I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 316: Hulks

Chapter 316: Hulks

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): AlienWarlord!🏆 (A/N: I'm back, B*tches!!! Bow before your King!!!)

Standing alone in his basement, Peter huffed and puffed for air with sweat covering his entire body.

'I did it!' Peter thought as his body began to change.

He felt a strange sensation building up inside him, growing stronger and more intense by the second.

Suddenly, Peter felt a surge of energy rushing through his body, and he fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

He could feel his muscles bulging and stretching, as if they were trying to break out of his skin. He clenched his teeth, trying to control the transformation, but it was far too powerful to resist.

And then, just as suddenly as it had started, it was over. Peter looked up, feeling different, changed.

With a simple though he created a mirror and raised his brow at what he saw.

He was the Red Hulk.

He looked at his body, which was now covered in thick, red muscle.

His muscles were truly massive, bulging with raw power. He flexed his fingers, feeling the strength and dexterity of his new form.

Peter couldn't help but smile.

He had always admired the Hulk, and now he had become one, without the anger issues and dual personalities, of course.

He felt invincible, unstoppable even.

He couldn't wait to put his new powers to the test, to see what he was truly capable of.

But for now, he needed to figure out how to control this transformation, to make sure he didn't accidentally hurt anyone in the process.

Peter took a deep breath, trying to focus his thoughts and emotions. He closed his eyes and concentrated, willing himself to change back to his normal form.

And after a few moments, he felt the energy dissipate, and he opened his eyes to see himself back to the same old Peter.

'Sexy as always...' Peter thought narcissistically.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He grinned again, feeling both relieved and excited.

This was going to be fun


After switching back and forth a few times, while making sure not to stand and cause a cave in, in his basement, Peter seemed to get the transformation completely under control.

And thankfully, unlike the Hulk, Peter's mind was calm while in his new red form.

'I don't feel angry at all...' Peter felt relieved.

Almost a month passed since Peter went on a date with MJ, and he used that time to spend with family and friends.

Though that wasn't all.

He also focused heavily on his meditation, which was now showing its results.

Before bed, Peter performed the odd dance meditation as usual, but unlike all of the other nights, this time the results finally came in.

The Red Hulk's consciousness was absorbed into Peter's mind, which at first was extremely overwhelming, hence the haggard condition he was in before transforming.

Though after all of the anger and hatred of his alter ego faded away, Peter returned right back to his normal calm state.

If only a little out of breath, exhausted, and sweaty.

'Now I can transform at will.' Peter thought happily.

Not only that, but he also has complete control, leaving all of his former worries about Red Hulk going crazy in his body behind.

'Hehe, now I can relax.' Peter thought as he fell back and relaxed his tired body on the cold basement floor. "Ugh, I'd rather sleep next to MJ..."

Waving his hand, Peter opened a portal underneath himself, which swiftly deposited his body into bed.

'That's more like it...' He smirked and drifted off to sleep as MJ instinctively cuddled up next to him.


On the next day after testing his new Powers in the Mirror Dimension, Peter came to a complete understanding of his new abilities.

Transformation: Peter will not transform into his Red Hulk form without consciously willing it, nor will any of its powers be available in Peter's normal human form.

Superhuman Leaping: Red Hulk's overdeveloped legs allow him to jump over vast distances.

While testing, Peter was able to leap past the Earth's atmosphere.

'If I up my power even more, I might be able to jump to the moon...' Peter thought excitedly.

(A/N: Bruh... just open a portal.)

Regenerative Healing Factor: Red Hulk possesses a crazy Healing Factor, which can heal severed limbs in an instant.

Retarded Aging: Red Hulk does not age because of his healing factor that regenerates his cells.

Superhuman Strength...

Superhuman Stamina...

Superhuman Durability...

Superhuman Speed...

Gamma Radiation Emission: While in Red Hulk form, Peter can emit varying levels of Gamma Radiation if he chooses to do so.

If he were to raise the radiation to a high enough degree, it can burn whatever he touches. And at even higher levels, it can make Peter appear as if he's cloaked in a shroud of flames.

Energy Absorption: Red Hulk is capable of absorbing Gamma Radiation.

And although Peter hasn't tested it yet, he believes that any sort of energy could be absorbed with enough effort.

'Nice, this should be a good trump card...' Peter thought as he familiarized himself with his newfound powers.

At the end of the day, Peter won't be using the Red Hulk's powers very much, as it focuses on brute strength and destruction more than anything else.

Which is why he plans to hide this newfound power and treat it like his ace in the hole.

Especially the absorption ability.

'Energy absorption is just too overpowered...' Peter thought happily.

If he can manage to absorb other types of energies, then he'll have a very big advantage over celestials and other god-like beings...

"I'll suck all of them dry..." Peter muttered to himself with a hungry gleam in his eyes.

(A/N: 👁Sus👁)


After finishing his own Hulk problem, Peter donned his suit and moved on to the original Hulk next.

Sat cross-legged in the mirror dimension, surrounded by a collection of ancient tomes, scrolls, and arcane artifacts, Peter kept his attention focused on the leather-bound book in his lap.

'My spell book is almost full...' Peter thought as he eyed the pages filled with intricate diagrams and symbols.

Meanwhile, Banner stood nervously to the side, watching as Peter traced his fingers along the pages of the book, muttering incantations under his breath.

At first, he was shocked by the Mirror Dimension, but that shock was soon replaced with fear as Peter started preparing the spell that would release the Hulk upon the world.

"Are you sure about this?" Banner asked, his voice laced with worry. "Separating the Hulk from my body... It's risky."

"Trust me, I've got this. Besides, I can handle the Hulk in a fight. This will be a piece of cake." Peter waved his free hand dismissively.

Before Banner could say anything else, Peter began drawing intricate spell circles in the air with his pointer finger.

He then started drawing spell lines that connected the circles, creating a web of mystical energy that pulsed with power.

Banner watched in awe as Peter moved with fluid grace, his movements seemingly choreographed by the mystical forces at play.

He could feel the energy in the room shifting, a palpable hum that filled his ears and made his hair stand on end.

"Ready?" Peter asked, his eyes locked on the book as he began reciting the final incantation.

Banner braced himself and hesitantly stepped forward, where Peter had instructed beforehand.

Standing a few meters in front of Peter, Banner remained still in trepidation, his heart pounding in his chest as the magnificent golden spell circles surrounded him.

Instantly, he felt a surge of energy rippling through his body.

The surroundings began to shake, books and artifacts rattled as spiderweb cracks began to form around the Mirror Dimension.

The spell reached its climax, nearly shattering the Mirror dimension in the process.

With a final burst of energy, Peter let out a triumphant yell as the spell was complete.

The air shimmered around Banner, and he felt a sudden rush of energy as the Hulk was ripped from his body.

"AHHHHH!" Banner and Hulk simultaneously screamed in pain.

Though the Hulk easily drowned out his former companion's pitiful yell.

The Hulk let out a deafening roar as it materialized in the center of the spell circles, its massive frame towering over Peter and Banner.

"Hey there, Big Guy." Peter waved welcomingly without an ounce of fear. "It's good to see you again."

Angered by the pain that came with the separation, Hulk charged forward, its fists slamming into the spell lines as it tried to break free.

"Is this the way you should be saying thank you?" Peter asked in a lecturing tone as his spells shattered under the strength of the Hulk. 'Luckily, I was already done with them...'

"Umm... Spider-Man..." Banner collapsed in exhaustion as he fearfully eyed the Hulk's towering figure.

Although he felt relieved to have the Hulk gone, that relief was instantly drowned out by the presence of his greatest fear in the physical world.

Like a nightmare come to life.

"I told you that I can handle him." Peter sighs as he waves his hand. "Why don't you take a breather while I calm him down?"

Suddenly, a portal appeared under Banner's body, dropping him into his Lab back at the Tower.

Peter grinned under his mask as he looked up at the Hulk.

"It's just you and me now, Big Guy." He says as the Hulk glares down at him. "What do you say? Want to beat the sh*t out of each other? I've been needing a good sparring partner for a while now."

Hulk froze for a moment before a wide grin stretched across his face, remembering his last encounter with the man before him.

"Hulk Smash!"

A/N: 1620 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎or else you're dead to me!💀🚨


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