I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 298: Rambo

Chapter 298: Rambo

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After wrestling the batteries from Rocket and placing them back on the platform, Peter and the rest of the Guardians made their way to the golden circular palace in the distance.

When they arrived, beautiful female palace guards with golden shimmering skin silently escorted them through the halls and into a black, blue, and gold themed throne room.

At the back of the room on a golden throne, sat a similarly colored woman who appeared to be the spitting image of a queen in her court.

[Insert picture of Ayesha here]

Ayesha, the Golden High Priestess of the Sovereign race.

At both sides of the room, high-level members of Sovereign watched as the Guardians strolled in.

The looks of disgust at the new arrivals and the air of superiority that they emanated solidified how prejudiced the Sovereign race truly was.

Even Peter, who was seen as an invincible existence in their eyes, was still somehow looked down upon as he wasn't a member of the great and perfect Sovereign race.

Though the High Priestess was able to hide those feelings well, as she didn't want to anger a man who could go toe to toe with the Mad Titan.

"We thank you, Guardians, for putting your lives on the line. We could not risk the lives of our own Sovereign citizens. Every citizen is born exactly as designed by the community. Impeccable, both physically and mentally. We control the DNA of our progeny... germinating them in birthing pods to perfection." Ayesha greets them and explains the reason behind their inaction.

After all, the Sovereigns are a very advanced race.

Though it all just sounded like bragging...

Truthfully, they could have sent out an armed squad or two and handled the dimensional squid with ease.

'They just didn't want to dirty their hands...' Peter thought as he wondered whether he should have allowed Rocket to rob them as he wanted.

"I guess I prefer to make people the old-fashioned way." Quill says as Ayesha gives him a heated glance.

"Then perhaps someday, you could give me a history lesson in the archaic ways of our ancestors. For academic purposes..." She pretty much just invited Quill to her bed.

'Oh, Gamora looks p*ssed...' Peter watched as Gamora frowned and her eyebrow twitched. 'Though she's probably only making that offer to steal a sample of Quill's Celestial DNA.'

"I would be honored. In the name of research, of course... I think that could be pretty, uh-" Quill froze as he noticed Gamora staring at him and quickly changes his answer. "-repulsive. I'm not into that kind of sick..."

Seeing that Gamora was already starting to grind her teeth in anger at Quill's behavior, Peter stepped forward and cut in before he could further ruin his chances with her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Your people promised something in exchange for our services. Please bring it so we can be on our way." Peter tried to hurry things along in a respectful manner.

The High Priestess looks toward Peter worriedly before quickly motioning for her guards to do as he said.

"I apologize. Allow me to double the original payment for wasting your time." Ayesha offers, hoping to foster a good relationship with him.

"That won't be necessary-" As Peter was about to decline, Quill reached over and covered his mouth.

"What he means is that we'll gladly accept your kind offer." Quill says as Rocket nods his furry little head in agreement.

Soon enough, a golden palace guard walked in and handed over a single card, which was basically a debit card full of Credits.

"We thank you, High Priestess Ayesha." Quill says as he snatches the card and stashed it away.

Just as they were about to leave, Ayesha called out to them.

"What is your heritage, Mr. Quill?" The High priestess asked curiously.

As the priestess of a race based on genealogy, Ayesha had a keen sense toward the genetic makeup of other beings.

And Quill had to be the oddest man she's ever met.

Even Peter wasn't nearly as complicated, though that would change once he evolves with some Celestial DNA.

"My mother is from Earth." He answers simply.

"And your father?" She asks.

"He ain't from Missouri. That's all I know." Quill shrugged unknowingly.

"I see it within you. An unorthodox genealogy. A hybrid that seems particularly reckless and volatile..." The High Priestess said as if she could see straight through him and into his origins.

"You know, they told me you people were conceited douchebags, but that isn't true at all." Rocket came to Quill's defense as he turned and winked, though every Sovereign in the room saw it.

Looking around, he soon realized this as well.

"Oh... sorry. That was meant to be behind your back." Rocket clarifies, but it does little to fix the awkward atmosphere.


As they said their farewell, Drax carried out Rocket by the scruff of his neck. Even now he was still receiving some major glares from every Sovereign in the palace.

"Count yourself blessed that they didn't kill you." Drax said.

"I just wish I still had those batteries..."


"That stuff about my father..." Quill muttered in anger as he paced back and forth on the ship. "Who does she think she is?"

As soon as they set off from the Sovereign home world, Quill's bad mood only seemed to Intensify.

"I know you're sensitive about that." Gamora watched him work himself up.

"I'm not sensitive about it. I just don't know who he is..." Quill said though he wasn't very convincing. "Sorry if it seemed like I was flirting with the High Priestess. I wasn't."

"I don't care if you were." Gamora lies as she walks off in a huff.

"Well, I feel like you do care. That's why I'm apologizing. So, I'm sorry!" Quill calls after her though she didn't reply.


"I say we celebrate our payday." Yondu said as they split the money.

"Sounds good to me." Peter says as he hops into the cockpit. "Know any good spots?"

'We have to wait until Ego shows himself anyway.'


Landing on a snowy planet, Yondu escorts the crew to a town that was lit up in neon lights.

Everyone they passed seemed to be wasted to some degree as they went from bar to bar, enjoying their evening to the fullest.

"What is this? Some sort of pirate town?" Peter asked as he saw nothing but shady individuals roaming around.

"Oh yeah, now let's drink!" Yondu exclaimed as his 40 or so Ravagers bellowed in excitement and rushed toward the nearest bar.

"Haha! Wait for me!" Drax rushed after them followed by Quill and Rocket.

Gamora sighed in annoyance as she slowly followed from behind, leaving Peter behind with Groot standing on his shoulder.

"Should we join them?" Peter asked as he could already see some of the Ravagers getting into fights.

"I am Groot." Groot nodded his little head.


After following the group from bar to bar for about an hour, where he watched his crew drink themselves stupid, Peter saw someone that caused him to double-take in shock.

"After going in circles for years with this woman I end up marrying. I said, 'Aleta, I love you, girl but you're losing your mind!' Then again, she's always been that way. I could never trust her. You know?" A man that looked just like Sylvester Stallone spoke animatedly.

He wore a jacket with the same flaming patch as Yondu, marking him as a Ravager clan leader.

[Insert picture of Stakar Ogord here]

Stakar Ogord is a legendary Ravager captain and the leader of the Stakar Ravager Clan.

He holds so much influence over the 100 Ravager clans that he might as well be the leader and king of all Ravagers throughout the Galaxy.

'Holy sh*t... It's Rambo.' Peter thought in awe.

Meanwhile, Yondu stood and stared at the man like a deer in headlights, both afraid and eager to speak with him at the same time.

"Stakar. It's been some time." Yondu worked up the courage to step up and greet the man with a respectful bow.

Sadly for him, with one look at Yondu's blue face, Stakar's whole night was irrevocably ruined.

"It seems like this establishment is the wrong kind of disreputable." Stakar states as he storms out of the bar with his men at his back.

"Stakar!" Yondu yelled as he ran after them.

"There's a hundred Ravager factions." Stakar stopped for a moment to speak to the bar's owner, who was trying to convince him to stay. "You just lost the business of 99 of them by serving one."

"Please, sir. Please!" The owner begged as they rushed off out the door.

"You can go to hell then! I don't give a damn what you think of me!" Yondu screamed though he wasn't exactly telling the truth.

In fact, Stakar rescued Yondu from the life of a battle slave for the Kree Empire and inducted him into the Ravagers.

Yondu has always looked up to Stakar, so being treated like this by him was actually quite heartbreaking.

"So what are you following us for?" Stakar asks as he turns to see Yondu follow him out into the snow.

"Are you gonna listen to what I gotta say?!" Yondu asked angrily.

"I've never seen him this emotional before..." Quill mutters as he and everyone else watched the drama unfold.

"I don't gotta listen to anything. You betrayed the code. Ravagers don't deal in kids!" Stakar yelled, piquing Quill's interest immediately.

"I told you before, I didn't know what was going on..." Yondu tried to defend himself.

"You didn't know because you didn't wanna know. All you cared about was trafficking kids for a quick buck." Stakar countered in distaste.

"I demand a seat on the table. I wear these flames, same as you!" Yondu wanted to be accepted once again.

Though that time has long passed.

"You may dress like us, but you'll never hear the hordes of freedom when you die, and the colors of Ogord will never flash over your grave. If you think I take pleasure in exiling you, then you're wrong. You broke all of our hearts." Stakar says in disappointment as he turns and walks off.

Yondu stood rooted to the ground in a whirlwind of emotions as he watched the man he looked up to as a hero grow further and further away.

Off to the side, a few of Yondu's Ravager Clansmen spoke amongst themselves.

"Ah, pathetic. First, the Captain joins Quill's friends crew and now he lets another Ravager Captain walk all over him. We followed him because he was the one who wasn't afraid to do what needed to be done. Seems he's going soft now." A particularly ugly Ravager with the face of a wrinkly ball sack spoke in a hushed tone.

"If he's so soft, why are you whispering?" Another asks with a smirk.

"You know I'm right." He replies.

"You best be very careful what you say about Yondu, especially with the new Captain around." One of the older Ravagers warned.

Instantly, all eyes turned to Peter as a chill ran through their spines.

"You're right... I'll keep my mouth shut..."

'Damn right you will.' Peter thought as he overheard their entire conversation. 'I guess that there won't be any rebellions with me around...'

Just as Peter was about to walk over and say some comforting words to his newest crew mate, a white egg-shaped spaceship flew overhead before landing in the center of town, nearly hitting a few drunk alien girls in the process.

'He's finally here...'

A/N: 1944 words :) Long boy today.

🚨Hand in your💎STONES💎or I'll send out the💂‍♂️Kings Guard💂‍♂️🚨


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