I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 394: Is that?!

Chapter 394: Is that?!

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As of now, the patreòn is 6 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


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"I'm sorry, but I'm not your father," Tobey said gently, his voice tinged with a familiar warmth.

Lily's disappointment was palpable, but she couldn't help but be curious about the man in front of her. She looked up at him, her eyes showing a great amount of confusion. "Do you know where we are? I was eating breakfast with my mom and just appeared in the park out of nowhere..."

Tobey's eyes widener in recognition. "That's what happened to me too. I was getting ready for work when... I just appeared here. I guess we're both not from around here, are we? But don't worry. We'll figure this out together."

"Okay..." Lily nodded, not fully understanding the situation yet.

Determined to help her, he offered, "Hey, how about I take you back home? Do you know the address?"

Although he was almost positive that Lily wasn't from this universe, like him, Tobey had to make sure of that before taking her along with him.

After all, he didn't want to accidentally kidnap a lost child.

Lily nodded, her trust in Tobey growing. "Okay, let's go." She said as she dived from the building and started swinging away.

With a worried look on his face, Tobey rushed off to follow her, ready to help the little girl should she make a mistake and fall.

The wind rushed past them as they traveled effortlessly from one building to another. Tobey marveled at the sights below, the bustling streets and towering skyscrapers. It was exhilarating, but also a stark reminder of how different this world was from his own.

Meanwhile, Lily didn't seem to find anything wrong at all. This universe is very similar to her own, so the New York City around her was very familiar.

After a few minutes of swinging, they arrived at a house. Lily landed gently on the front lawn, and Tobey appeared beside her soon after, their eyes scanning the surroundings.

"This is it," Lily said, pointing at the house. "But something's not right."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Tobey furrowed his brow, his gaze following Lily's finger. He looked at the house and noticed a "For Sale" sign planted on the front lawn. His heart sank, realizing what that meant.

"..." Tobey looked down at her, a mix of concern and sympathy in his gaze. "It looks like you're not from this world either..."

Lily's eyes widened in realization, her A.I. mind connecting to nearby wifi and cellular signals. In an instant, she scanned the internet, sorting through everything she needed to confirm her suspicion.

"We're in a parallel universe?" Lily muttered, her voice quivering with uncertainty.

Tobey knelt down next to her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I think so. But we'll find a way to help you get back to your parents, I promise. We're in this together."

Ignoring Tobey for the moment, Lily continued her foreign internet exploration. In mere moments she learned everything she needed to know. Thano's, the snap, the Avengers, Wakanda, Shield, Hydra, her Uncle Tony's death, all of the major history of this world was laid out before her.

Including the most recent events pertaining to Spider-Man's identity.

'He looks just like my dad...' She thought. 'Though my dad wouldn't be dumb enough to reveal his identity.'

After parsing through everything, Lily finally arrived at the video of her father beating the sh*t out of the Green Goblin. And she knew it was her father this time since he wore the same old spider suit and everything. He even opened up a portal on video.

"My dad's here!" Lily exclaimed cheerfully, surprising Tobey.

"How do you know that?" He asked in confusion.

"I'm an artificially intelligence..." Lily explained the circumstances behind her birth as well as her abilities.

"Wow..." Tobey was both shocked and impressed. "So your entire body is human besides your brain?"

"And my bones. Those are metal but that's not really important." Lily shrugged. "What is important is my dad is here. I saw a video of him fighting some gnome guy. We need to find him. He'll know how to get us home."

"Okay, do you know where he is?" He asked.

"Uhhh... no." Lily admitted, her shoulders slumped.

"Okay, then I guess we have to find him the old fashion way." Tobey gave her a confident smile, which seemed to be infectious as she couldn't help but smile in return.




Almost an hour later, Tobey and Lily swung through the city, their eyes scanning the streets below for any sign of Lily's father. The wind whipped through their hair as they leaped from building to building, their web-slinging skills guiding them effortlessly through the bustling metropolis.

Lily turned to Tobey, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Do you think we'll find him soon?" she asked, her voice filled with hope.

Tobey glanced back at her, a warm smile on his face. "I hope so. We'll keep searching until we find him."

With what little time they've spent together, Tobey has started to realize that he's been missing out on something rather important. He never had any children.

Lily's presence seemed to have awakened something in him. Ideas of starting a family began to swirl around in his head. Maybe his children would inherit his powers as well?

Suddenly, Tobey and Lily's spidey senses tingled, warning them that something was terribly wrong. Their ears perked up, the sound of chaos echoing in the distance. Sirens blared, and people screamed in terror.

Following the noise, Tobey and Lily arrived at a street corner where chaos reigned. Buildings were in ruins, cars overturned, and terrified civilians ran for cover. Standing amidst the destruction was a figure clad in a sleek black goo, its grotesque tendrils snaking out in every direction.


Tobey's eyes narrowed as he recognized the villain. Memories of his own encounter with the symbiote flooded back, reminding him of Eddie Brock, the man who jumped into a grenade and died alongside the symbiote of his universe.

"Stay behind me, Lily," Tobey said firmly, shielding her with his body. "That thing is dangerous."

Lily nodded, fear and curiosity battling within her. She watched as Venom effortlessly dispatched anyone who crossed its path, devouring their bloody body parts with its ravenous appetite.

"What is that?" Lily whispered, her voice filled with both fascination and horror.

Before Tobey could reply, Venom's head turned, its inky black eyes locking onto Tobey's unmasked face. "Peter! Is that you?" It asked as it lunged towards them, its elongated jaws opening wide.

Tobey's instincts kicked into high gear as Venom lunged towards them, its monstrous form propelled by an otherworldly strength. With a surge of adrenaline, he sprang into action, his agility and experience propelling him forward.

"Duck, Lily!" Tobey shouted, pushing her down to the ground as Venom's claws slashed through the air where she had just been standing. Lily gasped, feeling the rush of wind above her as Tobey's body twisted and spun, evading Venom's attacks with precision.

Tobey's fists flew, each strike aimed with expert precision. His blows landed with calculated force, but Venom proved to be a formidable opponent, its tendrils writhing and protecting it's body.

As Venom's tendrils extended towards Tobey, Lily's determination surged. She couldn't let him face this threat alone. Rushing to the rescue, she fired multiple strands of webbing, aiming to ensnare Venom and restrain its movements.

The symbiote hissed in fury as Lily's webbing coiled around it, restricting its ability to strike back. Tobey took advantage of the distraction, launching himself into a series of acrobatic flips and kicks, targeting the exposed areas of the symbiote.

Their coordinated efforts began to take a toll on Venom, forcing it to retreat momentarily. Tobey seized the opportunity to check on Lily, his concern evident in his eyes. "Lily, I told you to stay back. Are you alright?"

Lily nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. "I'm fine. I couldn't just watch you fight alone. I want to help."

Tobey's gaze softened, though he was still apprehensive. "You're very brave, Lily. But please, be careful. You're just a kid."

As if to prove herself, Lily leaped into action again, her small frame agile and nimble. She unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, her movements guided by a mix of instinct and the combat skills she had acquired through her artificial intelligence training.

Venom retaliated with equal ferocity, its symbiotic form shifting and adapting to counter Lily's attacks. The battle raged on, the clash of fists and the crackle of webbing filling the air.

And as Lily dodged a venomous strike from the symbiote, she noticed an opening and sent a powerful kick to its stomach, sending it skidding a few meters down the street.

"That hurt you little b*tch!" Venom spoke and for a brief moment, the darkness receded, revealing a pained face hidden within.

Tobeys eyes went wide as he saw who was under the black goo.

Eddie Brock.

Eddies voice carried across the road, a hint of familiarity seeping through. "Well, well, well... Peter Parker, we meet again. Even in another universe, I can't get away from your ugly face."

"Eddie?" Peter whispered, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and confusion. "But... you died."

Venom's dark form contorted, fully revealing Eddie's head. His eyes gleamed with a mix of malice and satisfaction. "How've you been Pete? Any guilt left over from killing me? Or was I just another casualty in the grand life of Spider-Man?"


Peter stood in the dimly lit undercroft, the air light with the thrill of their most recent victory. The defeated villains were locked away in their cells, their presence a constant reminder of the battles that still lay ahead. He glanced around at his fellow Spider-Men, Tom and Andrew, who still seemed to be annoyed with him.

'Meh, they'll get over it.' Peter shrugged uncaringly.

Ned, MJ, and May stood nearby, their expressions a mix of relief and exhaustion. They have been doing nothing but scouring the internet all night, looking for any multiverse travelers.

The capture of Electro had been a hard-fought victory, and they were all grateful for a moment of relaxation. The room buzzed with conversation, filled with tales of heroic feats and shared experiences.

As the celebratory atmosphere continued around him, May approached, her face etched with concern. "Wait, there's something you all need to see," she said, her voice urgent.

Peter turned to face her, his eyes searching her face for answers. "What is it, May?"

She quickly grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. A news report appeared, showing an angle of what appeared to a black, goo-like monster terrorizing the city, devouring innocent people.

'Venom?' Peter was both confused and shocked. 'He's not supposed to be here...'

Scanned the screen even further, Peter's eyed widened as his heart pounding in his chest. There, amidst the chaos, fighting the notorious anti-hero/villain, was his daughter, Lily!

"Is that..." Peter whispered, his voice catching in his throat. "My daughter?"

"""Your daughter?!"""

A/N: 1841 words :)

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