I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 307: 2nd Evolution

Chapter 307: 2nd Evolution

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💠Insert Meme GIFs/Images here - Most likes wins💠

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Scar_Justice!🏆 (A/N: 😤He can't keep getting away with it!)

Once everything was settled on Ego, which was now the official name for the planet Headquarters for the Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter left the Guardians and returned to Earth for the time being.

Although Ego was a crazy egomaniacal maniac, who wanted to pretty much destroy the universe, he was still Quill's father and the architect behind the entire planet so they kept the name out of respect.

Before leaving, Peter made sure to do two things.

First, he and Quill took a day to go to the pit where his siblings were dumped.

Of course, they planned to turn the haunted-looking pit into a proper burial sight.

Quill was a bit emotional throughout the whole process, but at least he was hell-bent on giving his family a proper grave.

Which was something his father should have done, especially since he was the one to kill them.


"That should do it." Peter said as the two of them stood in the center of a lush field with a huge pillar-like gravestone stood before them. "Do you want to say a few words?"

"..." Quill remained silent for a moment before speaking up. "...I have to admit, I was a little shocked to find out about you guys. I mean, I always wanted siblings and I'm sure alien siblings would have been even better. I can't help but feel like I missed out..."

After speaking for a bit, Quill fell silent once again and stared at the gravestone in a trance.

He wanted to say more but sadly couldn't find the words to sum up everything that he was feeling.

Peter, on the other hand, stayed for about an hour before giving his Vice Captain some alone time.

Quill would have probably stayed there the whole night if not for Gamora, who forced him to return to the palace so that he could get some much-needed rest.

Though the two of them seemed to disappear into the same bedroom~

'I guess Quill needed some comfort...' Peter thought in amusement.

-Flashback End-

As for the second thing he had to do...


On the day that Peter was leaving, he met with Quill and handed him a small black box.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"What is this?" He asked as he held the box to his ear and shook it, like a child trying to decipher his Christmas presents.

"Open it and find out." Peter smiles under his mask.

"?" Quill curiously lifted the lid and found a sleek handheld device inside. "What is this?"


"It's an iPod," Peter says as he reaches over and turns it on. "See this?"

Tapping the touch screen a few times, Peter scrolled through a long list of songs and played one of his favorites.

🎶What is Love, by Haddaway plays🎶

'...What is love?

Oh baby, don't hurt me

Don't hurt me

No more

What is love?

Oh baby, don't hurt me

Don't hurt me

No more

Whoa, whoa, oh

Whoa, whoa, oh...'

Quill's eyes widened as he heard music that's never graced his ears before, though he knew one thing for sure.

This was from Earth!

"I heard that your dad destroyed your Walkman, so I picked this up for you." Peter said as he enjoyed the awestruck look on his Vice Captains face. "It has all of your favorite 80's songs, but I thought that you might want to update your playlist, so I added some of my favorites as well."

As Peter spoke he reached over and swiped the screen, skipping to another song.

🎶Short Change Hero, by The Heavy plays🎶

"Oh, this is such a good song..." Peter muttered.

'...This ain't no place for no hero

This ain't no place for no better man

This ain't no place for no hero

To call home...'

"I made sure to give you music from all sorts of genres across the many years that you've missed. From Frank Sinatra to Tupac, you have it all."

"Holy sh*t..." Quill muttered as his eyes began to water. "I-I don't know what to say..."

"A normal thank you is more than enough." Peter shrugged as Quill rushed forward and wrapped his arms around his Captain.

"Thank you..." Quill said wholeheartedly.

"You're welcome." Peter nods as they separate. "You know, I'm really jealous right now."

"Huh? Why?" Quill asked in confusion.

"You get to experience all of the best music I know for the first time. If I could erase my memories, I would spend weeks just listening to the songs on that IPod." Peter said nostalgically. "After all, it's so hard to find good music these days. Most of the songs on the radio are just factory-made pop garbage."

Quill couldn't help but laugh as Peter sounded like a grumpy old man.

(A/N: Back in my day👴)

-Flashback End-

After handing over his gift, Peter said his goodbyes and portal'd off.


Stepping out through the portal, Peter arrived in his penthouse, which looked much different than before.

All of the equipment that he used to make Lily was gone and replaced with all sorts of ornate furniture and decorations.

The place looked like some sort of Arabian Palace.

"What the..." Peter muttered as he caught sight of a blue figure across the room.

"He's behind you! Turn around!" Genie yelled at the TV as he watched some random horror film.

"I see that you've made yourself at home." Peter walked over and spoke.

"Ahhh!" Genie jumped out of the couch in fright and smacked into the ceiling.

"Seriously?" Peter asked incredulously.

"M-Master?" Genie asked as he fell back down onto the couch.



After talking with Genie for a bit, Peter got straight to business.

There's a reason that he came here before heading home, and that's to evolve for a second time!

"Who's blood do you think I should use?" Peter asked as he stared down at the many vials in his collection.

Even Ego's blood was an option now.

"Nightcrawler!" Genie spoke up for his brother in blue.

"..." Peter swiftly ignored him and reached over to a vial labeled in green.


After all, the only thing that Thanos can beat him in is strength, so solving that issue was of the utmost importance.

'Though even the Hulk couldn't overpower Thanos in the movies...' Peter thought with a shrug.

Still, increasing his strength was a must nonetheless.

"Isn't that a bit too risky?" Genie asks worriedly. "Isn't the Hulk supposed to be the incarnation of anger or something?"

"Nah, the wishes should protect me. What I'm worried about is the pain and the damage to the surroundings..." Peter says as he loads up a syringe.

The reason that he didn't inject multiple vials the last time he evolved was simple.

The pain was excruciating...

So, Peter planned to space out each evolution so that he doesn't go insane.

'Maybe if I can find a good numbing agent or ability, then I can do this more often...' Peter thought as he waved his hand and opened a portal to the Mirror Dimension.

Stepping inside, he turned back to Genie for a moment.

"You want to watch?" Peter asked.

"Sure, one second..." Genie nods as he morphed into the form of a balding scientist with a lab coat and clipboard. "Let's proceed with the procedure."

Shaking his head, Peter moved further into the mirror dimensions followed by his eccentric assistant.

And as the portal snapped shut, Peter reluctantly stabbed the syringe into his arm.

"I really should have added some sort of stipulation to my wishes that nullified pain..." He muttered as he pressed the plunger, injecting one of his most powerful blood samples in an instant.

Same as last time, the pain didn't start immediately.

Instead, Peter felt the tingling, which still plagued his every waking moment, ramp up as his entire body vibrated with power.

"And here it comes..." Peter muttered in apprehension as his teeth ground together. "Ugh!"

The familiar body-shaking pain wracked his body, sending him thrashing to the cold hard ground of the Mirror Dimension.

"Aaaaaahhhh!" He screamed in agony.

Though it didn't end there.

Peter's entire body seemed to wriggle and pulse as every fiber of his being began to expand.

Arms, legs, torso, everything expanded into a giant Hulk-like appearance.

"F*CK!" Peter screamed in a morphed tone as he felt everything.

Thankfully, the spider suit that the Ancient One made for him didn't rip.

In fact, it expanded perfectly, making it look like the Hulk stole Spider-Mans clothes.

"Hey, pal..." Genie spoke worriedly as he floated over to his Master. "Are you alright?"

"Aaauuugghh!" Peter bellowed in rage as he swiped his hand forward.

And with all of the power of the Hulk, he slapped Genie away like a fly, sending him soaring across the dimension.

A/N: 1468 words :)

🚨Hand in your💎STONES💎and I'll give you these Melons...🍈🍈🚨


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