I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 414: Vs Kingpin & Goons

Chapter 414: Vs Kingpin & Goons

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As the tension in the air reached its peak, everyone split off into teams, picking an opponent at random, except for Natasha, who stayed behind to protect the weaker portion of the group.

Tom, clad in his Spider-Man suit, and Tony, encased in his armor, stood side by side, facing Tombstone, his imposing frame was a stark contrast to their slender and agile forms, but they remained undeterred.

Tombstone cracked his knuckles, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "I hope you two are ready for a beating. I've taken down plenty of wannabe heroes in my time, and you'll be no different."

Tom's eyes narrowed, his Spider-Sense tingling as he prepared for the fight. "We'll see about that," he retorted confidently, his muscles tensing in anticipation as he turned to Tony. "Let's show him what we're made of."

Tony smirked under his helmet. "Oh, I've been itching for a fight ever since I got back."

With a burst of energy, Tony shot forward, flying at incredible speed toward Tombstone. The air crackled with the force of his repulsor rays as he unleashed a barrage of energy blasts. Tombstone, however, proved to be surprisingly agile for his size, effortlessly dodging the attacks and lunging forward to deliver a powerful punch.

Iron Man managed to evade the strike, but it was clear that Tombstone's strength was no joke. The sheer force behind his blows sent shockwaves through the ground, causing the surrounding area to shake.

Meanwhile, Tom relied on his enhanced reflexes and acrobatic skills to dart around Tombstone, striking him with precision blows whenever an opening presented itself. His agility allowed him to evade the brute's heavy attacks, but he knew that he couldn't rely on evasion alone.

Analyzing the situation, Tom looked for an opportunity to exploit Tombstone's weaknesses. He noticed that while the villain was strong and durable, his speed was not as impressive. With this realization, Tom came up with a plan.

"Hey, I've got an idea!" Tom called out to Tony, whilst keeping his distance from Tombstone.

"What is it?" Tony replied, keeping his eyes on the pale brute.

"Keep him distracted with your ranged attacks. I'll go for his legs," Tom said, his mind racing with the strategy.

Without hesitation, Iron Man unleashed another volley of repulsor blasts, drawing Tombstone's attention toward him. As the he focused on Tony, Tom sprang into action. He used his web-shooters to create webs beneath Tombstone's feet, entangling his legs and restricting his movements.

Tombstone roared in frustration, trying to break free from the sticky trap, but Tom continued to shoot more webs, securing him in place.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Nice work, kid!" Tony called out, impressed by Tom's quick thinking.

With Tombstone temporarily immobilized, Iron Man swooped in, his gauntlets charged with energy. He unleashed a powerful beam of energy directly at the brute's chest, sending him crashing backward into a nearby building.

The impact created a cloud of dust and debris, obscuring their view for a moment. But as the dust settled, they saw Tombstone lying on the ground, knocked out and defeated.

Tom landed gracefully beside Tony, feeling the rush of victory. "That was easier than I expected," he remarked, almost surprised.

Tony chuckled. "Well, it was two against one. And we make a pretty good team. But let's not get too cocky. Leave that to me." He smirked as the walked over and restrained their opponent.


As Tom and Tony began their fight with Tombstone, the confrontation between Kingpin and the team of Andrew and War Machine was just getting started as well.

The towering figure of Wilson Fisk, also known as Kingpin, exuded an intimidating aura. His immense size and strength made him a formidable opponent, and he seemed entirely unfazed by the presence of his two opponents.

Andrew took a deep breath, preparing for a the battle to come. He didn't know anything about his opponent, so he wasn't sure whether taking on someone like Kingpin would be an easy task or not, but he wouldn't back down either way.

War Machine, clad in his powerful suit of armor, stood confidently beside Andrew. "Damn, how tall do you think this guy is?," he asked curiously. "Because he can't be less than 9 feet tall. And that's a conservative guess…"

Andrew nodded, also in astonishment by Kingpins size. "I'm more shocked by how wide he is…"

Unwilling to listen any longer, Kingpin lunged forward, closing the distance between him and the two heroes with astonishing speed for someone of his size. He swung his massive fist at Andrew, who managed to dodge just in time, the rush of wind from the punch sending a shiver down his spine.

War Machine unleashed a barrage of repulsor blasts from his gauntlets, trying to keep Kingpin at bay. The powerful energy beams struck the crime lord's thick hide, but he barely flinched, his dark eyes locking onto his targets.

Andrew used his agility to move around Kingpin, evading his punches and strikes with impressive skill. He delivered quick, precise blows to Kingpin's midsection and legs, trying to find weak points in his defenses.

However, Kingpin's durability was astounding. Each punch from Andrew seemed to have little effect on the massive crime lord. Kingpin retaliated with a powerful spartan kick that sent Andrew flying back, crashing into a nearby car.

War Machine, witnessing the exchange, quickly adjusted his strategy. He unleashed a barrage of missiles from his shoulders, aiming to disorient Kingpin and create an opening for Andrew to regroup.

The missiles exploded around Kingpin, causing plumes of smoke and debris to fill the air. In the midst of the chaos, Andrew took the opportunity to recover and assess the situation.

Kingpin emerged from the smoke, his suit burning and covered in soot, but his resolve unshaken. "Is that all you've got?" he taunted, his deep voice resonating with arrogance.

Andrew gritted his teeth, refusing to be discouraged. He knew that taking on Kingpin head-on would be futile. He needed a different approach.

With a quick burst of webbing, Andrew swung to a distance, surveying the battlefield with a thoughtful look on his face.

While Andrew was thinking of a plan, War Machine engaging Kingpin once again, firing his repulsor blasts with increased intensity. He strafed around the crime lord, trying to stay agile and avoid his crushing blows.

Meanwhile, Andrew quickly formulated a plan. He needed to take advantage of Kingpin's size and use his momentum against him. With a determined look in his eyes, Andrew swung back into the fray.

War Machine moved away just in time as Andrew shot a web-line at Kingpin's arm, yanking it backward. The sudden force caused Kingpin to stumble, momentarily losing his balance.

Andrew seized the opportunity, springing forward and delivering a fully powered kick to Kingpin's torso, hoping to send the behemoth flying.

Kingpin roared in pain as he stumble back a few steps, but his resolve remained unwavering. He retaliated with a powerful backhand, sending Andrew tumbling across the ground.

War Machine rushed to Andrew's aid, unleashing a barrage of missiles at Kingpin to draw his attention away from the fallen hero. The explosive display created a momentary distraction, allowing Andrew to catch his breath.

But Kingpin proved to be relentless. He pushed through the smoke and debris, his eyes locked onto Andrew and Rhodes. With a fierce determination, he charged forward, his footsteps creating tremors in the ground.

Andrew knew they had to end this quickly. He couldn't let Kingpin get the upper hand again. With newfound resolve, Andrew shot a line of web at War Machine's back.

"Quick! Give me a boost!" Andrew called out.

War Machine understood the plan and activated his repulsor thrusters, soaring toward Kingpin at full speed, whilst dragging Andrew behind him.

Kingpin saw Rhodes coming from a mile away, but his eyes widened when instead of crashing into him, as he expected, War Machine pulled up and veered off course, revealing Andrew torpedoing in his direction.

Andrew unleashed a powerful punch, imbued with the combined force of his Spider-Strength and War Machine's propulsion. The punch connected with Kingpin's jaw, sending shockwaves through the crime lord's massive frame.

For a moment, Kingpin staggered, his eyes wide with surprise. Andrew used this moment to his advantage, delivering a swift series of blows to Kingpin's head, trying to put the giant to sleep.

Finally, with one last powerful hit to the forehead, Andrew sent Kingpin crashing to the ground, his colossal figure causing the earth to tremble upon impact.

War Machine landed beside Andrew, both of them catching their breath after the intense battle. "Nice work," War Machine said, giving Andrew a nod of approval.

Andrew smiled, feeling a mix of relief and satisfaction. "Thanks. You too."


As Andrew and Rhodes battled the giant Kingpin, Tobey and Otto Octavius faced off against their formidable opponent, Olivia Octavius.

Olivia stood confidently, her tentacles swaying ominously behind her as she grinned at her newfound test subjects. "Well, let's get this show on the road. I'd like to get your bodies in my lab by the end of the day…" she purred, her voice laced with both arrogance and excitement.

Tobey kept his emotions in check, his experience as Spider-Man guiding his actions. He knew that facing Olivia would be no easy feat, especially given her twisted and ruthless nature. "If you give yourself up, we can help you," he replied calmly as he gestures to the man beside him. "Especially if you have the same problem as Otto."

Otto, on the other hand, could not hide his astonishment at seeing Olivia. He examined her with both fascination and concern. "It's remarkable," he mused, "the differences and similarities in our lives, all leading to this moment."

Olivia scoffed. "Spare me the philosophical musings. I'm not interested in your petty reflections. I'm here for one thing only." Her tentacles thrashed in excitement, almost like a predator sensing its prey. "Now, try not to get too hurt. I'd hate to ruin a perfectly good cadaver."

Tobey and Otto exchanged a quick glance, silently communicating their strategy. They knew that facing Olivia together was their best chance at success.

Without further delay, Olivia lunged forward, her tentacles striking with deadly precision. Tobey's Spider-Sense tingled, allowing him to dodge her attacks with remarkable agility.

Meanwhile, Otto utilized his mechanical prowess, devising a plan to neutralize Olivia's tentacles. He struck out with his metallic tentacles, quickly maneuvering around her green tentacles, hoping to entangle them.

(A/N: Every time I write the word tentacle, I think of hentai… Is my mind corrupted or is it normal?)

Olivia hissed in frustration, but her intellect was just as formidable as her physical prowess. She manipulated the tentacles, swiftly breaking free from Otto's hold and countering Tobey's attacks.

Tobey and Olivia engaged in a fast-paced battle of agility and strategy. He used his experience and knowledge of his powers to outmaneuver Olivia's tentacles, dodging, and weaving through her attacks with skillful precision.

However, Olivia was relentless. She adapted to Tobey's movements, anticipating his next steps. Her tentacles struck with blinding speed, forcing Tobey to remain on the defensive.

Tobey could feel the weight of the battle, the pressure mounting as Olivia's attacks seemed never-ending. He knew he couldn't keep up this defensive stance forever, and they needed a way to turn the tide of the fight.

Seeing Tobey's struggle, Otto realized that they needed to combine their efforts more effectively. "Tobey, distract her! I have a plan," Otto called out, his mind working quickly to devise a strategy.

Tobey nodded and engaged Olivia head-on, using his agility to keep her occupied and dodging her tentacles as best as he could. He knew he needed to create an opening for Otto to execute his plan.

Meanwhile, Otto's mechanical tentacles whirred and shifted as he analyzed Olivia's movements. He spotted a pattern in her attacks, a brief moment when she was momentarily off balance after striking with a single tentacle.

Seizing the opportunity, Otto took action. He swiftly joined the battle once again and maneuvered one of his tentacles to grab Olivia's outstretched tentacle mid-swing, effectively restraining it. Olivia growled in frustration, trying to break free, but Otto's hold was unyielding.

With a tentacle immobilized, Olivia was momentarily vulnerable. Tobey, seeing the chance, delivered a powerful kick to her midsection, forcing her back and causing her tentacles to flop to the floor.

Acting quickly, Otto struck out, pinning all four of his tentacles against Olivia's, completely restrained by her male counterparts mechanical appendages. She struggled against the grip, but it was clear that she couldn't break free easily.

Tobey didn't waste a second. He swiftly swung his webs into action, firing a volley of webbing to wrap around Olivia's torso and arms, further restraining her movements.

Tobey sighed in relief, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. "Good job, Doc," he said, extending his hand to shake Otto's. "We'll make a hero out of you yet."

Otto accepted the gesture, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "The same goes for you. I couldn't have done it without your assistance."

As each separate battle came to an end, with each villain restrained and captured, the group suddenly heard a familiar voice calling out to them.

"Yo, did we miss anything exciting?"

They turned to see another Peter, stepping out a portal, alongside his cute daughter Lily, who was holding Venom in her arms like a soft, plushie doll.

A/N: 2270 words :) Long boy today

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