I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 390: Peter Vs Green Gnome

Chapter 390: Peter Vs Green Gnome

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🇷🇺Insert Russian GIFs here - Most likes wins🇷🇺

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Wolfiey!🏆 (A/N: The Empire is destroyed. All hail the Rebel King!👑)

After dropping out of a portal, Peter swung through the city, following the trail of destruction left by Green Goblin. The sound of explosions and terrified screams echoed through the air, intensifying his determination to put an end to this chaos. As he turned a corner, he spotted Green Goblin soaring above, his glider leaving a trail of smoke and flames in its wake.

Peter landed on a nearby rooftop, watching as Green Goblin continued his rampage. The Goblin's laughter echoed through the streets, his malicious joy evident in every bomb he dropped.

His menacing figure stood tall, draped in a tattered green and purple suit that bore the marks of numerous battles. A twisted grin adorned his face, accentuating the madness that flickered in his eyes. His hair, once a vibrant shade of brown, now disheveled and streaked with gray, added to his eerie and unpredictable aura.

[Insert picture of Green Goblin here]

Peter's casually waved, his voice laced rather calm for the situation. "Yo." He called out, getting his opponents attention.

Green Goblin spotted Spider-Man and his grin widened. "Ah, Spider-Man? Wait... You don't look like my Peter?" He realized, as Peter's mask was still off.

Not to mention the different style spider suit that he wore compared to most Spider-Men.

"Maybe you're just getting old, Osborn?" Peter said as he took a seat at the edge of building. "It might be time to schedule a doctors appointment. You could have dementia..."

"Let's see if I'm too old to remember how to do this!" Green Goblin exclaimed as he tossed a handful of grenades down at the crowded street below. "Haha!" He laughed, expecting Peter to dive down and save the poor innocent bystanders.

Peter remained seated. "Sorry to disappoint you, but..." His voice trailed off as he waved his hand.

Suddenly, a portal opened up below the grenades, which deposited them directly above Osborns head.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Huh? *BOOM!*" Green Goblin uttered just as the grenades surrounded his body, exploding in a fiery concussive blast.

Instantly, cheers filled the whole area as the people below shouted their thanks. Even in the nearby buildings, people opened their windows and cheered Peter on, thinking he was the Spider-Man they knew.

As the smoke cleared, without warning, Green Goblin launched forward, only slightly charred and battered from the explosion.

"Haha!" He laughed like a maniac as a barrage of pumpkin bombs flew towards Peter.

But Peter's reflexes were unparalleled. He gracefully dodged each explosive with ease, barely breaking a sweat. His movements were fluid, his body seemingly one with the rhythm of the battle.

"Is that the best you've got?" Peter taunted, his voice dripping with boredom.

Before Osborn had the time to answer, he shot a web at one of the glider's wings, causing it to malfunction and spiral out of control.

Green Goblin's eyes widened in shock as he struggled to regain control of his glider. "You... you're stronger than I thought!"

Peter yawned dramatically. "I've faced tougher opponents, Norman. You're just a schizo with nice toys."

As Green Goblin tried to regain his composure, Peter closed the distance between them in a blink of an eye. He delivered a powerful punch, sending Green Goblin flying through the air. The villain crashed into a nearby building, his body leaving a dent in the brickwork.

Peter walked calmly towards the fallen Goblin, his voice dripping with authority. "It's over, Norman. Surrender now, and I'll see about helping with that alter ego of yours."

Although everything goes to sh*t in the movie because Tom wanted to help Norman and the other villains, Peter still agreed with the idea of curing them. The only problem came when he let them out of their cells.

'Why didn't he just keep them restrained while curing them?' Peter wondered and instantly came to a conclusion. 'Because that would've made for a very boring movie...'

Green Goblin struggled to his feet, blood dripping from a cut on his forehead. He sneered, his voice laced with defiance. "Never! I'll never surrender to the likes of you!"

Peter's expression remained unchanged, his voice unwavering. "Fine. Have it your way."

In one swift motion, Peter sprang forward, delivering a barrage of punches and kicks with incredible speed and precision. Each strike landed with devastating force, causing Green Goblin to stagger and groan in pain. The once-feared villain was reduced to a mere punching bag in Spider-Man's relentless assault.

Through the flurry of blows, Peter maintained his calm demeanor. He moved effortlessly, evading Green Goblin's feeble attempts to counterattack. His web-slinging skills added an extra layer of finesse to his movements, enhancing his agility and ensuring that his attacks never missed their mark.

As the fight reached its climax, Peter delivered a final punch that sent Green Goblin hurtling through the air, crashing into a parked car with a resounding thud. The villain lay motionless, defeated, and broken.

Peter stood over Green Goblin, his expression unreadable. "He looks almost peaceful when he's not smiling and laughing like a maniac..."

He swiftly webbed up the unconscious Green Goblin, before opening a portal and dragging him through, disappearing in front of a crowd of thankful New Yorkers.


Peter strolled through his portal and appeared in the Sanctum's Undercroft once again, dragging the unconscious and slightly charred form of the Green Goblin behind him. Smoke rose from Osborns suit, evidence of the many grenades he had just endured.

Ned, May, and MJ, who had been anxiously waiting, rushed forward to greet him.

MJ's eyed him in concern as she paced to Peter's side. "Are you okay? What happened out there?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

Though he could tell she was more worried about Tom than him, as her boyfriend hadn't returned yet.

Ned, equally worried, followed closely behind. "Dude, he looks like he's been through a war..."

Peter shrugged. "He was pretty weak, but he just wouldn't give up, so..." he gestured to Osborns broken body. "But don't worry, he'll be fine."

Aunt May joined the group, her eyes widening when she saw the unconscious form of Norman Osborn. "Peter, what happened to him?" she asked, concern etched on her face.

Peter gently lowered the Green Goblin to the ground and stepped back. "He threw a bunch of grenades into a crowded street, so I delivered them back to him."

Ned's eyes widened in awe. "Cool..."

May looked down at Osborns unmasked face in pity. "Did you have to go so hard on him? It looks like he's in pain..."

Peter shrugged uncaringly. "Well, it's hard to go easy when your opponent has what I call psycho energy. He just wouldn't give up, so I had to beat him down a bit more than usual."

Seeing that May felt bad for Normal, Peter waved his hand and cast two spells. One to disarm Osborn, depositing all of his weaponry and armor in the corner of the room, and then another, which healed his injuries to a certain extent.

As the healing spell took effect, Osborn's wounds slowly closed, and his breathing stabilized. He remained unconscious, his form now resting peacefully.

Peter stood back, observing his handiwork. "He'll be fully healed in an hour or two." He said, getting a relieved look from May as he deposited their second prisoner into his cell.

Although she knew that she shouldn't feel bad for the maniac who was sweeping the city with bombs only moments ago, May just couldn't help it. She wasn't a hero who did this everyday, so when she saw someone who's hurt and in pain, she feels the need to help.

'If only she knew that he would kill her...' Peter sighed inwardly.

Just then, Tom appeared, dragging their third captive down the stairs, making sure to bang his head on each and every step on the way down. "Oops... Sorry... My bad..." He apologized after every thud.

Tom stepped into the light, his suit slightly torn, evidence of the intense battle he had just faced. May, Ned, and MJ rushed forward, their worried expressions turning into relieved smiles as they saw his return.

May embraced Tom tightly, tears of relief welling up in her eyes. "Oh, thank goodness you're back! Are you okay?"

Tom returned the hug, assuring her, "I'm fine, May. Just a few scratches, but nothing serious."

Ned patted Tom on the back, a wide grin on his face. "Dude, are those his tentacles?" He eyes Doc Ocks extra appendages.

Tom chuckled. "Yeah, cool right?"

MJ approached Tom, concern still etched on her face. "Are you sure you're okay? It looks like you took quite a beating."

Tom nodded, his gaze shifting to the unconscious form of Doc Ock. "I'll be fine." He gestured to the webbed-up villain. "I managed to take him down, but he put up quite a fight."

Peter, who had been watching the reunion, approached Tom. "Nice job. You seem to have handled him well."

Tom smiled proudly after hearing that. "Thanks, man. It was tough, but he wasn't the hardest guys I've faced." He immediately thought of Thanos' ugly purple face.

Peter turned his attention to the webbed-up Doc Ock. He waved his hand, casting the same spells he used on Green Goblin, disarming the villain and healing his injuries to a certain extent. Once the healing spell took effect, Doc Ock's wounds started to close, and his breathing steadied.

Of course, he did the same for Tom, who was gratefully for the help.

May looked at the unconscious Doc Ock with a mix of relief and concern. "Will he be alright, Peter?"

Peter nodded, reassuring her. "He'll be fully healed in no time. And don't worry, we'll keep an eye on him."

As Peter prepared to throw Doc Ock into a cell, a figure descended down the stairs behind him. A man in a very familiar red and blue color scheme appeared, drawing everyone's attention.

Taking off his mask to reveal the face of Andrew Garfield, he looked around, taking in the scene before greeting everyone with a warm smile. "Hey, I hope you don't mind that I let myself in..."

[Insert picture of Andrew Garfield Spider-Man here]

A/N: 1776 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎or I won't be happy🙁🚨


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