I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 418: Farewells & Cheating Death (1)

Chapter 418: Farewells & Cheating Death (1)

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of now, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Monkeyaking!🏆 (A/N: The multi-posting Demon King Strikes again…😒👑)

The Avengers Tower fell into a stunned silence as Lily and Venom combined, their forms intertwining. The swirling mass of the symbiote wrapped around Lily, covering her entire body.

As the transformation completed, Lily's Spider-Girl suit took on a sleek black appearance, with sharp, spider-like symbols crawling across its surface. Lily's mask became Venom's face, his vicious teeth and malicious eyes now on full display.

"Whoa…" Tom whispered, taken aback by the sight before him.

Everyone, besides Tobey, stared in awe at the transformation, having never seen anything quite like it in their universes. Tony was especially interested, his inquisitive, scientific eyes glued to alien Symbiote.

Peter, on the other hand, was overwhelmed with worry. His heart raced, and a thousand thoughts raced through his mind as he watched his daughter bound with a being as dangerous as Venom. He knew that Venom was harmless now, but he couldn't help but worry. It's what parents do.

"Lily!" he called out, his voice tinged with concern.

But before he could say anything more, Lily's mask moved and Venom spoke. "Don't worry, I would never harm Lily. She offered herself willingly, and I'll protect her as my host."

As Venom finished, Lily's mask retracted, revealing her unblemished face. "Dad, it's okay! Venom and I are friends, so please don't make us separate… I'll take good care of him! I swear!"

She spoke as if he were a pet, which did little to quell Peter's worry, but he let out a sigh and decided to trust his daughter. He took a deep breath. "Alright, Lily… but please, be careful," he said, his voice softening with concern.

Lily nodded, her voice filled with excitement. "Don't worry, Dad. I'll be fine! And Venom and I will be right here if you ever need us."

Peter managed a weak smile, still grappling with the strange mixture of emotions inside him. "Alright… I'll trust you. But once we're back home, we're talking about this with your mom."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lily nodded in agreement, happy that her father was willing to at least consider the idea of her being Venom's host.

As the room settled into a tense silence, Lily brows furrowed, realizing that she can telepathically speak to Venom. And after a moment of talking, the symbiote retreated back into Lily's body, disappearing completely. And thankfully, Lily looked the same as before, dressed in her Spider-Girl attire.

A few people in the room couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at Lily's symbiotic pet, mostly the villains, but they wouldn't say a word.

MJ gave Lily a smile and said, "You looked really cool, Lily."

Lily grinned, genuinely excited. "Thanks! I'm going to show my mom when I get home."

Tobey's eyes narrowed, looking at the familiar sight before him. "Just be careful, alright?" He was once Venoms host and it didn't end well.

Peter nodded. "Don't worry, I'll be watching carefully." Although it's not very likely that Venom will cause Lily trouble, he still has to be cautious. 'I should stock up on chocolate when I get back…' After all, he didn't want Venom eating people, especially now that Lily is his host.

With everyone's concerns voiced and Lily's excitement palpable, Peter knew it was time to proceed with the next part of the plan. He checked out the window and noted that the cracks on the sky were getting worse. It was time.

'Any longer and I'll have to make everyone forget about Tom…' Peter frowned, unwilling to let that happen.

He placed the cube that he had stolen from Doctor Strange onto a nearby table and turned back to face the group. "Alright, everyone," he said somberly. "It's time for goodbyes."

One by one, the members of the group said their farewells. The atmosphere in the room grew heavy with emotion as some hugged and exchanged heartfelt words. The cured villains who had now become allies, the alternate Spider-Men, and Lily with Venom all said their goodbyes with a sense of camaraderie and appreciation for the time they had spent together.

Finally, it was time for Peter to activate the cube and send everyone back to their respective universes and timelines. With a deep breath, he pressed the button at the top of the cube, activating Doctor Strange's spell. A surge of energy filled the room as the spell took effect and expanded, covering the city, and eventually encompassing the whole world.

One by one, the members of the group vanished in flashes of light, disappearing from the Avengers Tower and returning to their own realities.

Watching everyone disappear, Peter turned to Tom and gave him a wave, his body glowing in the process. "I'll see you soon, so don't slack on your training, okay?"

"Sure thing, sensei…" Tom answered, a sad tilt to his voice.

Just as he was about to disappear, Peter motioned toward MJ. "Oh, and be sure to use the knowledge we gave you that night." He said wiggling his eyes brows as he disappeared, leaving behind a few final words. "Lose that virginity of yours before college…"

"D-Don't say things like that!" Tom exclaimed in embarrassment, whilst MJ blushed and looked away, avoiding his eyes. "Wait! Don't listen to him..."



Soon enough, the room was left with only Tom, MJ, May, and Ned standing together, surrounded by the echoes of their friends' departures. On the floor, Natasha and Tony's original bodies remained, waiting for their astral forms to return. Outside, the invisible cracks that threatened to break open universe itself slowly mended, disappearing completely after a few minutes.

The silence that followed was heavy with the weight of their absence. MJ wiped away a tear and looked at the empty space where the others had been just moments before. "I'm going to miss them," she said, her voice choked with emotion.

May nodded, her eyes misty as well. "Me too…"

Ned sighed, feeling a sense of loss. "It was like we had this whole superhero team going on… and now they're all gone."

Tom put his arm around MJ, offering her comfort. "Yeah, but we'll always have the memories, and who knows? Maybe we'll see them again someday." He says as he pulls out his new phone. "Besides, we can message them anytime."

May smiled at her nephew, remembering the Spider-Verse Chat. "You're right."

Ned nodded, eyeing the phone curiously. "Maybe you should ask if they got back alright?"

Tom agreed and opened the app. "Okay, one second."

Tom: Uhh… hey 👋…


After disappearing from the tower, Natasha Romanoff found herself back in her own timeline, standing on the desolate planet of Vormir. Confused and disoriented, she looked around, trying to make sense of the situation. She had just said her goodbyes to her newfound friends and was ready to crash into the ground and die, but the spell seemed to have taken her back a few minutes earlier than expected.

Annoyed, she realized that she was once again faced with the heart-wrenching choice she had made before. She had to fight Clint Barton, her dear friend and ally, to sacrifice herself and obtain the Soul Stone. Natasha sighed, frustrated with the annoying turn of events. She had already made peace with her decision, and now she had to go through it all over again.

"Seriously?" Natasha muttered under her breath. "I thought I was done with this part."

Hawkeye approached her, his eyes filled with pain and determination. "Nat, we can't do this. Let me go. It has to be me."

Natasha shook her head, her resolve just as firm as before. "Clint, we both know it has to be me. You have a family, a chance to get them back. I don't. This is the only way."

They both knew there was no changing the outcome. The two friends had been through too much together, and now they found themselves in this cruel and agonizing predicament. They fought fiercely, each trying to save the other, but they both knew there was only one way this could end.

'I doubt he'll believe me if I said I won't really die…' She thought, knowing Peter's spell would save her.

Natasha grunted as she blocked Clint's attacks, her mind racing with frustration. She didn't want to do this all over again. She had already accepted her fate once, and now she had to face it twice.

But she had a duty to fulfill, a sacrifice to make. She couldn't let Clint anywhere near the cliff side, especially now that she knows she'll survive. With renewed determination, Natasha gathered her strength and pushed herself harder in the fight.

Clint, too, fought with all his might, knowing that he had to do this for Natasha, the woman he considered his sister. They exchanged blows, each strike a testament to their friendship and the love they held for one another.

"I'm sorry, Clint," Natasha said between breaths. "But I'll be fine, so don't worry."

Clint's eyes filled with tears as he replied, "And I'm sorry too, Nat, but I can't let you."

The battle reached its climax, and Natasha found herself at the edge of the cliff, looking back at Clint, who laid on the ground, beaten and defeated. The battle was decided yet again.

Natasha hesitated for a moment, a small smile gracing her lips. "I love you, Clint," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "And I'll see you soon…"

Clint's heart broke, and tears streamed down his face. "I love you too..."

With one final look, Natasha jumped off the cliff for the second time, trusting that Peter's spell would do its work.

As she fell, Natasha's mind flashed with the memories of her life as an Avenger. She smiled through her tears, grateful for the bonds she had formed and the love she had experienced.

'If the spell fails, then this isn't such a bad way to go out…' She thought.

In that moment, Natasha felt a sense of peace. She had found a family in her friends, and that love would live on in her heart, even in death.

And as the famous Black Widow's life came to an end with a sickening splat, her body remained unmoving at the bottom of the cliff.



But moments later, a faint wisp of light could be seen, shooting out of her body and disappearing over the horizon.

A/N: 1731 words :)



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