I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 412: Peter Vs Sorcerer Supreme!

Chapter 412: Peter Vs Sorcerer Supreme!

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Peter watched as Wong's gaze hardened, his eyes narrowing further, and the air around them seemed to grow heavy with an intense, unseen energy.

Lily, sensing the tension in the air, moved closer to her father, ready to fight alongside him. Venom's tendrils twitched with restlessness, eager to join the fray. But Peter knew he had to protect them. He couldn't risk his daughter getting hurt in the battle. Especially against an opponent like the Sorcerer Supreme.

After all, magic was a hard ability for those without it to fight.

"Lily, take Venom and stand aside," Peter grabbed the black blob and handed it to his daughter. "I'll handle this."

Lily's eyes widened, her brows furrowing in defiance. "But Dad, I can help! I'm not weak, you know."

Peter placed a hand on her shoulder, looking into her defiant eyes. "I know you're strong, Lily. But you've never faced a sorcerer." Seeing his daughter's disappointment, he decided to cheer her up. "How about this... If you promise to sit this one out, I'll teach you some magic when we get home. Does that sound fair?"

Instantly, Lily nodded, her expression shifting from disappointment to sheer and utter excitement. "Okay, Dad," she agreed happily, her voice filled joy as she took Venom into her arms. "Kick his butt!"

Peter gave her a reassuring smile, his eyes filled with fatherly love. "I will. You and Venom stay safe."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With a final pat on her head, Peter turned his attention back to Wong, who observed the exchange with a hint of approval. Wong, having no intention of hurting a child, respected Peter's decision and didn't intervene.

"I'll give you one last chance," Wong spoke, his voice laced with authority. "Return what you've stolen and all can be forgiven."

Peter smirked, finding it hard to stay serious in this situation. "You know, this is a weird interaction for me. Because in my universe, you usually call me 'Young Master'." Peter revealed, enjoying the confused look on Wongs face. "Believe me, it's true. I didn't like it at first, but the title sort of grew on me over time. It's really shocking that you became Sorcerer Supreme in this Universe. This Young Master is impressed." He said, nodding like a proud cultivator.

(A/N: I've been reading too many Chinese novels lately…)

"It seems you can't be reasoned with…" Wong spoke, his gaze hardening into a deadly glare.

With a swift motion, Wong raised his hands, and the Sanctum responded to his command. The air crackled with energy, and the walls seemed to shimmer with arcane symbols. From the corner of Peter's eye, he watched as the many statues and sets of armor in the sanctum came to life, ready to do Wong's bidding.

"Huh?" Peter grunted in interest. "I didn't know they could that…"

But Peter wasn't scared whatsoever. After all, he's faced much worse. With confidence radiating from his every move, Peter's Spider-Sense blared as he prepared to take on the Sorcerer Supreme.

In a blur of motion, Peter leaped into action, his spider-like reflexes allowing him to dodge the attacks of the animated statues with ease. With each graceful move, he closed the distance between himself and Wong, his fists charged with glimmering golden Eldritch energy, which he used to destroy each animated enemy that crossed his path.

Wong, impressed by Peter's agility, countered with his own display of magical prowess. He conjured gusts of wind, aiming to knock Peter off balance, but the webslinger adapted, simply stocking his feet to the ground to anchor himself, defying the sudden and invisible attack.

As the battle intensified, Wong called upon the elements themselves. Flames roared to life, encircling Peter, but his Spider-Sense allowed him to easily anticipate and dodge the fiery onslaught. With acrobatic finesse, he somersaulted through the air, maneuvering around the flames with the grace of a seasoned superhero.

Finally, Peter made it through all of the obstacles and unleashed a flurry of blows upon Wong. His fists connected with precision, each strike infused with both physical and magical energy. The clash of their powers sent shockwaves rippling through the Sanctum, causing mystical artifacts to tremble on their pedestals.

"You know, I take it all back." Peter says as he plants his fist in Wongs gut, sending him flying across the Sanctum. "I thought you'd be stronger than this… I mean, Strange put up a much better fight. Maybe he should have been Sorcerer Supreme?"

Hearing these slanderous words as he picked himself up off the floor, Wong couldn't help but grit his teeth in frustration. After all, that wasn't the first time he's heard those words. Everyone seemed to think Doctor Strange deserved the position.

Deciding to prove Peter wrong, Wong retaliated with a dazzling display of magic, summoning ancient artifacts to bolster his defense. Weapons materialized in his hands as pieces of armor appeared on his body, each of them crackling with raw power, creating a spectacle of light and energy, illuminating the room in dazzling hues.

Leaping forward with a new found superhuman agility, Wong headed straight for Peter, ready to make him eat his words. He swung his dual swords with expertise, ready to chop his opponent to pieces.

But sadly, Peter seemed to glide around each swing, gracefully dodging every attack sent his way.

With each passing moment, Peter's confidence grew. He knew that Wong probably wasn't weaker than Strange. At least, not by much. But either way both were relatively easy fights.

As the battle raged on, Peter seized an opportunity, using his agility to dart beneath Wong's defenses and deliver a powerful uppercut to his chin. Wong staggered backward, his jaw cracking under the pressure, momentarily stunned by the force of the blow. Sensing an opening, Peter continued his assault until Wong was on the floor, panting in exhaustion.

Peter stepped forward, his gaze turned down at his opponent. He knew that Wong didn't have much fight left in him.

"Give up, Wong," Peter said, his voice firm. "It's over."

Wong glared up at Peter, his defiance evident even in his beaten state. "Are you prepared for the consequences of your actions...?"

Peter shrugged uncaringly. "I'm ready for whatever comes next..."

Peter knew that Wong was mainly talking about provoking Kamar-Taj, which has many powerful Masters at its disposal, who would hunt him to the ends of the Earth for this. But that didn't matter. After all, Peter would return to his Universe soon, so they wouldn't be able to do anything.

'Well, not unless they use that America girls portals, but I doubt they'll do it.' Peter knew Wong would calm down after the relics and books were returned.

"Well, this has been fun, but I have some important business to take care of, so…" Peter says as he forms a quick spell circle and slaps it down on his defeated opponent.

"W-What…?" Wong struggled to feel his magic, but Peter's spell held firm, restricting his use of energy for the time being, similar to Doctor Strange.

With a final surge of magical energy, Peter summoner some restraints for Wong, and the sorcerer was officially subdued. Glancing toward Lily and Venom, who watched the battle with wide eyes, awe clear to see on their faces, Peter enjoyed their impressed gazes.

"That was great!" Lily exclaimed, her voice filled with pride. "Can you teach me how he made those statues move?"

Peter approached his daughter, a smile gracing his lips. He ruffled her hair affectionately, a surge of fatherly love filling his heart. "Sure, it's actually a pretty simple spell. Though you'll have to get through the basics first."

Lily nodded, determination shining in her eyes. "I'll do my best!"

"I'm sure you will, but first…" Peter smiled before turning back to Wong, who was wiggling against his restraints like a worm, hoping to somehow break free.

Peter dragged the bound Sorcerer Supreme, defeated and restrained, down to the Undercroft. The air grew colder, and the atmosphere in the dimly lit space was heavy with tension. Doctor Strange was confined in a cell, his powers neutralized by Peters spell, his cape hovering around him, it's cloth slumped over in boredom. As they approached, Strange's eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of his friend being dragged in.

"Wong? What happened?" Strange's voice was laced with concern and surprise.

Peter smirked, finding amusement in the unexpected reunion. "Surprised to see your friend here, are you? Well, I had to borrow some stuff from the Sanctum for a spell and Wong here found me. So, it looks like you'll have a neighbor for the time being."

Wong shot Peter a disapproving glare, his restrained form struggling against the bindings. "This is a grave mistake you're making. Release us immediately!"

Peter chuckled, his eyes glinting mischievously. He unlocked the restraints on Wong before tossing him in the cell beside Strange, allowing him some form of freedom. "Sorry, but I can't let you guys out just yet. You and Strange would just get in the way."

Strange, still reeling from the shock of seeing Wong captured, attempted to reason with Peter. "Peter, surely we can come to an agreement. I can help you. We should work together."

Peter raised an eyebrow, clearly suspicious of Strange's sudden bout of helpfulness. But then he shook his head, a smirk playing in his lips. "Sorry, but I have a date with Tony Stark."

"Stark?! The same Stark from this universe?" He exclaimed, realizing that his failed spell was worsening as Peter nodded his head. "This… This isn't good! We need to send him back immediately! You need to let me out NOW!"

Thoughts of Thanos returning filled Strange's mind, sending him into a panic, which was totally justified. After all, the murderous purple dinosaur was extremely hard to get rid of in the first place.

Peter shook his head. "Yeah, that's not happening. I'll deal with it."

As Strange's hopes for freedom began to fade, Peter turned his back to the trapped sorcerers. "I'll see you guys later." He waved nonchalantly, the gesture dismissive.

With those parting words, Peter strode away, leaving Strange and Wong behind in the dimly lit Undercroft. The sound of the door leading to the Undercroft closing echoed through the chamber, sealing their fate for the time being.

A/N: 1726 words :)

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