I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 398: Teacher & Student

Chapter 398: Teacher & Student

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): ForgeCoffee!🏆 (A/N 👑)

Playing on his phone whilst Tobey and Andrew were sleeping on the couch, Peter noticed a figure slip out of Tom's bedroom window and begin climbing up to the rooftop. Curiosity piqued, he followed the mysterious figure and found Tom sitting on the edge of the roof, his gaze fixed on the sprawling city below.

Peter took a seat beside him, the cool night air washing over them. "Couldn't sleep?" He asked, his voice soft.

Tom shook his head, his eyes still focused on the distant lights. "No, just... can't seem to calm my mind lately. Too many thoughts racing around."

Peter nodded understandingly. "I know the feeling. My mind is always buzzing with responsibilities and missions back home. It's hard to find the time to sleep sometimes."

Tom turned to look at Peter, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. "You mentioned earlier that your in the Avengers. How is that even possible? We're around the same age, and you're already allowed to join. They still won't accept me as an actual member. I'm too young, or so they say."

Peter chuckled, a touch of self-deprecation in his voice. "Well, they don't know my identity or age, and it's not as glamorous as it sounds. I spend most of my time doing the work that others don't want to do. Fury tends to do his job, which is great, but Tony and the rest of the council leave all their work for me. I mean, I still have a lot of fun, but there are times when it's overwhelming. I still feel that I've been lucky though."

Suddenly, Tom's eyes go wide in shock. "Mr. Stark is alive in your universe?" He could still remember the day Tony died. It was the worst day of his life.

Peter nodded, a sympathetic look in his eyes. "Yeah, Thanos hasn't come yet in my world. Though I have met him a few times..."

"What?!" Tom shouted, his shock only growing. "W-When... H-How?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Peter smirked, finding the look in Toms eyes amusing. "Well, first Thanos sent Ronan the Destroyer to invade earth, so we him and his army and stole their ships. I was able to speak to him through Ronan's flagship. And the last time I saw him, I tricked the big purple idiot into ingesting a pretty powerful poison. So, either he's dead, or one of his subordinates found a way to help him."

Tom's awe-filled expression slowly transformed into one of vulnerability. "I can't help but feel... inadequate compared to you. I mean, come on. Thanos? Really? Ever since you arrived, I've been struggling with this overwhelming sense of insecurity. You seem to have everything under control, while I've just been stumbling through life."

Peter placed a hand on Tom's shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "I get it, believe me. But here's the thing. No matter how much you compare yourself to others, there will always be someone who seems better or more accomplished. But that doesn't mean you can't strive to better yourself. And if you want, I can help you with that."

Tom looked at him, surprise evident in his eyes. "You'd... help me? But why?"

Peter smiled warmly. "Because we're in this together. We may be from different universes, but we're still Spider-Men. And part of being Spider-Man is helping others, lifting them up when they're down. So, if you want, I can train you while I'm here, and teach you some of my tricks. But I won't go easy on you. It'll be tough, but it'll make you better."

Tom considered Peter's offer, his mind weighing the potential benefits against the challenges that lay ahead. After a moment, he nodded, determination shining in his eyes. "Okay. Let's do it. I want to be better."

Peter grinned, an air of excitement in his voice. "That's the spirit! I'll work you to the bone and turn you into a respectable Spider-Man. You'll see, by the time I leave, there'll be a big difference."

Tom leaned back, a newfound sense of hope replacing his earlier doubts. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually looking forward to the tough training. Let's do this."

Peter clapped him on the back, his warm smile morphing into an evil smirk. "Great! Because we're starting now." He revealed, enjoying the reluctant look on Toms face.

"But... I haven't slept yet..." Tom complains tiredly.

"Meh, you don't need sleep." Peter shrugged him off. "Besides, your excited for training, right?" He says, a dangerous look in his eyes.

"Y-Yeah..." Tom mutters, too afraid to refuse.

Peter smirked. "Good, now come here." He said, walking over to the center of the rooftop.

They still had some hours before the sun would begin to rise, and even then Peter would still force Tom to train until breakfast.

Standing on a secluded rooftop, Peter waved his hand, reinforcing the area with a simple spell. "That should stop us from bother anyone or destroying the building..."

Tom rubbed his hands together, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation coursing through his veins. He had agreed to Peter's offer, but he hadn't expected it to start so soon.

Peter grinned mischievously. "Alright, Tom. First things first, we're going to work on your strength. Trust me, it's going to be tough, but it'll be worth it."

Tom looked at him weirdly. "Aren't I already strong enough?" He asked.

"No." Peter answer without any delay. "Come here and punch me as hard as you can."

"Uhh. Are you sure?" Tom asked, hesitant to hurt his new friend.

"Yeah, just do it." Peter said, motioning for him to come forward.

"Okay..." Tom reluctantly walk up to him and winds his fist back before throwing it forward, aiming directly at Peter's face.

"..." Standing casually, as if a super powered fist wasn't hurling at his face, Peter simply held his pointer finger up, stopping the attack on its tracks with ease. "Hmm, that's not so bad..."

But it certainly wasn't impressive either...

"Huh?!" Tom grunted in complete and utter shock. "Y-You... how did you do that?!" He couldn't believe what just happened.

"Strength." Peter answered simply.

Before Tom could fully compute what just happened, Peter held up his hand, snapping his fingers. Instantly, Tom felt a heavy pressure pressing down on him, as if gravity had multiplied a hundredfold. His knees buckled under the intense weight, and he collapsed face-first onto the ground.

"Whoa!" Tom exclaimed, struggling to push himself up. "What the- Ugh! ...how did you do that?"

Peter chuckled, pulling out his phone and taking a seat back on the edge of the building. "Consider this a light start. We'll begin with extreme weight training. The increased gravity will push your body to its limits, helping you build up strength faster."

Tom groaned, his voice muffled as he lifted his head off the ground. "Are you serious? Do you think I'm Goku? This is insane!"

Peter shrugged, his attention focused on his game. "Welcome to my world. Now, while you're down there, I want you to do 1,000 push-ups. It's all about building those muscles."

Tom's eyes widened in disbelief. "1,000?! Are you out of your mind?"

Peter smirked, not even bothering to look up from his game. "Nah, just trying to make you the best version of yourself. Well, the second best because, you know..." He motions to himself. "But second place is still good. Now get to it. Or else I'll double the gravity..." He says dangerously.

Tom grumbled under his breath, pushing himself up into a plank position. The weight of the increased gravity made it feel like every muscle in his body was on fire. He began the grueling task of performing push-up after push-up, his arms shaking with effort.

As Tom struggled, Peter continued to play his game, occasionally glancing up to check on his progress. The minutes turned into hours as the sun began to rise, and the city below came alive with the hustle and bustle of daily life. Tom's arms quivered with fatigue, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

"T-This..." Tom managed to choke out between push-ups, "this is... torture!"

Peter finally tore his eyes away from his phone and looked at Tom, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Pain is temporary. But the results? They'll last forever. You want to become stronger, right?"

Tom nodded, determination flaring in his eyes. "Yeah, I do."

"Then keep pushing," Peter urged. "The pain will make you stronger. Embrace it. Besides, I'm sure MJ will like the results. I've caught my MJ groping my muscles while I sleep more times than I can count. She may not seem like it, but MJ is a little freak. Let me tell you-"

"No!" Tom shouted, straining against the gravity to cover his ears. "I don't want to know what you do with your MJ. I'd rather die!"

"Fine, suit yourself." Peter shrugged and returned to his game. "But if I see you slacking off..." he said, threateningly.

Tom took a deep breath, mustering every ounce of willpower he had left. With a renewed sense of determination, he continued his push-ups, each repetition becoming a testament to his resilience.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly, but eventually, Tom completed his thousandth push-up, his muscles quivering with exhaustion. He collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath, his chest heaving.

Peter finally put his phone away and walked over, an impressed look on his face. "Good job. You pushed through the pain and finished faster than I expected."

Tom managed a weak smile, a mixture of fatigue and satisfaction evident on his face. "Thanks, I never thought I could do it."

"No problem," Peter was happy for him, but this wasn't the end. "But now that we're done with the warmup, we can finally start your real training." He said, shocking his new student.

"W-What?" The poor guy uttered as Peter snapped his fingers again, increasing the gravity until Tom smacked into the floor once again. "Ugh!"

Peter smirked sadistically, finding his job as a teacher rather enjoyable. "Now, stand up and do 500 hundred jumping Jax and once your done with that I want another thousand sit ups. And once your done with that..." he listed off all sorts of exercises, watching the hope drain from his students youthful eyes.

'I think I made a horrible mistake...'

A/N: 1749 words :)

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