I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 361: Rand Enterprises

Chapter 361: Rand Enterprises

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): LightningGodWolf!🏆 (A/N:👑 I bestow this crown upon the most racist King. Congrats🤴🏿)

Danny Rand stepped onto the crowded streets of New York City, his bare feet making light contact with the concrete pavement.

Clad in the same Monk clothes he had worn during his journey from K'un-Lun, he stood out amidst the rush of the city.

Passersbys glanced at him curiously, some ignoring his presence entirely while others whispered to each other, their curiosity piqued.

Children, with their unstoppable curiosity, pointed at Danny, their tiny fingers tugging at their parents' sleeves. "Mom, why doesn't he have shoes?" a young boy asked, his eyes wide with wonder.

"Hush now, sweetheart." The mother replied, tugging her child along. "He's just... different. We shouldn't stare."

Danny smiled warmly at the children, a twinkle in his eyes as he acknowledged their curiosity.

He continued his journey through the bustling streets, making a mental note to find a change of clothes later.

But for now, his priority lay elsewhere...

Finally, Danny arrived at his destination, a towering building that scraped the clouds.

[Rand Enterprises]

Rand Enterprises, a name that held immense significance for him.

Looking up at the giant letters spelling out his family name, he felt a mix of nostalgia and anticipation.

With calm strides, he entered the building, aware of the gazes fixed upon him.

The employees exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued by the sight of a barefooted, unkempt man dressed in Monk's robes.

Undeterred, Danny approached the receptionist, his voice carrying an air of purpose.

"I would like to meet with Harold Meachum," Danny stated, his tone resolute and respectful.

The receptionist, her eyes flickering with sympathy, shook her head gently. "I'm sorry, but Mr. Meachum passed away in 2004. He battled cancer."

A wave of sadness washed over Danny's face, his heart heavy with the weight of lost time and missed connections.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After all, Harold was like an Uncle to him.

Still, he pressed on. "Is Joy Meachum here? Or could you provide me with her contact information?"

The receptionist hesitated, eyeing Danny's unconventional appearance. "May I ask who you are? It's not easy for someone as high-up in the company as Ms. Meachum to meet with just anyone."

A flicker of determination sparked in Danny's eyes as he spoke. "Tell her it's Danny. She'll know. We used to play together as children." He dropped a bombshell, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia.

Uncertain, the receptionist nodded and picked up the phone beside her.

She glanced at Danny and sighed, pointing to the spacious waiting area. "Please have a seat and wait." She said, her voice tinged with hesitation.

After all, it's very likely that this was a waste of time.

For all she knows, Danny is one of the many homeless population in New York, who is either looking to scam someone or has some sort of mental problem.

Either way, she would simply do her job and hope for the best.

Taking a seat in the lobby, Danny couldn't help but notice the guards stationed nearby, their watchful eyes fixated on him.

They were ready to spring into action at the slightest sign of trouble, their gaze filled with suspicion and skepticism.

Danny exhaled slowly, preparing himself for the uncertain reunion that awaited him.

He sat with his back straight and his head held high, his gaze unwavering despite the guards' scrutiny.




Danny sat in the waiting room, his eyes closed and his legs crossed on the chair. He remained perfectly still, his breathing steady and rhythmic as he meditated in silence.

The guards, initially wary of his presence, had become more intrigued by the peculiar man who had patiently waited for hours without complaint or movement.

As the sun began to set outside, the doors of a nearby elevator opened, revealing a woman of similar age to Danny.

She had short brown hair, and piercing blue eyes, and was dressed in an expensive business suit that accentuated her fit figure.

Unaware of Danny's presence, she walked toward the exit, her mind occupied with the matters of the day.

Danny's eyes opened as soon as he sensed her.

A reminiscent smile tugged at his lips as memories flooded his mind, recalling the moments he had spent playing with her and her bully of a brother, Ward.

"Excuse me, Joy." Danny rose to his feet, his voice calm and gentle. "Can we talk for a moment?"

Joy turned to face him, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" She didn't recognize him.

Danny took a step closer, his gaze filled with warmth and sincerity. "It's me, Joy. It's Danny... Danny Rand."

Joy's face contorted with skepticism and frustration. "That's impossible. Danny died in a plane crash years ago. Whoever you are, this is a sick joke."

Danny's smile faltered, but he remained steadfast. "I understand it's hard to believe, but it's the truth. I survived the crash. I'm Danny Rand."

Joy's expression hardened, and she glanced at the guards nearby. "Guards, this man is harassing me. Please remove him from the premises."

Danny's heart sank as the guards began to close in.

He held up a hand, desperately trying to prevent their approach. "Please, Joy. Just give me a chance. I can prove it to you. I'll take a blood test if I have to."

Joy hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. The guards stood poised, ready to forcibly remove Danny from the building.

"Just talk to me, Joy," Danny pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. "Please, there's so much that I want to tell you."

But before Joy could respond, one of the guards grabbed Danny, trying to forcefully restrain him.

However, Danny's reflexes were honed from years of rigorous training. He swiftly dodged the attack, sidestepping with remarkable agility.

He retaliated by delivering a swift strike to the guard's solar plexus, using a powerful punch infused with a tiny bit of chi energy.

The guard crumpled to the ground, incapacitated but unharmed.

The receptionist, who had been watching in awe, quickly picked up the phone.

She dialed 911 and swiftly explained what was happening, her face reflecting a mix of confusion and fear.

The remaining guards watched in awe and apprehension, realizing they were up against a formidable opponent.

Danny held his hand-ups. "Look, just calm down, alright? I don't mean any harm..."

Two more guards rushed forward simultaneously, ignoring his words as they attempted to overpower Danny with sheer numbers.

But once again, he effortlessly blocked their attacks, gracefully weaving between their strikes with a dancer's precision.

His movements flowed like water, each strike landing with calculated accuracy.

Danny's hands became a blur as he unleashed a series of kicks, sweeps, and punches, targeting pressure points with precise accuracy.

The guards stumbled and fell, their bodies temporarily paralyzed by the incapacitating blows.

It was clear they were no match for the martial arts mastery Danny had acquired in K'un-Lun.

As the last guard staggered to his feet, struggling to regain his composure, Danny stood tall before him.

A calm yet fierce determination emanated from his eyes. He raised his hands in a defensive stance, silently urging the guard to give up.

The guard, realizing the futility of his resistance, slowly raised his hands in surrender.

Danny extended a hand to help the defeated guards up, his expression compassionate. "I mean no harm," he assured them as he turned to Joy, who stood rooted to the ground, shocked and frightened by the events she just witnessed. "I own this company."

The guards, bewildered but grateful, accepted Danny's help and stood up.

The main lobby fell into an uneasy silence as the guards and the receptionist processed what had just occurred.

"Joy..." Danny called out, snapping his childhood friend from her frozen stupor. "It's me, I swear."

"T-This isn't funny!" Joy lashed out, unwilling to believe this whole situation. "Danny is dead. He's been dead since I was 10 years old. You... You can't just come here and do this. It's cruel!" She shouted, tears welling up in the corner of her eyes.

"..." Danny frowned as he tried to think of a way for her to believe him and it didn't take long to do exactly that. "A week before the accident my parents held a family barbecue. Of course, your family was invited-"

"That's all you have?" Joy interrupted him with a scoff as she crossed her arms.

"No." Danny smiled warmly as he recalled one of his fonder memories. "While we played in the backyard, Ward was being a little sh*t as always, so we snuck out and ran to the park around the corner. We would always go to the park, though this was the first time we were alone..."

The more that Danny talked, the quicker Joy's breath became, clutching her leather handbag between tight fists.

Danny continued, his cheeks blushing ever so slightly. "We played on the swings together and I-"

"Stop!" Joy yelled, knowing where this story was going. "Just stop..." She pleaded.

Danny heard her, but he didn't listen. "...I pulled my swing over to yours and kissed you on the lips." He revealed as tears rushed down Joy's face. "We promised to marry each other when we were older. You even wanted another kiss, but my mom came rushing over, yelling and screaming at us for running off alone. That was the last time I saw you."

As he stopped speaking, deafening silence filled the lobby. And if Joy still wasn't convinced, then the guards and receptionist certainly were.

Just Joy's reaction was enough to prove it for them

"Do you believe me now?" Danny asks calmly.

"I-" She hesitantly spoke as the sound of police sirens echoed from down the street, heading in their direction.

But before the police could arrive, a black and red figure dropped down onto the sidewalk outside, shocking everyone, especially Danny, who knew nothing of the many heroes who protected the city and the world at large.

"Silk?" The receptionist muttered, not expecting an Avenger to respond to her 911 call.

'Silk?' Danny wondered as he felt that this person held a large amount of Chi.

Not nearly as much as him, but certainly more than a high-level Monk back in K'un-Lun.

Though that wasn't all, beside Silk appeared a smaller childlike figure in a red and blue themed spider suit.

"Are you sure Dad won't be mad?" The smaller figure spoke, which was easily picked up by Danny's Chi-enhanced hearing.

Silk turned to the smaller figure. "Your dad can take you out but I can't?" She asked pointedly.

'What the hell is happening?' Danny thought as the two came walking in, eying the bruised guards questioningly.

"What's the emergency?"

A/N: 1790 words :)

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