I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 363: Meetings & Names

Chapter 363: Meetings & Names

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As of now, the patreòn is 4 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): AlienWarlord!🏆 (A/N: I sit upon my throne once again! All hail the one true King!👑)

MJ and Lily, dressed in their Silk and Spider-Girl suits, led Danny through the bustling streets of the city.

The people around them couldn't help but glance curiously at the trio, their attention drawn to Danny's disheveled appearance in dirty monk robes and bare feet.

But mostly, everyone was shocked to see Silk casually walking around alongside a miniature gender-bent Spider-Man.

Lily looked up at her mother. "We need to get him some clothes and shoes. He can't walk around like this."

MJ nodded, her eyes scanning the area for a nearby clothing store.

Spotting one just a few blocks away, they made their way toward it.

As they entered the store, the workers recognized Silk immediately, their faces lighting up with excitement.

They rushed to assist them, providing a wide array of clothes and shoes for Danny to choose from.

Lily, eager to help, picked out a simple outfit and shoes for Danny. "Here, try these on," she said, handing him the clothes. "You'll feel much better."

Danny, hesitant and bewildered, stared at the items in his hands. "I... I don't understand. Why are you doing this for me?"

Lily beamed up at him, her voice filled with compassion. "Because it's what we do. Now, go change!"

With Lily's gentle encouragement, Danny reluctantly agreed to change into new clothes.

As he did, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards these two strange people who had shown him kindness when he needed it the most.

He may be a billionaire, but right now he was dead broke without access to any of his families accounts. And that's if his families accounts haven't been drained and shut down by now.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After the clothes shopping was done, MJ stepped outside the store and made a quick call to SHIELD, explaining the situation and requesting a pick-up.

Moments later, a blacked-out SUV pulled up beside them.

Danny eyed the vehicle warily. "I don't know about this... I appreciate your help, but I'm not sure I have..."

Lily interjected, her voice filled with sincerity. "We're here to help. We won't let anything happen to you. Please, trust us just a little bit."

Reluctantly, Danny nodded and climbed into the SUV, with MJ and Lily following suit.

MJ couldn't help but smirk under her mask, admiring how easily her daughter was able to wrap this guy around her finger.

As the car began to move, Danny couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "Can someone please explain what's happening? I feel completely lost."

He didn't know anything about the last 15 years, so he knew nothing about the current state of the world.

The World was rather normal when he was last a part of it.

Lily, sitting beside him, took a deep breath. "Okay. So, we're with the Avengers..."

As they drove through the crowded streets of New York City, Danny's eyes widened in astonishment, his mind struggling to comprehend the new information given to him.

"Superheroes? The world has superheroes now?" He asked in shock.

Lily nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, and my dad was the first superhero!" She held her head high and stuck out her chest in pride.

As the car continued towards the Avengers Tower, Lily's voice filled the silence. "By the way, what's your name?"

Danny turned to her, a faint smile on his lips. "My name is Danny, Danny Rand."

"?" MJ's eyes widened as she heard that name, recalling the name of the company they just left.

After a moment's thought, she took out her phone and sent a text to Peter as she knew this would get complicated.


Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Children was filled with the chatter of mercenaries, their stories of daring exploits and narrow escapes bouncing off the worn walls.

Tonight, the air was thick with anticipation as the patrons awaited the return of Wade, the man who pissed off Spider-Man and was thrown through a golden portal soon after.

It was truly an eyeopening experience for them...

The creaking door swung open, and Wade stormed in, his disheveled appearance and the pungent smell of garbage announcing his unfortunate encounter with the dumpster out back.

Ignoring the stares and disgusted looks, he plopped himself back onto the barstool, his stained red and black suit clinging to his body.

Weasel, held back his laughter as he set a glass in front of him and poured a generous amount of liquid courage.

Wade took a deep swig of the drink and let out a dramatic sigh. "Damn it... Leaving me like that for a girl. What's a guy gotta do to get some quality time with his best buddy?"

"Am I not your best buddy anymore?" Weasel asked jokingly, his eyes flickered from Wade to the group of mercenaries who had just entered. "Hey! You guys have to return your winnings from Wade's dead pool. He's alive and as ugly as ever."

"Suck a d*ck." Wade countered casually as he sipped his drink, his eyes narrowing with interest. 'Deadpool...'

"Huh?!" One of them grunted in annoyance as he turned to eye Wade. "Are you sure that's him? Because last I saw, that sh*t head wasn't the son of Voldemort and Smeagol."

Instantly, the bar erupted as mercenaries who had wagered on Wade's demise turned to him and Weasel, refusing to pay back their winnings.

Wade ignored the clamor, his mind fixated on the newfound name. The word "Deadpool" resonated with him, capturing the essence of his uncanny ability to cheat death.

He grinned, his scarred face contorting into a mischievous expression. "Fine, fine! Deadpool it is. If I gotta be some hero for the Avengers, might as well have a bad*ss name."

The mercenaries continued to holler over him, their voices blending into a chaotic chorus.

Wade drunkenly raised his glass, taking another swig before standing on the barstool, his voice booming above the uproar. "Attention, my fellow scoundrels and scallawags! From this day forth, I am Deadpool, the Regenerating Degenerate, the Merc with a Mouth, and your friendly neighborhood pain in the a$s! So, if any of you sorry b*stards want to take a shot at the King, then bring it on!"

The bar fell silent, all eyes fixed on the crimson-clad figure standing defiantly on his seat.

Though it didn't last long.

Only seconds after the words left his mouth, every person in the bar grabbed what they could, beer bottles, mugs, trays, etc., and furiously threw them his way.

As the rain of glass and liquor descended, knocking Wade's drunk a*s off the stool, fights broke out as the entire bar turned into a royal rumble.

"Weasel!" Wade yelled as he maneuvered around the chaos. "Get me a refill!" He held his empty glass above his head.

"F*ck you, Wade!" Weaseling replied, hiding behind the bar.

"That's Deadpool to you, c*ck sucker!"


Peter entered a meeting room in the Avengers Tower, his spider suit still on, Lily and MJ waiting outside.

He scanned the room and locked eyes with Danny Rand, the man who had caused quite a stir at Rand Enterprises.

Peter took a seat across from Danny and offered a friendly smile.

"Hello, Mr. Rand." Peter greeted, extending a hand. "Welcome to the Avengers Tower. I'm Spider-Man."

Danny regarded Peter cautiously, his eyes flickering with a mix of confusion and wariness.

He took Peter's hand hesitantly, feeling a surge of energy pass between them.

"Or should I address you by your title?" Peter continued, confusing Danny for a moment. "You're the Iron Fist, yes?"

Danny's eyes widened, his grip on Peter's hand tightening instinctively.

The room seemed to darken around him, and a faint yellow glow emanated from his clenched fist, his gaze darting around the room, searching for a possible threat.

"Y-You... How do you know about that?" Danny stammered, his voice filled with equal parts astonishment and disbelief.

He had never revealed his true identity as the Iron Fist to anyone outside of K'un-Lun, and the fact that Peter knew sent shivers down his spine.

Not even the Hand should know of his identity...

Peter raised his hands in a placating gesture, his demeanor relaxed. "Relax, Danny. I don't mean any harm. I just wanted to address you correctly, that's all. Im sure you've been through a lot, so I understand if you're on edge."

Danny's hand slowly stopped glowing, and he relaxed his tense muscles. He cautiously moved closer to the door, his mind grappling with the situation at hand.

"Why did you leave K'un-Lun, Danny?" Peter asked, his voice gentle yet piercing. "You're supposed to be guarding the gate, protecting the city."

Although Peter made it clear that he meant no harm, every word he spoke seemed to put Danny further on edge.

"Is the gate open? I've always wanted to visit, you know?" He asked.

Danny froze, his breath hitching in his throat. The question hung in the air, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

How did this person know so much?

"How... How do you know all of this?" Danny managed to utter, his voice barely above a whisper.

Peter leaned back in his chair, his eyes locked with Danny's. "Let's just say I've had my fair share of adventures. And now that you're here, it makes me wonder... who is protecting K'un-Lun right now?"

The air grew heavy as Danny's fist began to glow once again, ready to do his duty to protect K'un-Lun. Even if he wasn't there.

But suddenly, that heaviness disappeared as Peter burst into laughter. "Hahaha!" He couldn't hold it back anymore. "You should see the look on your face... It's priceless..."

"Huh?" Danny grunted in confusion.

A/N: 1628 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎...😒🚨


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