I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 339: Recruitment

Chapter 339: Recruitment

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The grand lobby of the Avengers Tower hummed with energy and purpose. Peter stands near the entrance, clad in his spider suit, his eyes scanning the crowd.

Those passing by stare in awe, as Spider-Man very rarely ever comes to the lower floors of the tower, not to mention the main lobby, where thousands of people come and go every day.

Finally, his gaze lands on a trio approaching him.

Scott Lang, looked like a kid on Christmas morning, his eyes wide with awe as he looked around the building.

Beside him, Hope van Dyne, aka the future Wasp, exudes confidence with every step she takes. And there, walking alongside them is Hank Pym, a skeptical expression etched onto his aged face.

After detaining Darren Cross and all of his cohorts, Peter and the group celebrated their win before going their separate ways. But before they split, Peter invited all three of them to the tower.

Of course, Scott needed to come, as he would be joining the Avengers, but Hope and Hank were a different story.

Hank didn't want to come, as he barely agreed with Scott joining the Avengers in the first place.

After all, he's never liked the Starks and Tony is a high-level member of the Avengers, which makes a Stark his successors boss.

'What is the world coming to...' Pym thought at the time.

As for Hope, thankfully, she wasn't as pessimistic as her father, though she wasn't overly excited either.

"Hey, guys. Welcome to the Avengers Tower." Peter greeted them. "Come on, I'll show you around."

Scott takes in the splendor of the tower, his voice filled with wonder. "Whoa, this place is amazing. What's is that?"

He eyed an odd-looking checkpoint that everyone had to go through in order to enter the rest of the building.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

People in business suits walked into pods, which sealed shut and seemed to scan them before opening on the other end, allowing them into the building.

"Just some needed security." Peter shrugs.

Hank, however, remained skeptical. He casts a discerning gaze around the lobby, his voice tinged with doubt. "Let's see if this place lives up to the hype, shall we?"

He knew that the whole building was built and owned by the Starks, and he refused to allow any of it to impress him. No matter what.

Undeterred, Peter led the group through the bustling lobby, maneuvering through the security while admiring the cutting-edge technology displays that adorn the walls.


After showing them around, Peter brought Scott to his new apartment.

"And finally, we have your apartment." Peter opened the door, enjoying the shocked look on Scott's face.

"M-My apartment?" Scott asked as they walked inside, eyeing the place in awe.

"Yes, your apartment," Peter smirked under his mask. "Didn't I say that becoming an Avenger had many perks?"

Scott couldn't keep the smile off his face.

With this, he completed one more of his goals.

Now, all that was left to do was to pay off his owed child support. Then he should be able to at least spend a little time with his daughter.

"Thank you..." Scott turned to Peter and said wholeheartedly.

"You're very welcome." Peter nods. "But we're not done yet."

Leaving the three of them in the living room, Peter walked over to the front door and came back with two other people.

Matt Murdock, better known as Daredevil, and Foggy Nelson, his loyal partner. Both of them carried a pile of legal documents, looking ready for business.

"Scott, this is Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson." Peter introduced them. "They'll be representing you in court."

They exchange glances.

"Aren't they a bit young?" Pym asked as he had experience when it came to lawyers.

In his experience, when choosing a lawyer, it's best to pick someone with more time under their belt.

"Yes, but I assure you, Nelson and Murdock are the best lawyers in New York." Peter vouched for them.

Scott nods, attempting to steady his nerves.

There was nothing more he desired than to get joint custody of his daughter. After all, this was his chance to rectify the many mistakes he's made over the years.

"So, what's the plan?" Scott asks eagerly.

Foggy took a seat. "Well, If we're going to reopen your criminal case, then we'll need solid evidence to prove your innocence. And not just for the theft charges, but for your intentions as well." He said, as Peter already explained the situation to them.

"Wait!" Scott exclaimed in confusion. "I thought this was about Cassie?"

"Yes, but don't you think it would look better in court if you've been proven innocent?" Matt spoke from the side, leaning on his walking cane.

"Yeah, but how long is that going to take?" Scott asks worriedly.

After all, he didn't care about his criminal record. All that Scott wanted was custody of his daughter.

Peter stepped forward. "You don't have to worry. I'll call in some favors to speed the whole thing along."

Opening a small portal, Peter reached inside and pulled output a flash drive.

"I've gathered all the information that you'll need," Peter says as he hands the drive to Foggy. "I've compiled evidence of the corruption within the company Scott was trying to expose. We can show that Scott was driven to commit those acts for the greater good."

Matt's lips curved into a small smile, as he enjoys fighting corruption.

Meanwhile, Foggy leans forward, his eyes locked on Peter. "And if his ex-wife refuses to share custody even after he's acquitted and his record is cleared?" He asks, his voice tinged with concern.

Peter's face hardens under his mask. "Then we'll have to take it to court," Peter says, his tone resolute. "We'll fight for Scott's rights as a father and show all of the evidence of his changed circumstances and his commitment to his daughter's well-being. And if it comes down to it, we can invite some high-profile character witnesses to help things along."

After all, what would the judge decide when Spider-Man comes walking into court?

Silence filled the room as everyone absorbed Peter's words.


Once Nelson and Murdock took their leave after some necessary documents were signed, Peter introduced yet another member of the Avengers.

Entering the apartment, Natasha Romanoff, the formidable Black Widow, approaches, dressed in her tactical gear.

"Hello." Natasha greets everyone with a nod. "Ready to hand off our newest recruit?"

Peter turns to Scott, offering him a reassuring smile. "Scott, this is Natasha Romanoff. She's going to take over your basic training from now on."

Scott's nervousness becomes palpable as he addresses Natasha. "Uh, hi..."

Natasha returns the greeting, her smile warm and comforting. "Don't worry, you're in good hands. We'll get you up to speed in no time."

"Natasha is the best trainer that we have. She even taught me." Peter steps aside, allowing Natasha to take the lead. "Why don't you show Scott the training facilities? After all, he'll be using them from now on."

Natasha nods as she motions for Scott to follow along.

Before they leave, Peter pats Scott gently on the back. "Good luck." He says, his voice filled with pity. "You're gonna need it."

As Peter watched Natasha guide a nervous-looking Ant-Man away, he couldn't help but smile.

'The Avengers keeps growing.' Peter thought pridefully.

At this point, he was the official Avengers recruiter. Almost every member was recruited by him, which was an accomplishment that he was very proud of to say the least.

Speaking of recruitment, once Scott and Natasha were gone, Peter turned to Hank and Hope.

"Dr. Pym, Hope." Peter began, drawing their attention. "I've been meaning to ask, would you two like to join the Avengers as well? As scientists, of course. Your help would be invaluable. Especially you Hank."

Hank raised his head, his eyes meeting Peter's, his expression tinged with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism.

"I appreciate the sentiment." Hank replied, his tone carrying the weight of his many years of experience. "But I'm afraid my time has long passed. I'm too old for this anymore."

Peter's face fell slightly, disappointment etching itself upon his masked features. He had hoped to convince Hank of the importance of his contributions, but he understood nonetheless.

Hope, on the other hand, regarded Peter with a contemplative gaze.

Though she shared her father's concerns, an undercurrent of secret desires and aspirations pulsed within her.

Peter's eyes met Hope's, and he couldn't help but notice a glimmer of something hidden in her gaze. It was a mixture of determination and longing.

Though it wasn't toward him.

Hope took a step forward, her voice filled with resolve and determination.

"I'll join." she declared, her eyes darting briefly toward her father before returning to meet Peter's gaze. "I want to be closer to Scott, and this is an opportunity I can't ignore."

Peter's eyebrows rose in surprise, a flicker of understanding lighting up his face. He had suspected that Hope's feelings for Scott were deeper than they appeared. And now, her small admission confirmed his suspicions.

Although he knew this from the movies in his past life, he wasn't sure if they would still get together or not.

And thankfully, her father remained silent, neither approving nor disapproving of her choice.

"Good, welcome to the team." Peter was happy to hire at least one of them. "I'll have a private lab and apartment assigned to you by the end of the day."

A/N: 1593 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎or I'll blow up your eyeballs!💥👁👁💥🚨


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