I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 305: Titles Are Hard Sometimes...

Chapter 305: Titles Are Hard Sometimes...

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Scar_Justice!🏆 (A/N: The first person to win 2 times in a row since I started announcing it.)

"Is that him?" Peter asks as he points over to the pile of pale mushy sand.

"Yeah, I beat his a*s and then he started screaming random nonsense." Quill turns away from Yondu for a moment and looks his Captain in the eyes. "I'm guessing that was your doing?"

"Yup." Peter nods.

"What did you do?" Quill asks.

"Hmm, before we get to that, can you still use Celestial energy?" Peter asked curiously.

"Uhh..." Quill grunted as he held his hand out.

Instantly, a faint blue light flowed between his fingers before forming into a mini Transformer, which seemed to move on its own.

Optimus Prime to be exact.

"Autobot's Roll Out!" The small Optimus exclaimed before crumbling into bits, falling through Quill's fingers like bits of sand.

"Good, Megatron is cooler, but we all can't have good taste." Peter shook his head in disapproval.

"What?! How could you possibly think-" Quill started to argue, but his Captain interrupts.

"Come with me." Peter waved his hand, conjuring a golden portal.

"Wait!" Quill shouted as he glanced back at Yondu, who passed out moments after the spell began healing him. "What about him?"

"His men can keep watch." Peter says as he glances at the nearby Ravagers.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You can leave Yondu to us, Captain!" One of the bigger Ravagers with the face of a deformed ball sack excitedly stepped up.

No doubt hoping to curry favor with their new Captain.

'What's that guy's name again? Laser Head? No, that's not it...' Peter wondered.

"Good, just keep watch until we get back, and don't touch anything." Peter ordered as he and Quill walked through the portal, leaving them behind for the time being.


"Why are we here?" Quill asks as the portal snaps shut behind them.

In front of them was Ego's glowing blue brain, though that wasn't what drew Quill's attention at the moment.

"What the hell is that?" He asked in awe as he eyed the golden engravings, which lined the entire cave and even crawled up onto Ego's brain as well. "I don't remember this being here earlier..."

"That's because it wasn't." Peter shook his head. "Since flat-out killing your father would make you lose your power, I had to get a little creative. "

"You did this? What does it do?" He asks curiously.

"It's a combination of a few spells that I've learned over the years. Basically, I took a normal mindwipe spell, which could barely erase about a day's worth of memories from someone's mind, and overcharged it to a crazy degree with the help of a few other spells." Peter explains plainly.

"..." Quill stared dumbly between Peter and the golden spell that filled the entire cave. "You're really a Magician, aren't you?"

"Are you just starting to realize that?" Peter laughed.

"So, what? My dad's pretty much a vegetable now, right?" Quill asks as he eyes the giant wriggling brain.

"Yup." Peter nodded.

"Then why is the spell still here? If the job is done, shouldn't it be gone?" Quill asks further.

"Well, since your dad is a Celestial, I decided to be cautious and keep it active." Peter explains further in depth. "Right now his mind is completely blank, but as time passes a new consciousness could be born and I'd rather not have to deal with that."

"So... the spell is just gonna keep wiping his mind over and over?" Quill guessed the rest.

"Bingo." Peter nods as he gives his Vice Captain a thumbs up. "This way, he's all but dead and you get to keep your powers. It's a win-win scenario. I was thinking of transferring your consciousness into your dad's brain, but doing so would trap you on this planet just like him."

"He was trapped here?" Quill asks in confusion.

"Did you not pay attention to anything Ego said?" Peter sighed in exasperation. "He may have been able to leave this planet, but he always had to come back to recharge himself or else his human form would wither and die. You, on the other hand, most likely won't have that weakness, though you probably won't be as powerful when you're off planet."

"Cool..." Quill stared down at his hands, which began to glow in a blue light. "...I wonder if I could use these powers to bring my mom back?"

Peter couldn't help but frown as he heard his Vice Captain whisper to himself.

"I'm sorry, but that's not something you would be able to do." Peter shook his head sadly.

"How do you know?" Quill asks a bit defensively. "If my dad could make a body for himself, can't I just find her grave and fix her body? Starting her heart shouldn't be too hard either..."

"Yes, you can do that but you'd be defacing the grave of your mother for nothing." Peter explained vaguely.

"What do you mean by that?" Quill asked pointedly.

"Let me show you..." Peter says as he steps up to Quill and thrusts his palm forward.

"What the-" Quill's eyes widened in shock as he tried to dodge, but he was far too slow.

Before he could even move an inch, Peter's palm slammed into Quill's chest, roughly knocking him backward.

"Hey! What the hell was that for!" Quill shouted as he glared in his captain's direction.

"Look down, dumba*s." Peter says as he points to the ground.

"?" Quill reluctantly peered downward. "What the f*ck!?"

On the floor was Quill's sleeping body, which fell in an odd position, leaving his face smushed against the floor and his a*s held high in the air.

"That is your physical body..." Peter explained as he summoned a mirror in front of Quill. "And that is your astral body, where your soul and consciousness are kept."

"!" Quill's eyes began to panic as he stared at his transparent form. "Y-You killed me... I'm a ghost! How could you kill me?! I haven't even asked Gamora on a proper date yet! She barely wants to be with me as a living guy! How the hell am I supposed to win her over as a f*cking ghost?!"

"Seriously?" Peter didn't know whether he should laugh or feel annoyed. "You aren't a ghost. I'm just trying to show you something. Relax."

"Really!?" Quill's idiotic whining disappeared as he floated over to Peter with hope-filled eyes. "I'm not dead?"

"No, now shut up and listen." Peter said in annoyance. "The reason that you can't revive your mother is simple. When any living being dies, their astral body leaves their physical body. You can reforge your mother's physical body, but that's it. She won't have her Astral body."

"...and the Astral body is where her soul and consciousness are." Quill seemed to understand after a moment of thought.

"Yes, she would be nothing but an empty husk." Peter made sure he understood.

"Where's her astral body?" Quill asks with a determined look in his eyes.

Peter couldn't help but reluctantly respect his Vice Captains love for his mother.

He would do anything to bring her back, yet Peter hasn't even thought of his parents...

'Meh, I never knew them and I'm a transmigrator. It's not the same.' Peter shrugged uncaringly.

"That is a question that goes far over my pay grade. I don't even think my teacher would know something like that, and she's the most powerful sorcerer in this universe... At least, that I know of." Peter had no clue.

Quill frowned sadly before floating back into his body and picking himself up off the floor.

And as he rose to his feet, Peter caught a glimpse of determination return to his eyes.

"Well, as a Demi-God, I'll make it my mission to figure that out." He says as he turns his attention to the Brain in the room. "My mother didn't deserve to die like that. If my father wasn't such a genocidal maniac, then she would still be alive today."

"Yeah, but you wouldn't be born either." Peter says with a shrug. "Nor would we have met and formed the Guardians. Not to mention Gamora. Who knows what would have happened to her without you. Sometimes you have to look at the bright side of life."

"But-" Quill tries to interject, but Peter continued.

"I'm not saying that you can't try to revive your mom. If that's what you want to do, then I'll support you as your Captain, but I'm telling you right now that the odds are heavily stacked against you." Peter didn't sugarcoat his words.

"..." Quill remained silent for a moment before staring Peter square in the eyes. "That's fine. Nothing worth doing is ever easy, is it?"

"No. No, it's not." Peter nodded as he smiled under his mask. 'Maybe I can revive her with the Infinity Stones, though I would have to be careful not to mess up the timeline...'

Of course, Peter didn't have all of the stones yet, so this wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

As for the timeline, he didn't want to revive Quill's mom and in doing so cause some sort of catastrophe or ruin Quill's life in some odd way.

It just wouldn't be worth it.

Peter could try using the Dragon Bone Elixir, as that seemed to bring people back from the dead in the Daredevil TV show, but he didn't want to risk any unknown side effects occurring.

After all, Quills mom has been dead for over 25 years...

Also, Peter doesn't have enough Dragon Bones to share.

At least not yet.

And just as he was about to open a portal back to the Palace, Peter suddenly remembered something.

"Wait... where's the rest of the crew?" He asked as he didn't remember seeing them earlier.

"Oh, sh*t!"


"Where the hell are we?" Rocket muttered as he and everyone else followed Mantis through the winding cave system.

"It's just this way... I think..." Mantis directed them with a lost look on her face.


A/N: 1666 words :)

🚨Hand in your💎STONES💎or I'll put you in a wheelchair!🦽🚨


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