I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 329: Presidential Awakening

Chapter 329: Presidential Awakening

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(🚨A/N: To everyone who was commenting about last chapter being useless. Im sorry to hear you didn't like it. It was a set up chapter to introduce the Ant-Man characters and plot. Now, the arc can begin with Peter getting involved. Hopefully you guys like the arc.)

Peter was sound asleep in his bed with MJ curled up next to him, resting her head on his shoulder as she slept peacefully.

It's been a few months since school started again, and the two have been enjoying their senior year of high school to the fullest.

Throughout the summer, Peter stayed on earth and mainly spent time with his family, though of course, he had to check in on the Guardians every once in a while.

Who knows what would happen to them otherwise?

After all, they tend to p*ss off a lot of people, especially when it comes to money.

While the couple slept soundly in their bed, Peter's phone suddenly started ringing.

Groaning in annoyance, Peter reached over without looking and pulled the phone to his ear, answering the call.

"...What?" Peter asked groggily.

"Good morning, Spider-Man." A very recognizable voice said. "Did I wake you up?"

'What the...' Peter checked the caller ID and realized who it was. "Hello, Mr. President... Is an asteroid headed toward the planet?"

To Peter's complete surprise, it was the President of the United States, Barack Obama. Peter rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed, gently pushing MJ back onto her pillow, his mind still foggy from sleep.

"Uhh, no..." The President answered hesitantly.

"Is Nuclear war breaking out?" Peter asked again and received a no. "...Is Yellowstone about to erupt? ...Did someone finally make their own version of Skynet?"

No matter what Peter asked, the answer was still the same.

"Then why the hell are you calling me at 4 AM in the morning?" Peter asked as it was the weekend and he had no business being up this early.

"I apologize for waking you up, but I have some urgent news to share with you."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Peter sighed as he knew the sweet confront of his bed would disappear soon enough.

If the President was calling him this early in the morning, it had to be important.

"What's going on?" Peter asked.

"I've received some disturbing information from some of my top military officials," Obama explained. "It seems that Pym Technologies is working on a project that could be extremely dangerous."

Peter froze for a moment.

He knew that name. Pym Technologies is a company founded by Hank Pym, the man responsible for creating the Ant-Man suit, which allowed the wearer to shrink to the size of an ant while retaining their full strength.

It was an incredible piece of technology, and certainly something that shouldn't be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.

'I completely forgot about the Ant-Man movie...' Peter thought.

"What kind of project, sir?" Peter asked, his mind racing.

"The Yellowjacket suit," Obama replied. "Its creator, Darren Cross, plans to mass produce it and sell it to the highest bidder. If this technology falls into the wrong hands, it could be catastrophic. That's why I'm reaching out to you. You're one of the few people that I trust, who can stop this from happening."

Peter nodded, his brain already working on a plan of action. "I'll look into it."

"Good," Obama sighed in relief. "Contact me if you need anything and stay safe."

With that, the call ended.

Peter sat there for a moment, trying to process the plan that was forming in his mind.

'I should go meet with the old and new Ant-Mans...' Peter thought as he climbed out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. 'But first, a nice warm shower...'


After cleaning himself up and eating a filling breakfast, Peter managed to track down the soon-to-be new and improved Ant-Man, and boy was he in a sorry situation...

"What are you doing here, Lang? You haven't paid a dime in child support. You know, if I wanted to, I could arrest you." A middle-aged man crosses his arms and glares at Scott Lang, the soon-to-be Ant-Man.

The man stood at the front door of his suburban house, blocking Scott from entering.

"It's good to see you too, Paxton." Lang smiles awkwardly, trying to be the bigger man in this situation, but it didn't seem to be working.

Suddenly, a cute little brown-haired girl squeezed past Paxton's leg and stood between them with a smile on her face.

"Mommy's so happy you're here that she choked on her drink." The girl laughed happily, oblivious to the tense atmosphere between the two men.

"Cassie, look what I have for you." Scott ignores the man blocking his way and hands over a gift bag to the little girl.

"Can I open it now, Daddy?" She asks Scott.

But Paxton spoke before he could say anything. "Of course sweetheart, it's your birthday."

Lang frowned uncomfortably as his daughter pulled out an ugly-looking rabbit plushie, unaware of the Father vs Step-Father battle that was going on around her.

"What is that thing?" Paxton asks in distaste.

"He's so ugly! I love him! I have to show my friends!" Cassie exclaimed as she rushed back inside, ugly bunny in hand.

"Look, the child support is coming. Alright? It's just hard finding a job when you have a record." Scott explained his situation.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, but for now I want you off of my property." Paxton shooed him away uncaringly.

"Wait, it's my daughter's birthday!" Scott didn't want to miss any more of her birthdays.

After all, he's already missed a lot while in prison.

"It's my house." Paxton replied with a shrug.

"So what, it's my kid!" Scott was finding it harder and harder to be the bigger person.

Peter lay on the roof of the house across the street and watched the drama unfold.

Soon enough, Cassie's mother showed up and some more arguing ensued before Scott was officially kicked out.

"Get an apartment. Get a job and pay child support. Then we can talk about visitation..." She said as he was forced to leave.

'This is messed up...' Peter thought.

After all, they seemed to be using this moment to punish or lay down some sort of law with Scott, but it's not his birthday that their ruining.

Today isn't about any of them.

It's about their daughter and having her father at her birthday party is probably something that she wanted.

'What are they going to tell her when she asks where her dad went?' Peter thought sadly as he watched Scott drive off, looking devastated from the entire encounter. 'Maybe I should give him some space...'

As Scott drove further down the street, Peter could hear him dial a number on his phone.

"What's up, Scotty?" A man answered.

"Tell me about that job again?" Scott asked.

And he definitely wasn't referring to a normal legal job. That's for sure.


In the beginning, Peter planned to introduce himself, but now that he thought about it, maybe it would be better to meet with the old Ant-Man first.

And as Peter was leaving, he heard an excited voice from inside the house.

"Where'd Daddy go?" Cassie asked, tightly clutching her ugly bunny.

"...He left." Her mother answered hesitantly. "He had some work to do."

"..." The silence that followed was enough for Peter to understand that Cassies birthday was now officially ruined.


-Pym Estate-

Hank Pym sat comfortably in a hidden camera room, waiting patiently for his would-be successor, Scott Lang, to arrive.

He had been preparing for this moment for a long time, carefully orchestrating everything to ensure that Scott would take over the mantle of Ant-Man.

Though he certainly had some time.

After all, thieves tended to work at night, so he had nothing but downtime until dark.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Hank, a dark shadow had snuck into the room, leaning against the wall behind him.

"Yo." The shadow called out, causing the Pym to nearly fall out of his seat in fright.

"S-Spider-Man?" Hank whipped his head around and stuttered in surprise.

Peter waved in a friendly manner. "I'm here to talk about Darren Cross and the Yellowjacket suit."

Hank's eyes narrowed. "I've been keeping tabs on Cross for a while now. How do you know about this?"

"I have friends in high places." Peter shrugged as he looked at the many monitors in the room. "What's with the crazy security? Is Cross trying time steal the original Ant-Man suit?"

Pym seemed surprised by Peter's knowledge, though he soon shrugged it off.

As he said, Spider-Man has friends in high places, so someone high up in the government must have to told him everything.

"No, though I wouldn't put it past him. I have someone else who can help us with Cross." Hank admitted, finding no reason to lie to Peter.

After all, this was Spider-Man that he was dealing with.

Pym wasn't exactly happy about his arrival, but it technically wasn't a bad thing.

"And who might that be?" Peter asked, though he already knew the answer.

"His name is-" Hank stopped as he caught sight of some movement on the cameras.

Before he knew it, the sun had set and an unfamiliar car was parked outside the front of his house.

Though it was certainly familiar to Peter.

'Isn't that Scott's car?' Peter thought as he wondered if Scott was actually a good thief or not. 'Who brings their own car to what's about to be a crime scene?'

As they gazed at the monitors, Hank and Peter watched as a masked man exited the car and walked up to his house.

A/N: 1603 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎or I'll destroy the world!💣🌎💥🚨


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