I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 354: B*tch Slap

Chapter 354: B*tch Slap

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As of now, the patreòn is 4 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): DarkSlayer!🏆 (A/N:👑)

Peter and Wade moved swiftly, their synchronized movements showing just how great of a duo they truly are.

With fluid precision, they took down the last of the guards stationed outside the beached freight ship, ensuring that their assault remained undetected.

However, their success was short-lived as the shrill blare of an alarm pierced the air, echoing through the desolate dockyard.

Peter shot a glare at Wade, frustration evident in his voice. "Seriously, Wade? We were supposed to be stealthy!"

If Wade didn't jump in earlier, Peter would have opened a portal to the top deck of the ship, sneaking them inside with ease.

They would have found Francis by now...

Wade nonchalantly shrugged, his masked face splitting into a mischievous grin. "Well, Spidey, my way is a lot more fun. Besides, who needs stealth when you've got these bad boys?" He brandished his gleaming Desert Eagles and promptly opened fire on the fresh wave of guards rushing out of the ship.

As bullets flew, blood spilled, and bodies fell, Peter couldn't help but shake his head.

He knew he couldn't argue with Wade's words. This was indeed more fun than sneaking in.

Together, they fought their way into the belly of the ship, leaving a trail of death in their wake.

After all, Deadpool wasn't the type of hero to spare his enemies, which Peter respected.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'It's not like these guys are innocent.' Peter shrugged as Wade shot a guy in the neck, blowing his head off of his shoulders. 'Damn, those .50 Cal rounds pack a punch...'

Their relentless progress led them to the ship's rooftop, where only two people awaited them.

Standing there were Francis, the enigmatic leader of the latest Weapon X program, and his formidable subordinate, Angel Dust, a muscle-bound woman with short hair that matched her black clothes.

Both of these Meta-Humans, who were exceptionally confident in taking care of these intruders only a moment ago, practically recoiled in shock and fear at the sight of Peter's familiar red and blue spider-themed suit.

"Spider-Man..." Francis muttered, his voice laced with disbelief. 'This isn't good...'

He would have gladly left already if he knew that it was Spider-Man who was behind the assault on his base.

But no, Francis wanted to see who was after him, confident in his and Angel Dusts Meta-Human capabilities.

"Hey, Francis. I've heard a lot about you." Peter's waved in their direction, a relaxed air radiating from him. "Nice trick with your house, by the way. It was smart to use your security system as a trigger to blow it sky-high. You're actually one of the more crafty criminals I've dealt with on this planet."

"...Thanks?" Francis answered, trying to figure out a way out of this.

There was a car parked around the back and a helicopter behind him, but he knew that Spider-Man wouldn't allow him to get to either of them.

All roads seemed to lead in one direction, a fight. And winning was his only option.

Because any Meta-Human to ever be caught by the Avengers has disappeared completely, never to be seen again.

This is one of the main factors that strikes fear in all super-powered criminals, as they can at least look forward to a possible escape when dealing with the criminal justice system.

But when it comes to the Avengers, there's no trial, no jail, no prison. You just disappear.

Of course, this would lead anyone to wonder whether the Avengers were killing off super-powered criminals, but that obviously wasn't the case.

They simply rot in the Towers detainment floors.

Meanwhile, Wade stood by Peter's side, his mask concealing a wicked smirk.

Francis squinted, unsure which Avenger was stood next to Spider-Man.

"And who might your friend be?" Francis inquired, hoping to stall for some time to think.

Without missing a beat, Wade removed his mask, revealing his scarred and disfigured face, a taunting smirk plastered all over it.

"Ewww!" Francis cringed at the sight of him, a mixture of surprise and disgust coloring his voice before, finally, realization struck. "Wait... Wade? Is that you?"

"Oh, Francis, my dear old friend. It's so good of you to remember me." Wade's eyes gleamed with a blend of amusement and menace. "The guy whose face you ruined when you decided to play mad scientist."

Tension hung in the air, thick with the weight of unfinished business and personal vendettas.

"Hey, Mate. I'm guessing our last little experiment was a success?" Francis greeted him tauntingly. "But do you mind putting the mask back on? Your face is just so... ugh, you know?"

Seeing his nemesis wince at the sight of him, Wade kept his mask off out of pure spite.

"Nope, If I have to live with this ugly mug, then you have to live with it too!" Wade sneered. "Now, I'm going to tell you what the f*ck's about to happen. First, I'm going to kick the sh%t out of you, and second, you're going to help me fix this..."

He points to his face, forcing Francis to look at him.

"And maybe when you're done with my makeover I'll let you go... after torturing you for a few weeks, of course." Wade said, a bloodthirsty smirk on his face. "After all, it ain't revenge if you don't go through the same f#cked up sh*t that you put me through."

Francis scowled but remained defiant. "You think you can fight me? You're nothing but a lab rat, a barely passable experiment."

Seeing how badly Wade wanted to fight him, Francis decided to lean into it. Because he would much rather fight Wade than Spider-Man.

And maybe, through his fight with Wade, Francis could find a way out of this situation.

Handing his desert eagles to Peter, who was standing beside him, Wade flashed a wicked grin. "Don't worry, Spidey, I got this. It's personal." He stepped forward, motioning for Francis to come at him.

Peter, understanding Wade's need for vengeance, moved to the side, giving the two adversaries space.

He watched with a mix of amusement and anticipation, ready to intervene at any moment if necessary.

Agreeing to the one-on-one fight, Francis pulled out two steel fighting axes, twirling them expertly in his hands. His eyes gleamed with a dangerous resolve.

Realizing Wade was weaponless, Peter raised his hand and conjured a pair of Deadpool-style swords, the iconic katanas.

"Here!" He tossed them to Wade, who deftly caught them with a flourish of his own.

"?!" Both Francis and Angel Dust watched the Katanas appear in shock, wondering how Peter did that.

"Alright, let's get this-" As Wade was ready to go, focusing his gaze on Francis, Angel Dust began walking toward Peter. Her intense gaze burned with an unspoken challenge.

Peter raised a hand, attempting to diffuse the situation. "Hey, let's not fight, okay? Let Wade and your boss settle this."

But Angel Dust disregarded his words, her muscles tense and ready for combat.

He didn't know what was going through her mind, but he did know one thing. She wanted to fight.

"Sorry about her." Francis spoke up in her stead. "She's a bit of a battle junky."

As he spoke, Angel Dust threw a powerful punch in Peter's direction, charged with superhuman strength.

Peter's reflexes kicked into gear, and he effortlessly caught her fist mid-air, shocking bother her and Francis, who knew exactly how strong those punches really were.

Any normal person would have been instantly crushed under the force of her fist, but Peter was far from ordinary.

"Remember when you wake up that it was you who started it." Peter said as he swiftly backhanded her across the face, sending her flying backward.

She crashed into the parked helicopter, knocking it over as she fell unconscious from a single hit.

Wade, witnessing the exchange, couldn't help but speak up. "Well, that was anticlimactic..."

Francis couldn't help but nod in agreement, his gaze lingering on the broken helicopter, which he couldn't use to escape anymore.

"What can I say? I've had some practice." Peter shrugged nonchalantly, settling back into a relaxed position. "Now, why don't you two settle your little vendetta so we can all be done with this? I promised my daughter that I'd be back by morning and it's almost sunrise."

'Spider-Man has a kid?' Francis was shocked.

That type of information would sell for a lot...

Though he didn't have much time to dwell on it, as Wade crept closer and closer, katanas gripped tightly in each hand.

With Angel Dust neutralized and Peter on the sidelines, all attention returned to the imminent clash between Wade and Francis.

The tension between the two grew thicker, anticipation hung in the air, and the stage was set for a battle that would certainly be entertaining.

A/N: 1487 words :)

🚨Hand over your 💎STONES💎 I guess...😒🚨


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