I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 430: Farmhouse Battle

Chapter 430: Farmhouse Battle

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A couple hours later, everyone assembled in Peter's office, ready for their mission to confront Natasha's mother. Natasha donned her tactical suit, and even gave a spare to her sister alongside some weaponry as well. Alexei was offered a spare Captain America suit, but…

"Are you f*cking with me?!" He exclaimed in disgust as he spit on the floor. "I would rather die than wear that American scum's colors!" And since he refused, Peter just shrugged it off and left him to his adidas sweat suit.

When it was time to go, Silk (MJ) and Black Noir (Ned) stood beside Peter, their faces hidden as they embraced their roles as superheroes. Peter promised them an Avengers mission, so now was the time to deliver. Waving his hand, Peter summoner a shimmering portal.

"Let's go," Peter said, stepping through the portal, followed by a very excited Ned Leeds, and the rest of the group followed shortly after.

As they emerged on the other side, they found themselves in the front yard of a quaint Russian farmhouse. Standing by the front door, a portly pig caught their attention as it bumped into the door, inadvertently opening it for them.

"Guess that's our invitation," Natasha remarked, eyeing the peculiar scene before them.

Once inside, they found Melina sitting at the kitchen table, her expression impatient. "Took you long enough. Poor Alexei has been waiting outside for hours in the cold," she chided them.

Alexei couldn't help but glance at the pig with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. "You named the pig after me?" he asked incredulously.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ignoring her husband completely, Melina waved over the group. "Come and join me for dinner. I didn't expect so many of you to show up, but I think I made enough…"

As they reluctantly took their seats, Peter's heightened senses picked up on a strange number of presences around the farm. 'hidden soldiers, probably under Dreykov's control, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.' He thought.

Without even looking at the food, Natasha began questioning her mother. "We came to ask if you know where General Dreykov might be?"

"Why do you want to know?" Melons asks back, guarded.

Natasha frowned in annoyance. "Because he…"



After a quick explanation of what Dreykov did to Alexei and Yelena, Natasha turned an expectant eye to her mother. "Basically, he locked up your husband and enslaved your daughter. Now, where is he?"

Melina went silent for a moment before finally speaking. "Let me tell you what really happened during that family mission years ago," She paused for a moment, as if trying to find a way to speak. "It wasn't just about stealing weapons technology from Shield or Hydra. It was about stealing the key to controlling the mind… We inadvertently gave Dreykov the means to subjugate anyone he pleases."

Natasha's eyes widened in shock, "What do you mean?"

Melina took a deep breath, the weight of her past decisions evident in her gaze. "I was more than just a Widow, Natasha. I had a scientific background that Dreykov found valuable. He wanted Hydras mind control technology, and I was tasked with verifying it for him."

Yelena's expression turned from curiosity to anger. "So, you willingly helped him?"

Melina's eyes filled with regret, "I had no choice. I was a Widow and a Widow completes her mission, no matter what. I couldn't refuse..."

Amidst their conversation, Peter noticed something peculiar. First, Melina seemed to be fighting to speak, as if she could barely get the words out. 'Is she veering off of Dreykov's instructions?' He wondered.

And secondly, Melina was tapping on the kitchen table constantly. She seemed to be keeping a certain rhythm to it as well, which was odd. 'What is she doing?'

After a moment of thought, Peter began deciphering it as Morse Code, and soon realized that she was desperately trying to warn them not to eat the food. "Don't eat food," she repeated, her message over and over again.

But thankfully, no one here was dumb enough to eat or drink anything. Well, except for one person.

Like a starved beast, Alexei dug into his dinner as soon as he sat down, savoring the flavors without a care in the world. Meanwhile, the others remained captivated by Melina's revelations, unaware of the danger they were in.

Seconds after Peter realized this, Alexei fell face-first onto his dinner plate, snoring loudly.

"He's out like a light," Peter remarked, trying not to laugh.

Natasha's eyes narrowed, suspicion growing as she glanced at her mother. "So you are working for Dreykov…"

Melina was forced to smile. "No, I would never, my dear. Now, let's get back to dinner. After all, you don't want to hunt down Dreykov on an empty stomach..." As she spoke, Melina's hand slowly grabbed the knife beside her plate and swiftly stabbed herself in the leg. "Ugh! Don't eat! Soldiers nearby!" She yelled as the pain freed her trapped mind for a single second.

And when that second came to an end, as if she didn't just stab herself, Melina smiled and continued eating. "Mmm, this chicken is so good…" She said, her voice almost haunting.

Everyone watched in shock, especially Ned and MJ, who haven't dealt with something remotely like this before. They're mainly used to stopping normal crimes in New York City. The oddest thing they've ever seen couldn't measure up to this.

"Okay, I think this has gone on long enough." Peter says as he stood from his seat and pulled a small spray canister from his suit. "Hello, Miss whatever the hell your Russian last name is. Please look this way." And when she turned her head, Peter sprayed her in the face, engulfing her in a cloud of antidote.

With the cloud of red dust enveloping Melina's face, her eyes widened in shock as if she was waking up from a nightmare. The effects of Dreykov's mind control started to fade, and a glimmer of recognition returned to her eyes. Peter swiftly pulled the knife from her leg, and used a quick spell to heal the wound.

"Melina, can you hear me?," he asked gently, his hand on her shoulder for reassurance.

Melina blinked, trying to grasp her surroundings. "What's happening?" she asked, her voice shaky and confused.

"We'll explain later, but first, where is Dreykov?" Natasha asked, p*ssed off that even her mother was under his control.

"I…I…" Melina seemed to be in a daze, unable to respond for the moment.

Peter turned to Alexei, casting another spell to remove the drugs that had put him to sleep. The big man groaned and rubbed his head, slowly regaining consciousness. "Wha... What happened? Did I drink too much Vodka?" he mumbled, looking around in confusion.

"No time to explain, Alexei. Get ready to fight," Peter said, his senses alerting him to an approaching threat.

Even Silk could feel the soldiers closing in, and she immediately warned the group, "Guys, we've got company. A lot of them."

"Time to show them what we're made of," Ned said, excitement evident in his voice as he practically bounced in excitement.

Moments later, the farmhouse was lit up by assault rifles, tearing countless tiny holes in the walls as a hail of bullets turned the place into Swiss cheese.

Acting quickly, Peter summoner a golden translucent dome around the kitchen table, stopping every bullet that came their way. In a matter of seconds the small house turned into a battlefield as the Avengers faced off against the soldiers outside. Natasha and Yelena moved with precision and grace, finding cover and pulling their pistols before returning fire, taking down the soldiers with deadly precision.

Alexei, now fully awake and fueled by anger, displayed his formidable strength, rushed out of the house and overpowering his opponents with each strike. He would pick up soldier after soldier, using them as shields to avoid the rifle fire, only dropping them when they became too mangled to be a proper shield anymore.

Silk leaped through the air, dodging bullets with ease, taking out the soldiers from a distance with a few well shot webs. Black Noir rushed to cover and began throwing household objects at the soldier. Thankfully, his super strength could turn even the most fragile figurine into a conclusive projectile.

Peter left the dazed Melina in the golden dome and danced along the battlefield with agility and finesse, using his webs and hand-to-hand combat skills to subdue the enemies with ease. After all, these were only normal soldiers, so he wasn't worried one bit. Everyone, including the enemy, watched in awe and fear as Peter swept through dozens of soldiers at a time, dismantling them as if they were made of cardboard.

Soon enough, Melina awoke, free from Dreykov's control. Without a second thought, she rushed to fight alongside her daughters, determined to make amends for her past actions. Her combat skills, honed from years of training.

The battle raged on, the clash of metal and the sound of gunfire filling the air. Despite their outnumbered situation, the Avengers swept through hundreds of soldiers with relative ease.

As the dust settled and the last soldier fell, surrounding the once-quaint farmhouse with blood and bodies, the Avengers stood victorious. They gathered in the farmhouse, catching their breath, especially Ned who's never seen so many dead bodies before.

"I think I'm gonna puke…" Ned rushed to the kitchen sink and instantly emptied his stomach.

Natasha looked at her mother with a mixture of emotions. "Thank you for helping us," she said, her mind finally at ease. Thankfully, either of her parents were the traitors that she thought they were.

Melina smiled weakly, "I'm sorry for everything, Natasha. I never wanted any of this to happen." She said, feeling responsible for everything.

"Well, you can make it right." Peter said as he took a seat amongst the wreckage. "Where's Dreykov?"

A/N: 1700 words :) the next chapter will end the Red Room arc

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