I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 301: Interrogation

Chapter 301: Interrogation

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Upon arriving on Ego's planet, Peter and the Guardians were amazed by the psychedelic landscape.

Ego's planet resembled a fantasy world with majestic waterfalls, towering cliffs, rushing crystal clear rivers, lush flora and fauna of all colors, and species of animals and bugs which the Guardians have never seen before.

[Insert picture of Ego's planet here]

"It's so beautiful..." Drax muttered in awe.

Everyone else nodded with a similar awestruck look on their faces.

'Ego may be an egotistic maniac hellbent on universal domination, but at least the guy has good taste.' Peter thought as every aspect of this planet was sculpted by Ego himself.

As they grew closer and closer to Ego's palace, which appeared to be made of some sort of bronze metal and green crystal, Peter was starting to wonder whether he should somehow preserve this planet.

'Ego obviously has to go, but the planet itself would make a good vacation spot to bring the family...' Peter thought.

He couldn't help but imagine waking up with MJ and watching the sun rise over the extraordinary scenery.


"Welcome, everyone, to my world." Ego says with open arms as the ship landed at the front of his palace.

"Wow, you have your own planet?" Quill asked as he expected some sort of home world with a bunch of other aliens present.

As they stepped out of the ship, Ego smirked as he seemed to enjoy his son's shock.

"Come on. It's no larger than your Earth's Moon." Ego gives a minor brag.

"Humility..." Drax mutters with an approving nod. "I like it. I am extraordinarily humble as well."

"What race are you, again?" Peter starts asking some questions in order to get the ball rolling.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I'm what's called a Celestial." Ego answers proudly though he sounded narcissistic from Peter's perspective.

"A Celestial, like a god?" Rocket scoffs in disbelief.

"I am Groot." Groot didn't seem to believe him either.

"Believe what you will, though it's a small 'g'. At least on the days that I feel as humble as Drax." Ego joked as he escorted them into the palace, where a large screen awaited them.

"I don't know where I came from exactly. The first thing I remember is flickering..."

Instantly, the screen lit up and showed the image of a giant brain floating in the darkness of space. The only light was the distant stars and the blue energy that the brain illuminated into the surroundings.

"Adrift in the cosmos utterly and entirely alone. Over millions of years, I learned to control the molecules around me."

As he spoke the image changed, showing an entire planet growing around the brain into what it is today.

"I grew smarter and stronger. And I continued building from there. Layer by layer, into the very planet you walk on now. But I wanted more. I desired... meaning."

Once again the images on the television changed, showing a man matching Ego's current appearance standing in a field.

"I thought, 'there must be some life out there in the universe besides just me'. And so, I set myself the task of finding it. I created what I imagined biological life to be like, down to the most minute detail."

"Did you make a penis?" Drax blurted out his question without a second thought.

"Dude!" Quill snapped his head to the side with a look of disgust.

After all, no man or woman wants to think of their father's penis...


"What is wrong with you?" Gamora asked as she unintentionally thought of her own father's private parts.

(A/N: Thanos has to be packing some serious heat though. I mean, come on...)

Somehow, her face turned a darker shade of green than usual as she felt an intense urge to puke.

"If he is a planet, how could he make a baby with your mother? He would demolish her!" Drax argues as he didn't understand why they were upset.

"I don't need to hear how my parents... you know." Quill reluctantly argues back.

"Why? My father would tell the story of how he impregnated my mother every winter solstice." Drax reveals without shame.

"That's disgusting." Peter mutters.

"It was beautiful. You Earthers have odd boundaries." Drax looks between Peter and Quill in both confusion and pity.

"Yeah, it's us who are the weird ones..." Peter scoffs.

"I am Groot..." Groot shook his head from his place on Peter's shoulder.

Ever since he shrunk down to his current size, Groot has stuck close to Peter. Whether for safety reasons or whatever, he seemed to grow accustomed to riding on his Captain's shoulder.

Though Peter didn't mind.

"Yes, Drax, I made a penis." Ego admitted in amusement.

"Ha!" Drax laughed as he pointed at both Peter and Quill. "I told you so!"

"We never said you were wrong." Quill slaps his palm against his forehead in exasperation. "We just didn't want to hear about it."

"It's not half bad." Ego continued with a confident smirk.

"Did your dad just brag about his d*ck?" Peter whispered to Quill.

"..." Quill seemed to deflate in defeat.

He only hoped that remaining silent would stop the current conversation from continuing.

"I've also got pain receptors, a digestive system, and all of the other accompanying junk. I wanted to experience what it truly meant to be human as I set out amongst the stars..."

The images changed again, showing planet after planet, filled with all sorts of alien creatures and peoples.

"...until I found what I sought. Life. I was not alone in the universe after all."

"When did you meet my mother?" Quill asks curiously.

Instantly, the image on the screen shifted into Ego standing alongside a beautiful blonde-haired woman.

Quill was instantly enamored with the image, as it has been a long time since he saw his mother.

Before this, he could barely remember what she looked like.

Only the songs on his Walkman could remind him of his loving mother, and even then it was still impossible to picture her fully.

"Not long after. It was with Meredith that I first experienced love. I called her my river lily. And from that love, I have you." Ego turned to Quill and smiled warmly. "I have searched for you for so long. And when I heard the news of the great Star-Lord, Peter Quill, I knew you must be the son of the woman I loved."

"If you loved her, why did you leave her?" Quill asked, eliciting a frown from his father.

But before Ego could speak, Peter cut into the conversation.

"I'll give you one better..." Peter spoke and all eyes turned his way. "If you loved his mother so much, then how could you not know that she had cancer?"

"!" Quill's eyes went wide as he turned to his father, questioningly.

"I..." Ego didn't know what to say.

"After all, you made this entire planet and all of its inhabitants, not to mention the body your consciousness currently inhabits, yet you didn't check to see if the love of your life had any ailments that needed curing?" Peter asked incredulously.

Though he spoke from experience.

As soon as he had the money and resources, Peter was sure to test his family and friends for all types of ailments, diseases, and disabilities.

He wanted to spend a long life with them, so it was crucial to make sure they could accompany him the whole way.

Immediately, all eyes turned back to Ego, awaiting his answer.

"I-I didn't think of that..." Ego stuttered out his makeshift excuse.

It was the best he could do, as he couldn't admit to what really happened...

"Maybe you didn't love my mother as much as you claim..." Quill watched his father in suspicion.

"Peter(Quill)..." Ego sounded heartbroken, though nobody was buying it.

"Listen, I'd love to believe all of this, I really would. But you left the most wonderful woman ever to die alone, while everyone around her thought you were just a delusion!" Quill started to get heated.

"I didn't want to leave your mother, Peter(Quill). If I don't return regularly to my planet and the light within it then this form will wither and perish." Ego explained.

"How long does it take to get to Earth from here?" Peter cut in once again and asked.

"..." Ego remained silent this time around, though he was sure to glare hatefully in Peter's direction.

"How long?!" Quill repeated his captain's question.

"It can't be more than a few days with how fast that ship of his is." Peter adds as their ship still hasn't arrived yet.

"So why didn't you come back? Why send Yondu? A criminal, of all people, to come and fetch me?" Quill asks though that wasn't all. "Actually, how haven't I met you? I grew up without a father around, so you purposely stayed away, didn't you?!"

"I loved your mother, Peter! I couldn't stand to set foot on an Earth where she wasn't living! You can't imagine what that's like!" Ego starts shouting back.

"I know exactly what that feels like! I had to watch her die!" Quill screamed at the top of his lungs.

As the argument seemed to pause for a moment, Peter found the perfect opportunity to poke yet another hole in Ego's story.

"How did you know she was dead?" Peter asked pointedly.

"What?" Ego asked, hoping to buy time to come up with an answer.

"I said, how did you know that your sweet little river lily was dead?" Peter repeats his question with a bit more emphasis this time. "After all, you abandoned the family that you claimed to love. You weren't there, so how did you know?"


A/N: 1624 words :)

🚨Hand in your💎STONES💎and I'll give you my heart💝🚨


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