I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 404: Piss Analyzer

Chapter 404: Piss Analyzer

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): _Anyway!🏆 (A/N A new king rises! 👑)

A golden portal appeared, shimmering with energy as Peter and the group stepped out onto the hallway outside Happy's apartment. The villains, still in awe of the magic they had witnessed, gawked at their surroundings, their eyes darting in and out of the portal.

Aunt May, being familiar with the place as Happy's ex-girlfriend, swiftly approached the door. She punched in a code on the keypad, her fingers moving with practiced ease. With a soft beep, the door unlocked, and she motioned for everyone to hurry inside before the neighbors could notice anything unusual.

As they entered the apartment, the group found themselves in a cozy living room, adorned with various pieces of Stark tech and personal belongings, including a framed picture of Happy and May, which she frowned at before laying it flat.

Settling down on the couches and chairs, the villains eyed their surroundings with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

Peter took a seat, Lily perched herself on his lap, glancing around at the assembled Spider-Men and their allies. It was time to come up with a plan to help the villains, to find a way to cure them and set things right.

Andrew, having dealt with Harry Osborn and Lizard in his own universe, spoke up first. "I can handle Norman and Dr. Connors. I've already cured their problems once, so I know what to do."

Tobey nodded in agreement. "I've got some ideas for Sandman and Doc Ock. I'll take care of them."

Peter turned his attention to Electro, who seemed uncertain. "Tom and I will work on Electro. We'll figure something out."

Tom nodded, a determined look on his face. "Absolutely. We'll analyze his powers and see if we can come up with a solution."

Eddie Brock, who had been silent for a while, scoffed and scowled at the mention of being fixed. "There's no fixing me," he stated firmly. "Venom didn't change me. He just gave me the chance to stop hiding behind a facade."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Tobey, not one to give up easily, raised an eyebrow. "I still think there might be a way, Eddie. Let's run some tests, okay? We'll see whether you're right or not."

As everyone geared up to start their respective tasks, Tom suddenly rushed off to a nearby storage room. He returned with a large metal box with the Stark logo rolling behind him. With a press of a button, the box began to morph and transform, revealing itself to be the Stark Industries Fabricator.

The villains' eyes widened in awe as they watched the transformation. The Fabricator was a state-of-the-art device capable of analyzing, designing, and constructing practically anything. It hummed with power, its sleek design showcasing its advanced capabilities.

Electro's gaze lingered on the arc reactor, which powered the Fabricator, feeling the immense energy emanating from it. A flash of greed flickered in his eyes before he quickly masked it, not wanting to reveal his true intentions.

Tom gestured to the highly advanced 3D printer. "This is the Fabricator. It can help us expedite their cures. It can analyze and construct whatever we need."

The group nodded, their determination renewed. They were excited at the opportunity to not just subdue the bad guys, but actually fix them.

And so, in Happy's apartment, the Spider-Men and their allies began their work, utilizing their knowledge, skills, and the advanced technology at their disposal. Each focused on their assigned task, hoping to make a difference and set things right.

But no one seemed to notice the small red blinking light on the Fabricator, which sent out a message across the city toward the Avengers Tower.


-Avengers Tower-

Tony emerged from the bathroom, his hair still damp from the shower and dressed in a sleek, charcoal-colored suit. His face was freshly shaven, and his demeanor exuded the air of confidence that only Tony Stark possessed.

Rhodes hovered nearby, unable to tear his eyes away from his miraculously returned friend. He would have followed his newly risen friend into the shower if he wasn't stopped. The shock of a hero returning from the dead was just to strong.

"You sure you're okay, Tony?" Rhodes asked, his voice laced with concern. "I mean, you just came back from the dead. It's... it's hard to wrap my head around."

Tony chuckled lightly, running a hand through his damp hair. "Yeah. Well, It's a mind-bender for me too. But here I am, good as new." He flashed a mischievous grin. "Maybe not 'good' in the conventional sense, but you get the idea."

Rhodes' eyebrows furrowed as doubt clouded his features. "Tony, I have to ask... How can I be sure you're really you? I mean, there are some pretty shady characters out there who would jump at the chance to impersonate you and infiltrate the Avengers."

Tony's eyes gleamed with amusement as he sauntered away, motioning for Rhodes to follow him. He led the way to a seemingly ordinary dead-end hallway, a puzzled expression on Rhodes' face.

"What are we doing here?" Rhodes questioned, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Tony turned to face him, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Just watch.'"

With a flourish, Tony pressed his hand against the wall at the end of the hallway. Rhodes watched, his eyes widening as the wall lit up, scanning Tony's handprint.

Suddenly, a mechanical voice echoed through the hallway, "Verification: Tony Stark. Status: Deceased. Error! Initiating vetting process…"

What followed after that was an in depth ten step verification process, which consisted of body part scans down to his skeleton, and fluid analysis from simple things, like blood and saliva, to the more odd requests, like urine.

Tony made sure to smirk in his friends direction as he drained his snake into a small hole in the wall, enjoying the look on Rhodey's face.

And as the last of his urine was analyzed, the robotic voice returned. "Vetting process complete! Welcome back Mr. Stark."

Rhodes glanced at Tony, his suspicion replaced by disgust. "Did you have to add Urine to the list?" He asked, knowing Tony came up with the whole vetting process to begin with.

Tony smirked as he zipped up his pants. "Where's the fun in that? Besides, I had to be thorough." He motioned for Rhodes to step back, and the wall clanked a few times before slowly opening, revealing a hidden, dusty workshop bathed in soft lighting.

Rhodes stood in awe, his eyes widening at the sight before him. The workshop was filled with all sorts of advanced technology and prototypes of unreleased Iron Man suits lined the walls.

"How... how did nobody know about this?" Rhodes stammered, struggling to comprehend the hidden treasure trove in front of him.

Tony chuckled, stepping into the workshop and motioning for Rhodes to follow. "It's my secret getaway, Rhodey. The place where I stash all the fun stuff. Dangerous experiments and works in progress mostly. Let's just say I'm not one to share all my toys with the world."

Rhodes scanned the workshop, his eyes lingering on the suits with a mix of curiosity and awe. "So, it's really you, huh?" He turned to Tony in realization.

Tony nodded, a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes. "Yup, in the flesh."

Rhodes let out a slow breath, his skepticism melting away. "I guess you really are back, Tony. I… I can't believe it..."

Tony clapped Rhodes on the shoulder, a fond smile on his face. "You should feel honored, you know? Nobody knew about this place."

Rhodes looked around in awe, his gaze shifting from one technological marvel to another. "How did you manage to keep this hidden?"

Tony shrugged, his eyes scanning the room as if searching for something. "I guess I've always been good at hiding things. Besides, it's good to have a few surprises up your sleeve, right?"

As they spoke, a beeping sound suddenly emanated from Tony's work station, drawing their attention. Rhodes raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What's that?"

Tony turned his gaze to the monitor that had lit up, his brows furrowing in confusion. A disembodied voice filled the room, it's tone slightly perplexed. "Sir, it appears that one of the Stark Industries Fabricators has been activated."

"Which one?" Tony asked as he glanced at the monitor.

It replied, it's voice tinged with concern. "It seems the activity is originating from Happy Hogan's apartment. But Mr. Hogan is out of town…"

Tony's curiosity was piqued, and a video feed appeared on the screen, showing a hidden camera's perspective from inside the fabricator. The footage revealed four different Spider-Men and a group of shady-looking individuals working on something in Happy's living room. Tony's eyes narrowed as he tried to make sense of the situation.

Rhodes glanced at the video, his confusion evident. "I thought there was only one Spider-Man. Who are these other guys?"

Tony rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "I have no idea…" He muttered, his eyes glued to the Peter(Tom) he knew, wondering why their was two of them? "We need to find out what they're up to."

"Umm, sure, but don't you want to see Pepper and Morgan?" Rhodes asks, stopping Tony in his tracks. "I'm sure they'll be happy to see you. Beyond happy actually."

Before, Tony's mind was clouded with the fact that he was alive again, filled with all sorts of theories behind his return. But now, reality came crashing down like a ton of bricks.

He has a family that still thinks he's dead…

"What year is it?" Tony asks, wondering how long he's been gone.

"It's 2024." Rhodes answers.

Tony looked at the ground, a defeated sigh escaping his lips. "So, I've been gone for a year? That's not too bad…" Still, he couldn't help but regret missing a whole year of his daughters life, not to mention his wife.

Sensing his friends turmoil, Rhodes stepped up and placed a comforting hand on Tony's shoulder. "It's alright. You still have the rest of their lives to make up for lost time. It'll be hard, I'm sure, but you'll do fine. I know it."

Tony scoffed haughtily. "I'm Tony Stark. I'll do better than fine." He says, a confident smirk gracing his lips. "But first, let's make sure Peter(Tom) doesn't f*ck anything up."

"Yeah… It might be too late for that…"

A/N: 1740 words :)

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