I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 351: Love is Complicated...

Chapter 351: Love is Complicated...

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Scar_Justice!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

Soft, dim light, casted gentle shadows across the spacious penthouse apartment, which just so happened to be one of the many Shield/Avengers safe houses in New York City.

Wade cradled Vanessa in his arms, her delicate form pressed against his chest as they made their way toward the master bedroom.

With careful tenderness, he lowered her down onto the plush mattress, ensuring her comfort was tended to perfectly.

As he settled Vanessa down, Wade couldn't help but let out a lighthearted grumble. "Seriously? She gets these fancy digs, and I'm stuck in some plain hotel room? You're really playing favorites here, Spidey."

Peter glanced at Wade. "Come on. You know this is just a temporary arrangement until we take care of Francis. She needs protection, and this place was available. It has round-the-clock surveillance and agents at every entry possible entry point. She'll be safe here."

Wade crossed his arms, pouting under his mask. "I know, I know. You're right. Safety first and all that jazz."

"Besides, after what you did to that hotel room, do you really think that I'd ever let you stay in a place like this? Nope, from now on it's nothing but rundown motels for you." Peter says with a shake of his head.

"Come on..." Wade whined like a kid. "Give me a second chance. I promise that I won't jizz on the couch ever again!"

"You did far more than that and you know it." Peter pointed an accusing glare at him. "Now, lower your voice before she wakes up."

Hearing Peter's warning, Wade shut his mouth and swiftly turned to make sure that she was still asleep.

Sighing in relief, as she was still out cold, his voice softening. "She's even more beautiful than I remembered. I need to fix myself before seeing her again..."

"You know, for a badass Mercenary you're really acting like a p*ssy, aren't you?" Peter says matter of factly.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Who the f#ck are calling a p*ssy?" Wade turns to Peter, appalled that he would call him that.

After all, Wade was the exact opposite of a p*ssy. He would gladly jump headfirst into danger for something as small as a chimichanga and a cold cherry icee to wash it down.

"I'm 100% fat, hairy, d*ck! I got veins and all!" Wade jutted his hips forward, turning the conversation in a rather gross direction.

"Really?" Peter says in amusement as he gestures to Vanessa. "Then wake her up and introduce yourself. Without a mask, of course."

Wade looked toward his sleeping fiancé, freezing on the spot.

Turning away from her, Wade looks at Peter once again. "Fine, I admit it. I'm not a BBC. I'm a p*ssy... I just... I'm scared, okay? What if she's disgusted with me? I would be..."

Peter stepped closer, placing a comforting hand on Wade's shoulder. "Wade, listen to me. Vanessa loves you. She's seen the person beneath that mangled face of yours. And if she can't accept you for who you are, then maybe she's not worth your time and love."

Wade shook his head, his voice filled with doubt. "But, she signed up to marry a handsome, dashing mercenary. This," he gestured to his scarred face, "isn't what she signed up for. I don't even have hair anymore, for crying out loud... God, I loved my hair..."

Unbeknownst to Wade, Vanessa's eyelids fluttered open in the middle of their conversation, her eyes widening in shock at the conversation unfolding before her.

"Look at this!" He removed his mask, revealing the face of a burn victim, scars marring his features. "Would you love this?"

Vanessa's nearly jumped out of bed as her heart ached.

'What happened?' She wondered in shock.

At this point, she understood that Wade was the one who kidnapped her, though she didn't know why.

She lay still, feigning sleep with her eyes closed once again, listening to Wade's heartfelt admission and the pain in his voice.

Wade turned toward Vanessa, his eyes filled with love and longing, before silently leaving the room.

The sound of objects being broken echoed through the safe house as he vented his frustration, leaving Peter and Vanessa alone in the bedroom.

"And he wonders why I didn't bring him here earlier?" Peter muttered in annoyance, his gaze shifted to Vanessa, a knowing look in his eyes.

He could see through her pretense, knowing she had been awake all along.

After all, he was the one who woke her up to begin with.

"I know you're awake." He called out to her gently, breaking the silence that lingered in the room. "Did you see him?"

"Y-Yeah..." Vanessa swallowed the lump in her throat, her eyes fluttering open.

Peter approached the bed, his expression sympathetic. "So, what do you have to say? Do you love him or not?"

Tears welled up in Vanessa's eyes as she contemplated her next move. She couldn't bear to see Wade in pain, but she also couldn't deny her own conflicted emotions.

She looked up at Peter, her voice barely a whisper. "What... What happened to him?"

Peter took a deep breath, preparing himself to share the truth. "Well..."

He went on to explain everything that happened to Wade, from the reason that he left her to the weeks of torture and the awakening of his X-Gene.

Nothing was left out.

"So, you two kidnapped me to keep me safe from this Francis guy?" She asked incredulously.

From her perspective, they could have easily just talked to her and explained the situation.

"Yeah, well, if you haven't noticed yet, Wade is a bit touchy about his appearance at the moment. He thinks you're going to treat him like The Hunchback of Notre Dame." Peter explains.

"I-I would never!" She stutters, looking offended by his assumption.

"Hmm, I guess we'll see, won't we?" Peter says, unsure.

After all, she still hasn't said whether she loves him or not, though that could be due to the fact that he left her without a word. Or because she was too shocked to think straight at the moment.

"Spidey!" Wade called out from the living room. "Let's just write her a note and leave! The longer we wait, the farther Francis gets!"

"Alright! Give me a minute to write something!" Peter replied and turned back to Vanessa. "You have until we're finished dealing with Francis to get your thoughts together. There's enough food and drinks in the kitchen to last you a month. Cable TV on every TV and the WiFi password should be written on the Router."

"Uhh..." She didn't know what to say.

"Do not under any circumstances leave this apartment. Understood?" Peter warns and receives a nod in return. "Good, now pretend to sleep again. He's coming back."

Vanessa's eyes widened as she swiftly threw herself back into bed. Seconds later, the sound of footsteps along the hardwood flooring echoed into her ears.

"What's taking so long?" Wade peeked his head inside, seeing his fiancé fast asleep alongside Peter, who sat at the edge of the bed, scribbling a note on the nightstand.

"I'm just finishing up." Peter says as he finished writing and stood up, passing Wade as he walked out of the room. "I'll meet you on the roof. I need to explain some things to the agents outside."


Hesitantly staring at the love of his life, Wade couldn't stop himself from walking over and taking a seat at her bedside.

His gaze never wavered from Vanessa's face as he traced the contours of her delicate features with his eyes, etching them into his memory.

Wade swallowed hard, trying to gather his thoughts before he spoke.

"I love you, Vanessa..." Wade's voice broke the silence, barely above a whisper. "I never thought I could find someone like you."

He reached out hesitantly, brushing a strand of hair away from Vanessa's face, careful not to disturb her peaceful sleep.

"But things have changed. I've changed," Wade continued, his voice tinged with sadness. "I'm not the man you fell in love with anymore."

A faint tremor coursed through Wade's hands as he fought to contain his emotions. He couldn't bear the thought of Vanessa seeing him in his current state, his scarred and disfigured appearance.

"I can't show myself to you like this," Wade admitted, his voice strained. "I want to fix this, to find a way back to being the man you deserve. That's why I'm leaving... again."

Vanessa's heart ached as she listened to Wade's words. She longed to reach out and comfort him, to tell him that his appearance didn't matter, that she loved him unconditionally.

But on the other hand, she was hurt and heartbroken for weeks after he left without a word. Even now she still felt hurt by what he did.

One moment he was there and the next he was gone, leaving her behind in the apartment they shared, where everything reminded her of him.

And although she had the full context of the situation now, thanks to Peter, Vanessa wasn't ready to talk to Wade just yet.

Everything was happening far too quickly and she needed some time to think before doing or saying anything. So Vanessa remained still, her eyes shut tight, pretending to be asleep.

Wade stood up, his shoulders slumped as he let out a long sigh. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Vanessa's forehead, his lips lingering for a moment.

"Goodbye, Vanessa," Wade whispered, his voice thick with unspoken sorrow. "I promise I'll come back to you. I'll fix this. And when I do, I'll be the man you fell in love with again."

With one last lingering look at Vanessa, Wade turned away, his footsteps growing fainter as he left the room.

Once he was gone, Vanessa's eyes fluttered open, tears welling up, blurring her vision.

"I love you too, Wade," she whispered into the empty room.

A/N: 1670 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎or I'll call forth lightning upon you🌩⚡️😵🚨


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