I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 450: Ruined Confession

Chapter 450: Ruined Confession

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Back in the opulent halls of Asgard, a lavish feast was underway, where the royal family was gathered in joyful celebration. Odin sat beside Frigga, a warm smile on his face as he conversed with his queen. Across the table, Thor was engrossed in a lively conversation with Jane, their laughter ringing out amidst the festivities. It was a rare moment of unity and happiness, a family bound by both blood and love.

As the night went on, news of Odin's awakening from his Odin Sleep spread like wildfire through the imperial city of Asgard. The word spread quickly, from the elite to the common folk, as everyone felt a renewed sense of security and hope with the Allfather's return. The streets were alive with merriment and celebration, the grandeur of the occasion echoing through the hearts of the Asgardian people.

Amidst the jubilation, Odin suddenly paused, his hand clenching against his temple as a surge of pain washed over him. "Ugh…"

Frigga, ever vigilant, noticed his distress immediately. "Odin, what's wrong?" Her voice was tinged with concern, her gaze fixed on her husband.

Thor, who was engrossed in a lively debate with Jane about the nuances of Earthly cuisine, snapped his attention to his father. The prince's brows furrowed in worry. "Father, what's happening?"

With a grimace, Odin shook his head, the pain beginning to subside. 'It can't be…' And without a word, he pushed away from the table and rose to his feet, his expression growing more serious by the second. "Heimdall! Prepare the Bifrost!" He exclaimed, his worry and fear beginning to show.

But Heimdall, the guardian of the Bifrost, was not present in the hall. He heard Odin's voice even from afar, having all sight and all sound, and instantly set the bridge in motion.

Frigga, her concern deepening, rose as well and followed her husband, her eyes filled with worry. "Odin, what's wrong? Why are you so alarmed?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Thor stood up, his concern evident as he watched his father's urgency. "Father, please, tell us what's happening!"

As they entered the Rainbow Bridge, the shimmering pathway that led to the Bifrost, Odin turned his head toward his family, his expression one of deep concern. "Something has happened. I felt a disturbance... something that should not have been possible."

Without waiting for a single second, Odin's voice thundered across the bridge. "Heimdall! Send me to Hel!"

Frigga's heart skipped a beat as realization dawned on her. "You mean..."

The Bifrost fired up in response to Odin's command, the swirling colors enveloping them. Thor exchanged a bewildered glance with Jane, his confusion mirrored in her eyes. But their curiosity was too strong, and they couldn't stand back and let Odin go without them.

As they materialized in the desolate realm of Hel, cold and dark with an eerie mist that hung in the air, Odin's face turned grim. Thor was taken aback, never having seen his father so fearful before. "Father, what's happening? Why did you bring us here?"

Frigga's eyes glistened with a mixture of fear and dread, her voice soft but tremulous. "Did… did she escape?"

Odin's gaze swept over the shadowy landscape, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "She's gone."

Thor's eyes widened in shock, his voice shaking with disbelief. "Gone? Who? Who has escaped?"

Frigga's expression turned grave as she whispered the name, her voice barely audible amidst the eerie silence of the realm. "Hela."

Thor's brows furrowed, confusion and concern warring within him. "Hela? Who's Hela? Mother, what is he talking about?"

But Odin's focus remained on the darkness around them, a sense of foreboding settling over them all. "She's your sister… my firstborn." His voice was heavy with regret, the weight of past mistakes evident in his words. But most of all, he looked fearful for what was to come now that she was free.

"…" Thors mouth dropped open in shock. "I have a sister?!"


Minutes before her families arrival…

Hela's escape from her prison was a triumph that came at great cost. She had expended every ounce of her power and even sacrificed a portion of her own lifespan to shatter the spell that had bound her. The dark magic had resisted her efforts, but her determination had proven stronger. The moment the last barrier shattered, she felt the aftershock of her success reverberate through her body, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

Realizing that Odin would soon be upon her, Hela knew she had to act swiftly. Using the last dregs of her power and a fragment of her already limited lifespan, she unleashed a spell that propelled her off the surface of the planet. Her form became a streak of darkness against the sky, hurtling through the atmosphere like a comet blazing with newfound freedom.

The strain of the spell was immense, and Hela's consciousness began to fade as she soared through the cosmos. Her body, battered from her escape, ached with each passing second. She fought against the encroaching darkness, her willpower keeping her conscious as she drifted through the void. But eventually, the toll proved too great, and she succumbed to unconsciousness, her body floating through space like a fallen star.

Time lost its meaning as Hela drifted through the stars. Hours turned to days, weeks, perhaps even months, though she had no way of knowing for sure. Eventually, her senses began to return to her, and she awoke with a start, her body aching and weak. As her eyes fluttered open, she found herself lying amidst unfamiliar surroundings.

Pushing herself into a sitting position, Hela took in her surroundings. She was atop a cliff that overlooked a vast expanse of land below. Strange alien vegetation and bizarre rock formations stretched out before her, and the sky above was unlike any she had seen before. Despite her weakened state, a spark of curiosity ignited within her. She was free, and the universe lay open before her.

As she tried to stand, her legs wobbled unsteadily, and she stumbled, nearly losing her balance. Hela gritted her teeth against the pain that radiated through her body. Even her connection to death, the very essence of her being, felt damaged and unstable. This weakened state was far from ideal, but she reminded herself that she had triumphed against insurmountable odds before.

Hela's gaze swept across the landscape, taking in the alien beauty of the world she had landed on. But her attention was soon drawn to a presence beside her, a ghastly figure with a red, skull-like face floating in the air. She recognized the being immediately, for he was a creature of death, much like herself.

[Insert picture of Red Skull here]

Unfazed by his appearance, Hela approached the figure with measured steps. Her weakened body did nothing to deter her confidence or determination. "And what brings you to this place, little soul?" she inquired, her voice steady and commanding.

The figure regarded her with empty eye sockets, his tone hollow and devoid of emotion. "I am a keeper of souls of sorts, as are you. How peculiar that our paths would converged here..."




In the heart of New York City, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Loki stood atop the Avengers Tower. Dressed in casual attire that contrasted sharply with his past sets regal garb, he casually leaned against a nearby railing, though his stance hid the nervous anticipation that coursed through him. He had been on Earth for a while now, his powers stripped away by Odin's punishment, and he had come to appreciate the intricate nuances of the Midgardian way of life.

His eyes were fixed on Jessica Jones, a woman he had come to know over his time on Earth. There was an undeniable spark between them, a connection that transcended his mischievous antics and her gruff demeanor. Today, Loki had finally mustered the courage to take a step that felt monumental to him… he was going to ask her out on a date.

Clearing his throat in his usual snarky manner, Loki pushed himself off the railing and sauntered over, a nervous energy around him.

Jessica looked up at him, a confused look on her face. "Loki, why did you call me up here? Is something wrong? Did your powers return?"

Loki shook his head without a care for his powers. At least for the moment. "No, sadly not… I've come to inquire whether you would be interested in accompanying me on a little outing."

Jessica raised an eyebrow, her expression curious. "An outing? You mean like a date?" She blushed as soon as those words left her mouth.

Loki's smirked, though it didn't quite hide the hint of nerves that flickered in his gaze. "Precisely-"

Before Loki could finish or Jessica could reply, the night sky above them rumbled with the sound of thunder. Loki's head turned toward the source of the disturbance, his brow furrowing slightly. A ripple of unease swept through him, his usually composed demeanor faltering.

Jessica raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Afraid of a little thunder?"

Loki's lips curled into a wry smile, his gaze remaining fixed on the sky. "It's not the thunder that concerns me, my dear. It's what often comes after it."

As he spoke, a bolt of lightning crashed down before them, illuminating the night with blinding brilliance. In the midst of the lightning's glow stood a figure, shrouded in a swirling storm of energy. The air crackled with power, and as the brilliance faded, the figure was revealed to be none other than Thor, king of Asgard, his red cape billowing in the wind.

Jessica's gaze flickered between Loki and the newly arrived Asgardian, her tone tinged with amusement. "And I thought thunderstorms were dramatic enough without adding godly entrances to the mix."

Loki's expression had turned grim, his jaw tightening as he watched his brother approach. "Thor... this is a surprise."

Thor's eyes held a mix of concern and exasperation as he looked at his brother. "Loki, we need to talk."

A/N: 1678 words :)



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