly climbing back up to her feet.

As she looked toward him, Peter could see a big red handprint across her left cheek as well as a slow stream of blood cascading down her nose.

Limping over, Peter expected her to start the attack once again, though that didn't happen.

As soon as she was about a meter or two away, Brunnhilde dropped down to a single knee and looked up at Peter with eyes glimmering in determination.

"I, Brunnhilde Alfdottir, sister of the Valkyrie, swear to you that from this moment onward I will be faithful to you with regard to your life, your possessions, and those you care for, in good faith and without deception. I will serve you loyally and without question, fulfilling every order as they're given. I will bring you glory in battle and honor in victory. And lastly, I will be devoted in my duties. I promise you this on my life! May the old gods strike me down otherwise..."


As she spoke those last words, dark clouds filled the sky and a stream of branching lightning cracked menacingly.

"..." Peter looked on in shock, as he never expected this to happen. "Uh, is that a coincidence or..."

Throughout his entire time in this universe, Peter has never run into proof of any sort that pointed to the existence of gods.

Except for Stan Lee, of course.

Though he gave off the feeling that he was something far more powerful than a god.

Even the Asgardians, who egotistically thought themselves to be gods, were only very powerful and long-lived aliens.

Yet Brunnhilde just swore an oath to him on the 'old gods' and there was even a confirming response...

"No, the old gods accepted my oath." Brunnhilde said as if the storm clouds and lightning, which have already disappeared, were just a normal occurrence.

"Okay..." Peter muttered as he looked down at her. "You do know that when I said work for me, I meant like a normal sort of employment, right? Kind of like how you worked for the Grandmaster, but with monthly paycheck and a bit more respect."

"?!" Brunnhilde peered up at Peter in disbelief. "You couldn't have specified that before I swore an oath to the gods?!"

"How the f*ck was I supposed to know you would do that?" Peter replied with just as much disbelief.

"..." There were many things that Brunnhilde wished to say right now, though they may invoke her oath, so she decided to simply keep them to herself as she glared at her new Sovereign. "May I rise, My Lord?"

"Uh, yeah..." Peter nodded unsurely as Brunnhilde stood back up and held out her hand. "What?"

"My sword." She said plainly.

"...fine." Peter muttered reluctantly as Dragonfang appeared in his hand. "But you have to stop with the stink eye. It's not my fault that you misinterpreted my words."

"..." Brunnhilde sighed as she took her sword back and sheathed it on her hip.

She knew he was right but refused to admit it to herself.

"Can't you just take back the oath?" Peter asked as he never wanted this in the first place. 'I'd much rather keep far away from any sort of gods...'

"No, the old gods aren't so forgiving..." She answers with a shake of her head, resigned to her new duties.

"Right, so who are these old gods?"

A/N: 1589 words

🚨Hand in your💎STONES💎and I'll do nothing and sleep💤🚨


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