I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 379: Battle for Acceptance!

Chapter 379: Battle for Acceptance!

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Scar_Justice!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

Peter and Miles stood across from the group of Spider-People on the rooftop, the weight of their gazes heavy upon them. Peter cleared his throat, breaking the silence.

"Alright, everyone," Peter began, his voice filled with determination. "I know you've all had your doubts about Miles joining us, but I believe he's proven himself today. So, here's what we're going to do. I want each of you to raise your hands if you still think Miles shouldn't be involved."

One by one, the Spider-People slowly raised their hands, their expressions a mix of hesitance and guilt. Gwen and Ben were the last to reluctantly raise their hands, their eyes filled with empathy for Miles.

Of course, they didn't see the training that Peter put him through, so a demonstration would be needed...

Peter nodded, his gaze shifting from one person to another. "Alright, fair enough. But before we make a final decision, let's settle this with a little wager. I propose a challenge. You can choose a champion between all of you, someone to face Miles in a fight. If Miles wins, he becomes part of the team. But if he loses, he'll stay behind when we go to stop Kingpin."

Miles looked at Peter in surprise and fear, not at all confident in his abilities, which had only been properly honed for a single day. But Peter smiled and rested a comforting hand on his shoulder, assuring him silently.

The group of Spider-People exchanged glances, considering Peter's offer. After a moment, Noir stepped forward, his voice filled with conviction. "I'll be our champion. I've got the most experience here, and Ben's a bit out of shape."

Ben patted his stomach with a sheepish look. "This is muscle... I swear..."

Peter pulled Miles to the side, speaking in a low voice. "Miles, listen carefully. During the fight, just trust me. I'll make it so only you can hear me. If I call out a body part or instruction, react and strike as quickly as possible. I'll guide you through this."

Miles looked up at Peter, uncertainty etched on his face. "But what if I mess up? What if I'm not good enough?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Peter smiled reassuringly. "You've come this far, Miles. I've seen what you can do, and I believe in you. Just trust yourself and trust me. We'll get through this together."

Miles nodded, a mix of determination and nervousness in his eyes. He would put his faith in Peter and give it his all.

With the terms of the challenge agreed upon, Noir and Miles stood across from each other, the tension palpable in the air.

Peter waved his hand and formed a spell circle, which sunk into the ground, creating a small rooftop arena for the impending fight.

Everyone stared between Peter and the arena in shock, still new to the idea of magic.

Inside the arena, Noir cracked his knuckles and adjusted his hat, his eyes fixed on Miles. "You ready, kid?"

Miles took a deep breath, his voice steady as he replied, "As ready as I'll ever be."

Peter stood at the edge of the makeshift arena, his voice projecting clearly for all to hear. "Ladies and gentle-spiders! It's TIME for our main event of the evening! In this corner, we have the seasoned hero from the shadows, the master of mystery and danger, Noir!" Peter gestured to Noir as everyone stared at him in exasperation.

Peter ignored their stares and continued, motioning to Miles this time. "And in the opposite corner, the young and fearless newcomer, ready to prove himself to all spiderlings in attendance, Miles, the Amazing Spider-Man!"

With the introductions finished, Peter walks out Into the center of the ring, a conjured black and while referee shirt appearing over his suit. (A/N: He's using magic, not the Reality Stone.)

Standing between the two competitors, Peter says a few words. "Before we begin, I want to remind both competitors to fight fairly and within the rules. I will be closely observing the match to ensure a fair contest, stepping in only when necessary. Now, touch gloves, take your positions, and may the best Spider-Man prevail!" He steps back as the sound of a bell being struck fills the air, starting the fight.

Instantly, the fight between Miles and Noir commenced. The two Spider-Men locked eyes, their determination etched on their faces.

Noir made the first move, lunging forward with incredible speed and precision.

Miles, still grappling with his nerves, barely managed to react in time. He attempted to dodge Noir's strike, but his inexperience betrayed him as he stumbled backward, narrowly avoiding a devastating blow.

The crowd of Spider-People watched with bated breath, their hopes resting on the young hero.

Peter, taking his role as referee seriously, observed the fight with intense focus. He could see Miles struggling to find his footing, his movements hesitant and unrefined.

He knew it was crucial for Miles to gain confidence quickly if he had any chance of matching Noir's expertise.

Noir, capitalizing on Miles' momentary falter, launched a series of lightning-fast punches and kicks. His strikes were precise, calculated, and designed to exploit any weaknesses in his opponent's defense.

Miles, relying on his instinct and the limited training he had received, did his best to evade and block the onslaught.

The sound of blows landing filled the air as the fight continued. Miles fought with determination, his eyes never leaving Noir, searching for an opening.

He swung his fists and kicked with all his might, but each attack was deftly parried or dodged by the seasoned Noir.

Peter, watching from the sidelines, noticed an opportunity. He called out, his voice magically projecting straight to Miles. "Left leg!"

Miles trusted Peter's guidance and swept his leg low, aiming to trip Noir off balance. However, he didn't react quick enough and Noir managed to effortlessly jump over Miles' leg, landing behind him.

Before Miles could react, Noir delivered a swift strike to his back, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The crowd gasped in shock as Miles hit the ground, his body trembling with pain and fatigue.

Noir, with a hint of sympathy in his eyes, approached the fallen kid. "You've got heart, but you're still green," he remarked, his voice laced with understanding. "You're not quite ready for this fight."

Miles, fighting through the pain, pushed himself up from the ground. He looked up at Noir with determination shining in his eyes. "I won't give up," he declared, his voice filled with newfound resolve. "I can do this."

Peter's heart swelled with pride as he saw the transformation taking place within Miles. He knew that this fight, even if Miles didn't emerge victorious, was crucial in shaping him into the hero he was destined to become.

Noir, impressed by Miles' determination, nodded and prepared to continue the fight. He respected the young hero's spirit at the very least.

Miles wiped the blood from his lip and took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving Noir. He could feel the pain throbbing through his body, but his determination burned brighter than ever.

This time, he wouldn't let his nerves get the best of him. He trusted Peter's guidance and hoped that with each move called out, he could turn the tide.

Noir prepared for another attack. He lunged forward, his fists flying towards Miles with precision. But this time, Miles was ready.

Peter, acting as the referee, observed the fight with laser-like focus. He called out, "Miles, down! Uppercut!"

In that split second, Miles ducked, narrowly avoiding Noir's punch, and struck back with a swift uppercut. The blow connected with precision, sending Noir staggering backward.

The crowd of Spider-People erupted in cheers and applause, their faith in Miles growing with each successful move. They watched with awe as he started to gain confidence and find his rhythm.

Peter's voice appeared again, "Left leg!"

Miles planted his left foot firmly on the ground and swung his right leg in a wide arc, aiming for Noir's leg. With agility and speed that contradicted his inexperience, Miles connected with a powerful kick, knocking Noir off balance.

Noir grunted in surprise, his eyes narrowing. He hadn't expected this level of skill and precision from the young hero. But he wouldn't back down either. He quickly regained his footing and launched a counterattack.

Peter, ever watchful, called out, "Miles, web his arm!"

Miles reacted swiftly, his web-shooter releasing a thin strand of webbing that caught Noir's arm mid-punch. The web tightened, restraining Noir's movement and leaving him vulnerable.

With a burst of adrenaline, Miles seized the opportunity. He spun around, delivering a spinning kick that connected with Noir's chest, sending him crashing to the ground.

The spectators roared with excitement, their cheers echoing through the arena.

Miles stood tall, a mixture of exhaustion and triumph in his eyes.

Noir, lying on the ground, looked up at Miles with a mixture of admiration and pride. "Alright, I admit defeat. You've got some serious potential, kid." he admitted, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Consider me impressed."

Miles offered a hand to help Noir up. "Thank you."

As Noir took Miles' hand and stood up, the rest of the Spider-Team joined them in the center of the arena, their expressions filled with newfound respect and acceptance.

Gwen stepped forward, a smile gracing her face. "Welcome to the team, Miles," she said, extending her hand. "You've earned it."

Miles beamed, shaking Gwen's hand. The weight of his doubts and insecurities had lifted, replaced by a newfound sense of belonging.

Peter approached Miles, a proud smile on his face. "See? I told you. You've got what it takes."

Miles nodded, a surge of determination coursing through his veins. With the support of his new team and Peter's guidance, he was ready for any challenge that came his way.

A/N: 1660 words :)

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