I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 318: Hulk Whisperer

Chapter 318: Hulk Whisperer

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Eruvadhor!🏆 (A/N: A new contender has risen and my thrown grows further from my grasp...)

After explaining what the Avengers is to the Hulk in the simplest terms that he could, Peter wondered whether he should bring him back to New York or not.

As someone with the mentality of an angry child, it may not be the safest idea to bring him over to a populated area.

At least, not so soon.

"Hey, Big Guy!" Peter called the Hulk, who was in the water, playing with a bunch of sharks.

Well, although Hulk would call it playing, the sharks on the other hand would call it bullying.

They tried their best to swim away from the big green muscly monster, but no matter how far they got, the Hulk would catch up and drag them back to the shore, where he would manhandle them like toys.

'Yeah, he's going to need some sort of behavioral and sensitivity training...' Peter thought as he pictured normal humans in the place of those sharks. 'They would either die or get crippled and traumatized for life.'

"?" Hulk released the sharks, who immediately made a run for it while he was distracted. "Huh?!"

Hulk seemed annoyed that his toys were gone as he turned to Peter, wondering what he wanted.

"Come here. We need to talk about something important." Peter waved for Hulk to return to the island.

Growling in annoyance, Hulk quickly swam back, creating large waves with his powerful arms and legs.

"What puny friend want?" Hulk asks with a tilt of his head.

"Can you stay on this island for a few weeks while I get everything set up for you back in New York?" Peter asked as he didn't want to forcibly confine him again.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"?" Hulk looked over the island and the sea before shrugging his shoulders uncaringly. "Hulk can do that..."

"Good, I have to get a place for you to stay in the tower built and prepare everyone for your arrival." Peter quickly moved on to his second objective. "If I have someone come and visit you, will you be nice to them?"

Hulk raised his brow in question.

"Hulk only smash bad guys." He replied firmly.

"I won't send any bad guys." Peter shrugged. "Alright, before I go..."

Snapping his fingers, Peter pulled on the power of reality stone and got to work.

"?!" Hulk's eyes widened in awe as he watched a big portion of the small island transform.

The trees disappeared as a giant mansion-sized house appeared in their place.

Although it was the size of a mansion, in fact, it was just a simple house. The only thing that made it so big was that it was made to fit the Hulk perfectly.

Even the furniture and appliances inside are the perfect size for him as well.

"That should last a while..." Peter muttered as he looked over at Hulk. "You can live there for the time being. Try not to break anything, okay?"

"Uhh, Okay..." Hulk nodded dumbly as he walked over to check out his new house.

"I'll bring you food and water in a bit!" Peter called out as he waved his hand, opening a portal. "Don't cause any trouble while I'm gone!"


Stepping out of his portal and into his office, Peter was immediately welcomed by Jarvis as usual.

"Welcome back, sir." He spoke dutifully.

"Hey, Jarvis. I need you to order enough food and drinks to feed the Hulk for about a month. Make sure to get some good snacks as well. I'm sure he'll appreciate that." Peter spoke as he took a seat at his desk.

"Of course, sir." Jarvis agreed with ease. "The order has been placed and the groceries will arrive within an hour."

"Good, now call Banner to my office and notify the Avengers Council that a meeting will be taking place in half an hour." Peter continued giving orders. "And if they complain about the timeframe, then tell them that the Hulk is free. That should put some pep in their step."

"The messages have been sent." Jarvis worked quickly. "Dr. Banner is currently rushing here as we speak."


After waiting for about a minute, an out of breath Dr. Banner came barging in with a worried look on his face.

"Is everything alright?! Where is he?!" Banner asked as he practically ran up to Peter's desk.

"He's currently on an abandoned island and he'll be staying there for a few weeks." Peter explained as he motioned to the chair behind Banner. "Take a seat and relax."

"Relax?! How could I possibly relax?!" Banner shouts as he starts pacing back and forth in front of Peter's desk. "We just released a giant angry monster on the world!"

"I don't know where you're getting 'we' from." Peter rolled his eyes under his mask. "I did all of the work while you just stood there."

"That's not the point!" Banner wasn't in the mood for Peter's nonsense.

"Sigh..." Peter let out an exasperated breath as he extended his pointer finger.

Instantly, a calming blue light shot out of his finger and hit Banner in the forehead, melting into his mind without any injury or pain.

"W-What was that?" Banner stuttered in fear as he felt his mind rapidly calming.

"A simple spell that relaxes the mind." Peter explains as he looks Banner in the eyes. "You have nothing to worry about. Hulk has agreed to join the Avengers. Everything went as I expected."

"You recruited the Hulk?!" A voice spoke from the door.

Tilting his head to peek behind Banner, Peter found every council member standing outside his office.

"Wow, if I knew using the Hulk's name would make you guys move this fast, then I would've done it a long time ago." Peter comments as they all came walking in.

"First Blonsky and now this?" Charles asks with a disapproving look on his face. "Are you trying to destroy everything we've built?"


After taking all of Charles' complaints and explaining the situation fully, the majority of the Council ended up agreeing with Peter's decision.

Thankfully, Charles didn't fight too hard today, as his mind seemed to be somewhere else entirely.

Even Magneto seemed to be focused on something else as well.

'What's with them?' Peter made a mental note to check on them later.

"The only problem is Hulk's social skills and childlike persona. Although we understand these things, the public doesn't. One small accident and the Hulk goes from the hero they vaguely remember from three years ago, to a freak monster that wants to eat their children." Tony voiced the main issue.

"Which is why I'd like to have someone live with him for the next few weeks." Peter said as everyone raised a brow in question. "He needs to learn how to fraternize with people and carry himself in public. I think it's best that we teach him these things early."

"Who would we send? We can't just hire a behavioral therapist. They'd be too afraid to work..." Fury spoke up.

"I have the perfect candidate in mind." Peter says knowingly.


Stepping out of a portal and onto the warm sand of Hulk's island, Peter turned and motioned for his companion to follow along.

"..." Natasha Romanov hesitantly stepped through, feeling a quick wind from behind as the portal snapped shut.

"Don't be so nervous. You're going to be fine." Peter rolled his eyes at her behavior.

After all, she was the one and only Hulk whisperer in the movies, so this should be easy work.

'It's practically a vacation...' Peter thought as she would be spending a month relaxing on a tropical island. "Hulk! I'm back!"

As soon as Peter called him, the door to the giant house swung open and a green head peeked out.

"Puny friend?" Hulk asked as he found Peter standing alongside an unknown woman.

"Yep, I have your food." Peter says as he squeezed past Hulk and into the house. "I'll put it away while you get to know Natasha. She's an Avenger too."

Natasha looks at Peter, silently pleading with him not to leave her behind like this, but he simply ignored her and made his way to the oversized fridge in the kitchen.

"...Hey." Natasha put on a calm facade as she greeted her giant green ward.

"?" Hulk looks at her questioningly. "Red lady not afraid of Hulk?"

Usually, everyone that he meets is terrified of him, so Hulk was surprised to see this weak-looking woman's calm demeanor.

Of course, she was most definitely scared, but many years of honing her body and mind had allowed Natasha to bluff her way out of anything.

"No, Peter said that you were nice, so he wanted to introduce us." Natasha spoke in a kind motherly manner.

"?" Hulk was even more confused now. "Hulk? Nice?"

"Yeah, do you mind if I come inside?" Natasha asked and Hulk quickly moved to make way for her, holding the door open like a true gentleman.

'They've barely met and he's already holding the door for her?' Peter watched in interest from the kitchen. 'She truly is the Hulk whisperer...'

A/N: 1516 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎or I'll cast a curse on you!🧙🚨


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