I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 370: vs Shou-Lao (1)

Chapter 370: vs Shou-Lao (1)

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(A/N:🚨Two chapters today to end the Iron Fist arc. Tomorrow we step into the Spider-Verse! Ps- The GIF contest is in the second chapter.)

The streets of K'un-Lun were in disarray, with fallen monks and terrified citizens seeking safety in their homes, peaking out of their windows in fear and worry.

Peter stood before Shou-Lao, the ancient dragon, his mask hiding a smirk that betrayed his eagerness for the upcoming battle.

Peter took a step forward. "Alright, Mr. Lizard. If you're looking for a fight, let's do it. But before we get started and end up tearing this city apart, how about we take it somewhere else?" He offered, gesturing around him.

After all, he spent a lot of effort keeping the Monks alive, so killing them in the upcoming battle would be a huge waste.

Shou-Lao's fiery eyes glimmered with amusement as he regarded Peter.

The dragon's massive head nodded in understanding, sharing Peter's exact concerns. "You wish to take our battle elsewhere? Very well. Follow along, young warrior."

Shou-Lao's immense form seemed to quiver with anticipation before gracefully gliding through the air, heading towards a mountain in the distance.

Leaving the monks and civilians behind, Peter kicked off the ground and soared through the air, following after the slithering dragon.

As the commotion settled in K'un-Lun, the frightened citizens cautiously emerged from their homes, their hearts filled with concern for the fallen monks.

With a collective sense of purpose, they formed a makeshift assembly line, helping each other tend to the wounded and unconscious warriors.

The streets filled with determined whispers as the civilians worked diligently to mend their injured protectors.

In the midst of this tender display of unity, a group of curious onlookers couldn't help but turn their gaze toward the retreating figures in the distance.

Peter, soaring through the sky, trailed behind the magnificent form of Shou-Lao, the ancient dragon.

The spectators were torn between awe and apprehension, captivated by the unfolding spectacle.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As the dragon and Spider-Man approached the mountain peak, the crowd of civilians had grown in size. They watched in anticipation, unable to tear their eyes away.

Excitement and nervous energy permeated the air as the onlookers held their breath, caught between the desire to witness the epic battle and the concern for their beloved city.

From their vantage point, the civilians observed as Peter and Shou-Lao reached the mountain's summit.

The wind whispered through the trees, their leaves rustling softly, as if nature itself recognized the importance of the imminent confrontation.

The dragon's scales shimmered in the sunlight, and Peter stood ready, his agile form brimming with determination.

The spectators exchanged glances, their faces a mix of anticipation and trepidation. Some leaned closer to each other, sharing whispered speculations, while others clung to each other's hands for support.

They were grateful for the distance that allowed them to be mere observers, yet their hearts yearned to protect the dragon who safeguards their city.

The scene was set, and the stage was ready for the battle that would unfold before their eyes.

The onlookers prepared themselves for what was to come, their minds racing with a mixture of fear, awe, and unyielding hope.

They knew that whatever transpired atop that mountain would leave an indelible mark on their memories and the future of K'un-Lun.

But for now, in this suspended moment, the spectators remained transfixed, waiting to bear witness to the clash between their sacred dragon and the powerful intruder, the outcome of which would ripple through their lives and the fate of their city.


As Peter landed on the peak of the mountaintop, and Shou-Lao quickly took his place in the sky, the two locked eyes, a clear signal that the time for talk had passed.

Peter extended his arms to his sides, assuming a defensive stance, taking this fight a bit more seriously than the rest.

His voice reverberated with a mix of respect and challenge as he addressed the ancient dragon. "Alright, Lizard. Show me what you've got!"

The dragon's response was a deafening roar that echoed through the mountains, shaking the very ground beneath their feet.

Even the inhabitants of K'un-Lun felt the city shake with their guardian's war cry.

It was a call to battle, an invitation to let their respective powers loose and engage in a fight for the ages.

'You know what?' Peter thought as he felt the urge to test out an ability of his. 'I might as well...'

The air crackled with tension as his muscles began to ripple, veins pulsating beneath his skin.

A sudden transformation overcame Peter, his body growing in size and bulk. The clothes he wore strained against his expanding frame, threatening to tear it apart.

But amazingly, his spider suit responded to his changing form, stretching and expanding seamlessly as his limbs thickened and muscles bulged.

The red and blue fabric adapted to his new proportions, accommodating the incredible power that now coursed through him.

The metamorphosis wasn't the most enjoyable experience though.

Peter clenched his jaw, gritting his teeth as the changes brought brief waves of intense discomfort.

Every cell in his body seemed to shift and rearrange itself.

He felt a growing pressure building up, a power surging within him. And then, with a mighty roar of his own, it erupted.

His body, once microscopic compared to the dragon above, could now only be said to be tiny or small.

Peter transformed into the Red Hulk, a towering figure which he planned to hide as a sort of trump card. But thanks to the secluded dimension of K'un-Lun, he decided to give it a test run.

His now-massive fists clenched, the ground quaking beneath his feet as he prepared to confront Shou-Lao.

Speak of the devil, Shou-Lao's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden transformation.

He had not anticipated his human opponent to possess such a formidable ability, but his excitement for a worthy fight only grew.

The dragon bared its fangs and let out a thunderous roar, shaking the very foundation of the mountain once again.

Peter's confidence surged as he launched himself into the air, creating a crater under his feet as he propelled himself with the incredible force of his enhanced muscles.

With a mighty swing of his massive fist, he aimed a powerful blow at Shou-Lao's jaw, hoping to catch the dragon off guard.

The impact reverberated through the mountain, sending shockwaves in all directions.

Shou-Lao staggered backward, his massive head recoiling from the force of Peter's punch.

The dragon's scales shimmered, and even a few cracked under the blow, but most remained intact, protecting him from a devastating attack.

The ferocity in Shou-Lao's eyes intensified as he regained his balance, his fiery gaze fixated on the Goliath of a man before him.

Without hesitation, the dragon launched himself into the air, his wings beating with incredible power. He unleashed a barrage of countless fireballs, each one hurtling toward Peter with blistering speed.

Peter's agility and reflexes kicked into high gear as he evaded the fiery onslaught. He somersaulted through the air, twisting and turning with remarkable grace, narrowly avoiding the searing flames that threatened to consume him.

And as he dodged the attacks, he noticed an opening in Shou-Lao's defenses.

Seizing the opportunity, he propelled himself toward the dragon with a powerful leap, his massive fists primed for another strike.

The clash of titans shook the mountain once more as Spider-Man's fists collided with Shou-Lao's scaled hide.

The impact reverberated through the air, causing cracks to form in the surrounding rocks and trees.

Peter's blows carried immense force, and Shou-Lao roared in pain and fury.

Unfazed by the dragon's thrashing counterattacks, Peter pressed on, his movements fluid and calculated.

He ducked and weaved, avoiding the swipes of Shou-Lao's powerful claws, and retaliated with bone-crushing punches of his own.

The battle raged on, their clash echoing on for miles and miles.

Peter utilized his strength and speed to his advantage, landing devastating blows on Shou-Lao's vulnerable spots, while the dragon responded with bursts of fire and powerful tail swipes.

Minutes turned into hours as the two warriors pushed each other to their limits.

The mountain trembled beneath their relentless assault, and the air crackled with raw energy.

Peter could feel the exhilaration coursing through his veins, the thrill of testing his powers against a legendary opponent.

Shou-Lao's determination was unwavering, and Peter admired the dragon's indomitable spirit.

But as the battle raged on, it became clear that Peter's agility and raw strength were proving to be an equal match for the ancient creature. And his small size, compared to Shou-Lao's, gave him the added benefit of being a small target.

With each blow, Peter could sense the dragon's shock mounting. Shou-Lao never expected to fight equally with a human, but somehow this impossibility was unfolding right before his eyes.

Peering down at his opponent as the battle came to a brief standstill, Shou-Lao couldn't keep the smile from forming on his scaly face. "Haha! I seem to have underestimated you!" He laughed happily.

"Well, I don't know about you..." Peter replied as he stomped one foot, denting a large portion of the mountain in seconds. "But I still have a lot more strength to show..."

Shou-Lao didn't reply and simply laughed once more, his body seeming to radiate with a red-hot energy, which just kept building and building.

A/N: 1573 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎because there's a second chapter!✌️🚨


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