I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 402: Peter Vs. Strange

Chapter 402: Peter Vs. Strange

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The dimly lit Undercroft was filled with a tense atmosphere as the group of Spider-Men and their allies prepared to assist the trapped villains. Though their conversation was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. Doctor Strange descended the stairs, his attention fixed on the cube in his hand. The room fell silent as he walked up to the cells, acknowledging the captives.

"Quite the collection you've gathered here," Strange commented, his tone laced with a mix of surprise and admiration. "Impressive work..."

"Umm, thanks sir, but..." Tom, eager to share their new plans, opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter more than a few words, Doctor Strange waved his hands, drawing intricate golden spell circles around the cube. Beams of light shot out from the cube, scanning each villain and the Spider-Men before vanishing along with the spell circles. In a matter of seconds, the process was complete.

A button rose from the cube, and Strange turned his attention to the gathered group. "With this device, we can send each of you back to your respective universes," he announced, his voice tinged with authority.

Tom's eyes widened, and he frantically tried to interrupt, "Wait, Doctor Strange, we have a plan—"

But Strange paid no mind to Tom's words. He reached for the button, ready to activate it and send everyone back. However, before his finger could make contact, Tom managed to assert himself, effectively stopping Strange in his tracks.

"Umm, sir, please listen for a second," Tom pleaded, his voice filled with urgency. "We want to help them before sending them back. We have a chance to fix what happened to them. Most of them are already dead in their universe, so maybe we can save them? You know, change their fate."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Strange's eyebrows furrowed, his patience wearing thin. "Fix them? Change their fate?" He scoffed. "You can't change fate. Death is a part of life, and it is their fate to meet their end. It's sad, but it's the truth."

Tom's determination only grew stronger as he stood his ground. "But what if their deaths were preventable? What if we could save their lives by helping them now?"

Their conversation caused a commotion in the cells. The trapped villains, unaware of their own deaths in their respective universes, looked on with curiosity and confusion. Only Eddie Brock seemed to remember his fate, the memory of his explosive demise fresh in his mind.

Strange, growing increasingly frustrated, moved to press the button again, only to find the cube missing. He turned to see Peter holding the box, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

"Looking for this?" Peter asked, his voice clearly provoking the caped Master.

Strange's eyes narrowed, his expression a mix of annoyance and exasperation. "Hand it over... You should know the consequences of something this." He stated, knowing Peter practiced the same arts as him.

Peter shrugged, facing the famous sorcerer unwaveringly. "Consequences can be accounted for and prevented with enough preparation and skill. Besides, we owe it to ourselves, and to them, to give them a chance at redemption," he declared firmly as he glanced at a proud-looking Aunt May. "We can't simply send them back without trying to help. If we did, then we wouldn't be Spider-Man."

Strange studied Peter for a moment, weighing his options. The dimly lit Undercroft crackled with tension as they faced off against each other. The other Spider-Men formed a protective circle around him, ready to defend their cause at any cost.

Strange's eyes glowed with a dangerous intensity as he raised his hands, summoning mystical energy. "You're making a grave mistake," Strange warned, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and determination. "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to meddle with the natural order of things."

Peter's eyes narrowed as his Spider-Sense activated, the familiar tingling sensation flooding his body. Since he knew a fight was coming, he quickly stored the cube in his necklace, alongside his currently-useless Infinity Stones. (A/N: He made a storage necklace a while ago for the stones. In case anyone forgot.)

With a swift motion, Peter drew upon the energy of the universe, conjuring a shield of golden light just in time to block an eldritch whip coming his way, hoping to grab the cube before it was gone. The shield crackled and shimmered, absorbing the impact as Peter held his ground.

Tom and Andrew watched in awe, their eyes widening at the display of power. This was a side of Peter they had never seen before. Yeah, they've seen his portals, but that was it. This felt like real magic.

Meanwhile, Tom analyzed the situation, seeking an opening to assist Peter. He knew firsthand the strength of Strange's abilities and understood the gravity of the situation. He had to act quickly.

Without hesitation, Tom launched himself into the fray, flipping through the air and landing behind Strange. He unleashed a flurry of blows, aiming to distract and disrupt the sorcerer's concentration.

Strange swiftly countered Tom's assault, making himself briefly intangible, allowing each strike to harmlessly pass through his body. All eyes widened as Toms fists phased right through his opponent, especially the villains who weren't used to such mystical feats.

Seeing that one spider wasn't enough, Tobey and Andrew jumped in as well, bracing themselves for what would undoubtedly be a difficult fight.

Doctor Strange, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity, raised into the air with the help of his cape and conjured a swirling vortex of mystic energy. The air crackled with power as alien-like tendrils snaked out from the vortex, lashing towards the Spider-Men with deadly precision.

Peter quickly covered Lily's eyes. 'I didn't know Strange practiced such... kinky spells.' He thought, knowing this spell was created by a certain hentai obsessed Master.

"Hey!" Lily shouted as she tried to yank her fathers hand away. "I can't see!"

Tobey, with his years of experience and battle-hardened instincts, was the first to react. He swiftly leaped into action, utilizing his agility and strength to dodge and weave through the onslaught of what appeared to be a dimensional octopus. His movements were fluid and graceful, reminiscent of a seasoned dancer, as he performed a series of acrobatic flips and rolls to evade the tentacles.

Andrew, with his quick reflexes and sharp senses, followed Tobey's lead. He moved with an unmatched speed, his Spider-Sense guiding him to narrowly avoid each strike. As bolts of energy soared past him, fired from an odd looking staff that appeared in Strange's hands, he somersaulted through the air, shooting his web-shooters to create temporary barriers and leaping out of harm's way.

Tom, the youngest and least experienced of the three, found himself struggling to keep up. However, his determination burned brightly, refusing to let his teammates fight alone. He used his web-slinging skills to create intricate patterns, attempting to ensnare and neutralize the monster that Strange summoned. His webs crisscross the Undercroft, forming a thick, shield-like spiders web that provided momentary protection.

But sadly, for them, Doctor Strange was a formidable opponent, his mastery of the mystic arts unmatched. He effortlessly countered their every move, using his magic to create illusions and distort the very fabric of reality. He warped the surroundings, causing pillars to appear and disappear, attempting to disorient the Spider-Men and disrupt their coordination.

The battle raged on, each Spider-Man showcasing their unique fighting style. Tobey's punches and kicks carried a raw power, born from years of experience and battle-tested strength. Andrew's moves were agile and acrobatic, his strikes precise and calculated. Tom, despite his relative inexperience, compared to the others, fought with an unwavering spirit, using his speed and agility to outmaneuver his opponent.

The room echoed with the sound of clashes, the impact of blows, and the crackle of mystical energy. The Spider-Men fought valiantly, refusing to yield in the face of overwhelming odds. But with each passing moment, it became clear that Doctor Strange held the upper hand, his mastery of magic giving him a significant advantage.

Peter watched the battle unfold, impressed by Strange's abilities. 'But it's time to end this.' He knew it was time for him to step in. With a calculated leap, he propelled himself into the fray, his movements a blur of speed and agility.

As he soared through the air, Peter focused his attention on the swirling vortex of mystic energy conjured by Strange. The tendrils of the dimensional monster lashed out, seeking to ensnare him, but Peter's Spider-Sense guided his every move. He flipped and twisted in mid-air, narrowly evading the lethal strikes.

With precise timing, Peter shot a single Eldritch coated web into the vortex, his web expertly stuck to the monstrous entity. And with a powerful tug, he yanked the creature out of Strange's control, causing it to dissipate into nothingness. The room fell momentarily silent as the Spider-Men and villains alike watched in awe at Peter's mastery of both combat and magic.

Not wasting a moment, Peter disappeared in a burst of speed, his reflexes heightened by his enhanced spider abilities. He swiftly closed the distance between him and Strange, ducking and weaving through the illusory pillars that the sorcerer conjured in an attempt to hinder him.

As Peter reached Strange, he leaped into the air, executing a flawless aerial somersault. In mid-air, he extended his arm, his hand gripping the odd-looking staff tightly. With a twist of his body, he wrenched the staff from Strange's grasp, disarming the sorcerer in an instant.

With the staff now in his possession, Peter landed gracefully on the ground, his eyes locked onto Strange. He spun the staff expertly in his hand, smirking triumphant toward his opponent. Strange's eyes narrower with a mix of annoyance and disbelief at Peter's audacity.

Without hesitation, Peter channeled Eldritch energy into his new staff, powering it up with ease. He expertly wielded the staff, firing bolts of energy toward its former owner. Each bolt was swift and precise, aimed to disorient the sorcerer and weaken Strange's defenses.

The room filled with the sounds of pure chaos as Peter's strikes and bolts of energy met Strange's attempts at defense. The staff crackled with energy, its power amplified by Peter's skill and experience. Blow after blow, Peter dismantled Strange's barriers and shields, exploiting any gaps in his defenses.

"Ugh... Enough!" Strange shouted in annoyance as he tried to fight back, but he seemed to always find himself on the defensive.

Peter smirked, clearly enjoying himself. "What happened? It looked like you were enjoying yourself before."

As the battle reached its climax, Peter's movements became a blur, his spider instincts guiding his every action. He swiftly sidestepped Strange's last desperate attempt to counterattack and seized the opportunity to strike. With a powerful swing of the staff, he delivered a devastating blow, sending Strange crashing to the ground.

Of course, Strange tried to once again make himself intangible, but that would never work against a fellow master. Peter simply coated the staff in Eldritch energy, countering him with ease.

The room fell into stunned silence as Doctor Strange lay unconscious, defeated at Peter's feet. "Well, that was easier than I thought..." he muttered as he tossed the staff into a nearby pile of junk.

Of course, Peter knew that Strange could have used more... lethal spells, but refused since they weren't enemies. But Peter could have done the same, so he'll call it a fair win.

"Daddy, that was so cool!" Lily shouts excitedly as she rushes over, followed by everyone else.

Before they arrive, Peter waved his hands, weaving a fairly complicated spell circle. Once it was finished, he slapped it down onto Strange, who twitched as it covered him and disappeared into his skin.

"Huh...?" Strange groaned as he began to stir from his sleep.

Acting quickly, Peter grabs him, as well as his thrashing cape, and throws them both into a cell beside the villains.

"W-What...?" Strange mutters as he wakes up in a cell, his cape bashing itself against the glass wall. "What the..." he mutters as he tries to phase through the cell, finding it impossible to wield even the tiniest bit of energy, Eldritch or otherwise.

A/N: 2061 words :)

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